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Who else is affected by severe Seasonal Depression


Jul 10, 2007
I haven't been on the board long so a quick intro. 35, been bodybuilding/powerlifting for 20 years. AAS usage use to be pretty high but mostly just HRT anymore, physically i am in the best shape of my life. Mentally however things are not so good. I have been treated for depression since i was 19, made the mistake so many make by going off my meds as soon as i felt better, off and on for years. I have been on Cymbalta for 2 years non-stop and for the most part it has toatlly alleviated my depression. However this time of year destroys me, i feel like the whole world is crashing in on me and can't eat, sleep , or think straight. It seems to be the worst from october through december. It also comes with a bonus helping of severe anxiety, i take klonipin but only in the case of a severe attack, 30 tabs often last me 4-6 months. This year is kicking my ass, had severe attack today, just fell apart, i don't even know what caused it, i live alone so it can be hard to find someone to talk to sometimes. I think being alone may be a big part of my issue, but who knows. Anyway just wanted to vent, i know others are dealing with this as well and trust me you are not alone.
I've just started learning about seasonal depression. I am beginning to think I also suffer from it. I'm going through hard times anyways but I have been totally isolated, no motivation or interests. I want to leave my girlfriend and I remembered i did the same thing last year this time. Then I thought back, I was with a girl for 5 years and I split up with her on more than one occasion roughly around this time frame. What the hell causes it???? I'm considering treatment.
Seasonal depression is very real.

I was on Zoloft for a while, then I came off. Turns out it's the darkness of old man winter the makes me go coo-koo. As soon as summer and the beautiful sun came around no more panick attacks or anxiety issues and such. The winter is almost here and so I'll get with my Dr about starting up again to help me get through. Then wheen off again for summer.

Best of luck to you my friend!
Yeah it sounds like it. It is strange its like you suddenly percieve everything as bad or falling apart. I have the same pattern in relationships, you start thinking everything is all screwed up and that no one really cares about you, it is very hard to explain it to your spouse or girlfriend unless they have suffered from it. This often causes them to think they are doing something wrong which of course snowballs the whole damn thing, just reinforcing your negative thought patterns....basically it sucks.

I've just started learning about seasonal depression. I am beginning to think I also suffer from it. I'm going through hard times anyways but I have been totally isolated, no motivation or interests. I want to leave my girlfriend and I remembered i did the same thing last year this time. Then I thought back, I was with a girl for 5 years and I split up with her on more than one occasion roughly around this time frame. What the hell causes it???? I'm considering treatment.
Something that works at giving you a little relief from the winter blues is getting yourself a nice size sun lamp.(not a tanning lamp) I am fortunate because it's just a little relief but it helps me. I have it in my computer room and a nice size reclining chair. I also bought a sound machine wich has many different ocean and wildlife sounds on it. I plug in my head set, turn the lamp on and let my mind and body relax. It is one of the cheapest forms of self medications you will ever buy.(totally drug free) LOL Sometimes when I wanna go out, I head over to a tanning salon.(no joke) they really do help people with seasonal depressions! But my first choice is my lamp and noise machine. I am trying to keep from going back to the meds. So hopefully this winter will be a easier one for me. Wich would be nice not to have to rely so much on the meds. Even though they do have their own place in the med world.

Best of health to you MorePain!
THANKS, i am definetly going to look into a full spectrum lamp to put over my desk. The tanning bed does work pretty well and i use to use it alot, but i have thousands in my tattoo work now so i don't like to do anything to speed up the fading process. Plus my family has a bad history with skin cancer. I appreciate the kind words, feeling a little better today, its sunny here, need to get out on the bike but of course its Monday so i am working.
Do you ever stand in front of the mirror naked and with a calculator in your hand and start totalling up?? bahahaha j/k A bike ride is always a head clearer my friend. But I have the need for speed and so I ride a super sport. (crotch rocket, rice burner, foreign country supporter, whatever) LOL Always came home feeling good after a good ride.
move to florida, more sun here than i can stand.

Take this guy seriously! When I lived "up north" I would go into a pretty bad depression after Labor Day that would last for months! Since moved to South Florida, never happened again!

I hear ya and i have been told that by my shrink. I may have to at some point this shit is getting old. Problem is i am the VP of a small company and i have another corporation of my own located here, but i may have to just cash out and try something new. The only thing is i am afraid the isolation of a new place might be tough on me as well...i am not the most social creature out there.

Take this guy seriously! When I lived "up north" I would go into a pretty bad depression after Labor Day that would last for months! Since moved to South Florida, never happened again!

I know what you mean bro. Just for a break from the dark, cold days.... instead of taking your vacations in the summer, take your vacations in the dead of winter and travel someplace sunny and warm for a week or two. The wife and I love Playa on the Mexican Caribe. Lots of pretty European women there too... at least its a break from the dreary winter days.
Yeah, that is definetely in my plans this year maybe just a week away to remind me the world is not coming to an end, LOL thanks to everyone its always nice to know you are not alone

I know what you mean bro. Just for a break from the dark, cold days.... instead of taking your vacations in the summer, take your vacations in the dead of winter and travel someplace sunny and warm for a week or two. The wife and I love Playa on the Mexican Caribe. Lots of pretty European women there too... at least its a break from the dreary winter days.
Seasonal Depression

I sometimes feel depressed in the winters in Colorado. It gets gloomey and cold so most of the time you're sitting inside stareing at a wall or a TV which causes you to constantly be evaluating the goods and bads in your life at the time. I did a study on how weather effects individuals and how geographical location does as well. I agree with everyone else that you need to be in the sun. We're just like plants bro, we need sunlight to survive. If you don't have that sun or warm environment you start getting depressed. I moved from California to Colorado about 12 years ago and for the longest time I couldn't figure out why I wasn't happy for about six months out of the year. It took recognizing the situation in order to be able to combat it. And as far as women go, they will always find a way to make you feel like you are nothing when things are bad. Don't let it get to you, it happens to all of us. I hope you feel better soon bro.
I hate to burst your bubble but I live in Florida, right by the water.....sun or no sun, its raining on my parade!
Everyone is different bro. I wish you best of luck.

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