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Who knows about lipo?


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Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
Im considering getting my lovehandle/lower back area done. Pls refrain from any gay ass "just work hard and do cardio comments" If thats case then the same should be said to anyone using any supplements at all. Its a lifestyle and a choice.

Anyway that region is the last to go on me and the most stubborn. I figured now would be a great time since these surgeons are starving in a bad economy for a cosmetic procedure that insurance doesnt cover. And im in Southern California where the competition is the biggest.

My ? is, what can i expect to pay for this? Ive heard there are diff types of lipo. tumescent,etc.. I dont wanna go cheap on something like this. Its not like risking going cheap for some var lol

and how long are you out before you can train again. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
I knew a guy at the gym who had it done... He spent about 5k and was out about 5 weeks...

I personally think that your money could be better spent on perhaps a trainer. Phil is helping me, and I am happy with the results. Figure $250 for a year of training or 5k for something that is temporary.... If your diet is causing your body to hold fat, it will come back once its sucked out.

Either way I wish you luck.
True but you just gotta weigh the pro's and cons. for me it takes near contest shape to get rid of that area. Not worth it since I dont compete anymore. And lipo is 10x safer than running more aas and stimulants,etc... to achieve goal.
Im considering getting my lovehandle/lower back area done. Pls refrain from any gay ass "just work hard and do cardio comments" If thats case then the same should be said to anyone using any supplements at all. Its a lifestyle and a choice.

Anyway that region is the last to go on me and the most stubborn. I figured now would be a great time since these surgeons are starving in a bad economy for a cosmetic procedure that insurance doesnt cover. And im in Southern California where the competition is the biggest.

My ? is, what can i expect to pay for this? Ive heard there are diff types of lipo. tumescent,etc.. I dont wanna go cheap on something like this. Its not like risking going cheap for some var lol

and how long are you out before you can train again. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

2K and 4 weeks, ton of guys in your area that should be qualified. Do some research.
True but you just gotta weigh the pro's and cons. for me it takes near contest shape to get rid of that area. Not worth it since I dont compete anymore. And lipo is 10x safer than running more aas and stimulants,etc... to achieve goal.

Im not sure lipo is 10x safer.... Keep in mind its surgery. The risk of any surgery is death. Im not saying aas or stimulants are safer or more dangerous than lipo, but Ive seen people on TV who have had terrible outcomes from the procedure.

What I would recommend is try using an experienced trainer for 8 weeks, if your not happy with the results then lipo could be the next option.

I understand the frustration of carying excess fat, but the positives should out wiegh the negatives... A solid diet helping you lose the fat, while building muscle and in the mean time helping with your overall health is an option which shouldnt be overlooked.
Im considering getting my lovehandle/lower back area done. Pls refrain from any gay ass "just work hard and do cardio comments" If thats case then the same should be said to anyone using any supplements at all. Its a lifestyle and a choice.
Amen to that brother! As a former National champ with a pain tolerance and discipline that puts most hardcore guys to shame, I'd want to fucking slap someone every time I'd get the "just" diet/cardio song and dance. ...like that isn't already in strict order!?! :rolleyes:

Anyhow, before I go off on a tangent about shitty genetics, lol, to answer your questions:

Im My ? is, what can i expect to pay for this?
Cost depends on location, (and can every vary considerable within a region/area of the country). Typically, (according to the doc who did my lipo), abs + love-handles are best done in one shot, since, if one is a problem area, the other is also likely to be a problem and cosmetic outcome/contour is much better having both areas done. With that being said, the combined area was $5,000 for me, (which, from what I researched, seemed to be middle of the road in terms of price). My surgeon was AWESOME though and very experienced, so it was worth it if I paid a little more, IMO. I found this site really informative - **broken link removed**

Ive heard there are diff types of lipo. tumescent,etc.. I dont wanna go cheap on something like this. Its not like risking going cheap for some var lol
SmartLipo seems to be the best technologies out there... the doc who did mine actually combined it with tumescent. The are a lot of new variations out on the SmartLipo technology, but surgeon experience is really one of the most important. There are some real horror stories out there, so make sure to really do your homework in researching docs!!!!

and how long are you out before you can train again. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
I'm guessing it depends on the area. For me, (after having abs/love-handles done), I was encouraged/able to take brisk walks by day 4 and back in the gym by the second week, even doing light ab exercises. Recovery was really quick! :) And these days, (for most things), good docs will encourage you to move very soon after procedures to break up scar tissue and stimulate healing.... even after I completely severed a tendon in my thumb, PT started just one week from the time it was surgically sowed back together! ;)
unforunately for you So Cal is one of the most expensive places to have cosmetic surgery done. You may be able to get it a little cheaper a little north but i personally do not really know.

