Just kidding, couldn't help it!! We had a neighbor come over last night trying to get us to buy a bunch of amway junk.
I go to the tannery here in town. BB.com I hate that place, it's like home depot you always go in looking to spend like $20 bucks and walk out spenting $250 bucks.
good luck. If you're shaved I reccomend professional spray tans. They look great and you can reduce the tone over time as you tan naturally. Just remember to be shaved!! Otherwise you end up with a nice orangish body hair tint all over. LOL
If a local supplement store doesn't have protan or jantana, you can also order them from their individual sites...www.protanusa.com, www.jantana.com as well as some other discount sites when doing a search on google
I know this sounds too easy, but my wife has been using Loreal self tanner(medium) and she looks great. I was really surprised at how even her tan is and the color is great. $9.50 at Walgreens. I use MT2 with good results. All I need is a few 5 minute sessions in a tanning bed and I get real tan.