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what's your favorite bench shirt?


Jul 7, 2009
I tried inzer, apex, karins, and katana.

I think the rages hurt my shoulders.
I like the phenoms but they stretch to fast.
Now I am using an apex and it's pretty cool but we'll see how it is in a month.
Overkill or Rage X with reinforced collar and scoop neck
titan katana for single ply
ragex for double ply
Inzer Denum super... love it.

But its smelly :cool:
I went from ~550 to 600+ in two months just by switching from Ragex to Overkill. Rudy is the shit, just make sure you get your measurements right!
I like the overkill too.

My apex is ok too.

I don't like the rages anymore. I think the cut contributed to my shoulder injuries.
Back in the 90s I wore an inzer single ply polyester...I started at 400 and went up to 450 in that shirt at 220...
Back in the 90s I wore an inzer single ply polyester...I started at 400 and went up to 450 in that shirt at 220...
I had one in the late 80s early 90s, I got it after reading about Ken Lain’s Big Bench in 10 weeks...being new to it and not having a strong bench I managed a whopping 315!!! Then I switched to Titan years later and wow, the shirts have changed over the years.
I had one in the late 80s early 90s, I got it after reading about Ken Lain’s Big Bench in 10 weeks...being new to it and not having a strong bench I managed a whopping 315!!! Then I switched to Titan years later and wow, the shirts have changed over the years.
Yes.....bench shirts have changed since this thread was started too.....over 10 years ago. :cool:
My favorite shirt to bench with is my 500lb Club shirt.
I had a custom made shirt from Karin who lived near columbus...double denim, partial open back...lots of louie's guys used her shirts...I could not get 500 anywhere near touching...I then cut out the inner liner of the chest plate...I smoked 470 in the gym...I went for 500 the next week and the shirt exploded about 3/4 on the descent...I think I paid about $250 for that shirt...that shirt was very easy to put on take off...
I had a custom made shirt from Karin who lived near columbus...double denim, partial open back...lots of louie's guys used her shirts...I could not get 500 anywhere near touching...I then cut out the inner liner of the chest plate...I smoked 470 in the gym...I went for 500 the next week and the shirt exploded about 3/4 on the descent...I think I paid about $250 for that shirt...that shirt was very easy to put on take off...
I remember her, Westside loved her. My favorite shirt was a Ginny denim. She also made my squat suit
Though not a bench shirt, the Ginny denim/canvas squat suit was a pain in the ass! I think it was a Ginny, anyways one of our members had one at Tampa Barbell, let’s just say on squat day we tried not to make eye contact because we knew we would have to assist in taking it off of him after we would finish. That thing was something else but he loved it and we hated helping him out of it!!
I had a denim shirt as well and had zero luck in it, maybe 425 was it in it... but never really knew how to use the denim...
Though not a bench shirt, the Ginny denim/canvas squat suit was a pain in the ass! I think it was a Ginny, anyways one of our members had one at Tampa Barbell, let’s just say on squat day we tried not to make eye contact because we knew we would have to assist in taking it off of him after we would finish. That thing was something else but he loved it and we hated helping him out of it!!
I had a denim shirt as well and had zero luck in it, maybe 425 was it in it... but never really knew how to use the denim...
You are correct sir, they were a bitch to get out of. We would use pliers to pull them off
I went to bench press seminar at blacks gym with bill crawford...again, I could not get 500 to touch no matter how much I tucked my elbows...he told me my arms were too long...I have a 19" stroke...I watched a guy get 200 pounds out of his shirt...
I went to bench press seminar at blacks gym with bill crawford...again, I could not get 500 to touch no matter how much I tucked my elbows...he told me my arms were too long...I have a 19" stroke...I watched a guy get 200 pounds out of his shirt...
Blacks gym, haven’t heard them mentioned in a minute. Louie had the upmost respect for them. Isn’t John a pastor now?

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