Yes there are various proceedures for lipo, however the smartest thing to do is to find an good (and i mean it cause surgery isnt a joking matter) surgeon and explain IN GREAT DETAIL EXACTLY what you want to accomplish by this surgery. He will lay out given options and in most cases the surgeon will express his opinion on the absolute best and safest way for the proceedure to be done. Doctors generally have a great idea of potential outcomes when it comes to surgeries and obviously the better the doctor the better the results (again thats generally).

Time off will have to be deterimined by how invasive the proceedure and exactly how much fat you lose. If your losing pounds of fat your skin may become slightly saggy and if you choose to cut the skin to make it taught again that will be a completely different proceedure. So all in all its really up to your ability to heal as well as the amount of degree of how invasive the surgery really is.

Obviously you stated you dont want to hear the diet and training rant so lets just leave it there. However if you do not have a good diet and training routine set up chances are you will gain allthe weight back in exactly the same spots.

Good luck you have a lot of doctor searching ahead of you.
lots of people probably are gonna think this is a crazy idea, but since your in southern Cali I thought I would atleast throw it out there.

I know several people that have gone down to TJ for plastic surgery (mostly boob jobs) and have saved a lot of money and had excellent things to say about it. just gotta make sure you do a background check on the plastic surgeon and make sure he is board certified and everything cuz there are those horror stories you hear on the news of fake surgeons and what have you.
lots of people probably are gonna think this is a crazy idea, but since your in southern Cali I thought I would atleast throw it out there.

I know several people that have gone down to TJ for plastic surgery (mostly boob jobs) and have saved a lot of money and had excellent things to say about it. just gotta make sure you do a background check on the plastic surgeon and make sure he is board certified and everything cuz there are those horror stories you hear on the news of fake surgeons and what have you.

yeah I believe you always hear about the back door doc's in mex might be worth a try..
My main concern is the time off training. No way im gonna take 4weeks off. A week would be the max i'd have to take off and then its back to training. I'd have to talk to the dr. about this. I figure love handle/lower back area wouldnt be a problem. I dont mind taking some time off from heavy leg training and deads but its summer here so I cant go more than a week lol I may check around a bit. Im suprised they cant just numb the area and do it while im awake. It doesnt even seem like it would hurt that bad.
My main concern is the time off training. No way im gonna take 4weeks off. A week would be the max i'd have to take off and then its back to training. I'd have to talk to the dr. about this. I figure love handle/lower back area wouldnt be a problem. I dont mind taking some time off from heavy leg training and deads but its summer here so I cant go more than a week lol I may check around a bit. Im suprised they cant just numb the area and do it while im awake. It doesnt even seem like it would hurt that bad.

It IS done while you are completely awake with maybe a valium. Known plenty of people who had it done. Im sure you can get by with 10 days off, but if you're not going to commit to waiting to heal then you should pass on this.
i'm in the same boat as you are... "strict diet with GH for 20 weeks and spend $1500 doing it and might not get there... or... $2500 on surgery right now (that's how much it costs here) and get it over with in 3 weeks without worrying about gaining excess fat by keeping on going with my regular, and not severe starvation, diet?"

I know 3 people who had lipo (and a bit more) done...

2 girls... severely overweight, eating anything they see all the time... had lipo... gained the fat back within 1 year of the surgery cuz they ate even more thinking "permenant fatloss" means "you'll never be fat again, even if you eat your kids after dipping them in chocolate"...

one of my friends who was on a strict diet and training routine (weighed around 130 kg at 5'11) and went down to 90 kg... did lipo, abdomino plasty, and gyno surgery with some more lipo... went down to 80 kg after those... this was a year ago... his diet is crap compared to any other bodybuilder's diet, but he jogs a couple of times a week, and eats "healthy"... he's now 75 kg and looking better.

all 3 people had the surgery done by the same doc...

i say go for it.
you know what?
instead of $5000 in so cal... go to lebanon and have a nice vacation for 10 days and do the surgery there... the trip will cost you like $2500 for plane tickets and hotel for 10 days, and the surgery will be from $1500-2500... they do an excellent job too! (lebanon is the plastic surgery central of the middle east)... :)
Hey bro what do you think of this place?
**broken link removed**
i was thinking of going in for a consult and getting a price, then calling around and make sure the price is good. i have no clue how to tell if the place is reputable or not b/c they only put good feedback on the sites, so its like, how can you really tell who's good and who's not.

