Ok I always do my shots in the glutes and I usually alternate left and right glutes during the week. However this is the first time I am using sus and eq in the same needle and the shit hurts. (well after the shot is given it hurts, like through out the day). I personally hate needles but I have no problem sticking my self for a good cause. Heres the thing though, I am not steady with my left hand on my left glute and this makes me move the needle when I am trying to keep it steady as I push the juice in. This shit hurts real bad, so I dont want to shoot their anymore unless its less than 2cc. I want to still use my right glute but need another place to alternate the other shot. I was thinking either quad or shoulder?? Any suggestions, I primarily want to shoot where I will do it the most safely, I can deal with the pain of a normal injection, just not when Im moving the needle around. Thanks ALL
PS. I have been warming up the juice while in its syringe before injection in warm water and that shit helps a million, so who ever suggested that on another post thanks