Amen to that brother! As a former National champ with a pain tolerance and discipline that puts most hardcore guys to shame, I'd want to fucking slap someone every time I'd get the "just" diet/cardio song and dance. ...like that isn't already in strict order!?! :rolleyes:

Anyhow, before I go off on a tangent about shitty genetics, lol, to answer your questions:

Cost depends on location, (and can every vary considerable within a region/area of the country). Typically, (according to the doc who did my lipo), abs + love-handles are best done in one shot, since, if one is a problem area, the other is also likely to be a problem and cosmetic outcome/contour is much better having both areas done. With that being said, the combined area was $5,000 for me, (which, from what I researched, seemed to be middle of the road in terms of price). My surgeon was AWESOME though and very experienced, so it was worth it if I paid a little more, IMO. I found this site really informative - **broken link removed**

SmartLipo seems to be the best technologies out there... the doc who did mine actually combined it with tumescent. The are a lot of new variations out on the SmartLipo technology, but surgeon experience is really one of the most important. There are some real horror stories out there, so make sure to really do your homework in researching docs!!!!

I'm guessing it depends on the area. For me, (after having abs/love-handles done), I was encouraged/able to take brisk walks by day 4 and back in the gym by the second week, even doing light ab exercises. Recovery was really quick! :) And these days, (for most things), good docs will encourage you to move very soon after procedures to break up scar tissue and stimulate healing.... even after I completely severed a tendon in my thumb, PT started just one week from the time it was surgically sowed back together! ;)
Or maybe this guy is better. He did my dads gyno surgery a long time ago and has a pretty good rep. good background too
**broken link removed**
I was in same boat as you, i would have veins running from my groin to my chest and a full 6 pack and stirations in my shoulders but love handles that i could grab a full hand full of. I am 14 days out from my lipo mine was $8200 7k for dr and 1200 to put me under But i had little bit around my belly button, my love handles and lower back also got my abs etched. worst part is not the sugary you drain and are in pain for a few days but to where this dam compression gimic sucks more than the lipo by far. and you will look fater than when you went in dont worry its just the swelling i go in next monday for my 3 week check up hopeing to be back in the gym by the 10th
swelling can last

had a friend get front-only (no love handles) in Beverly Hills for $1900- he was pretty lean to begin with (motocross pro) but could not get a 6 pack.

Problem was it took about 6 months for swelling to go down- that's what dr. told him to expect, so he didn't look better at the beach all summer LOL

EDIT: he was in a good amt of pain for first 3 weeks or so too.
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I was in same boat as you, i would have veins running from my groin to my chest and a full 6 pack and stirations in my shoulders but love handles that i could grab a full hand full of. I am 14 days out from my lipo mine was $8200 7k for dr and 1200 to put me under But i had little bit around my belly button, my love handles and lower back also got my abs etched. worst part is not the sugary you drain and are in pain for a few days but to where this dam compression gimic sucks more than the lipo by far. and you will look fater than when you went in dont worry its just the swelling i go in next monday for my 3 week check up hopeing to be back in the gym by the 10th

$8200 DAMN thats a ton. I was thinking more like $4k tops for the love handles. Maybe yours was more since it was actual lipo where you went under.
I'm getting zerona in 3 weeks for 1200, which includes 6 sessions and 5 free cvac sessions. I'm at 11%bf just want to get some stubborn areas without losing muscle. It's pretty cool, muscular developement magazine has a huge article about it. No down time and no pain.
go for it bro. and as for time off in that area i say 2 wks you'll should be good to go the doc will tell you. and i hear you i have the same thing and no matter diet or cardio it does not budge.so after the first of the year i;ll be doing the same. and as for the fat coming back its less likely to because once the fat cells are removed its much harder for that area to return you would have to put on some serious weight. look for a doctor that does body sculpting or HI-DEF much smaller rod and they can get much closer to the skin which will help that shrink as well.

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