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Why would one


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
put so much into themselves and there bodies, and then go out and destroy them. This stems mostly from this weekend at the Arnold. I'm all about having a good time and celebrating. It just seems like most (not all) aren't responsible enough too handle the life style. I know alot of guys look at it as something that's great but the seedy underworld part is nuts. I can't understand why I saw guys that spend weeks getting ready for something, go out and risk that for a few hours of madness. Seeing a top 5 place finisher sit in a corner at the bar and be soo fucked up he couldn't function, and he wasn't drinking. I think that anything that goes into our bodies affect us more than anyone knows. I just don't see the point of all that hard work for nothing. I've been on both ends, so I know how it feels to be fucked up. But why? Allot of these individuals have it good and to risk iy for what. A few hours of hightend sensation when some slut is rubbing your back, I'll pass.
Does this competitors name rhyme with Chris Cormier? lol. If so, he has been doing that $hit forever. He's such a genetic freak, he can get by with it.
No it wasn't him. Everyone's heard about most of everyone's party habits. But I don't think that they can get away with it, that's just the thing. And when something does happen to one of these so called icons, what does it get turned to? So and so died from steroids today, that's how most articles read. Which sucks cause most people in the know, know it was rec drugs that do most of the damage. Why waste one's time.
My bad.

Chris is a known party animal. Though, it doesn't keep him from looking awesome. I hope it wasn't my homie from the Baltimore area.

I see your point. A lot of guys abuse a medicine chest load of script and rec drugs and when they drop, the first thing the media does is blame gear. It sucks!

i saw it first hand at the USA's in vegas and it put the those that i saw in a another view pt!.
why they go thro all that ? then many other things crop up in my head , why do those formula one guys , or the motocross guys go that fast , just to win a race ? i mean they cud die in like a second if one small thing goes wrong , people do things for various reasons , some do it simply becos they nkow nothing else to do , some do it cos they see nothing else worth doing !
but one thing for sure , i think its very wrong to question "why do all that for that momentary pleasure of winning " becos it seems to me evrything , i dare say evry single thing we do is giving us only momentary pleasure .

ps : lol , sorry , kinda got philosophical there , but i had to get it out :D .
What you saw happen even in evryday life thats just how it is

In my younger days I used to be a great policeman, and aspiring detective. When I got into the world of being a good detective and such, I realized that many of my heros, the people I looked up to were doing alot of lets say quetsionable things. Be it health wise or ethics wise. My point is many of us fo
rget the stress, or the individuel sacrafice, that it takes just to be in so so condition. Sometime we also forget that under it all we all have different problems, concerns or just different things that make us feel good.maybe the good that makes one guy feel good makes you and me puke, maybe what you and I know are bad and sick habits some people beleive they cant live with out. When I was a cop I found out many diferent things about me just through my association with people. I found that some peoples self expression makes me ask why bother doing that. I also found that the only difference between me and most criminals I came in contact with was our choices, and perspectives on a given thing. That being said, what you saw there , happens in hollywood, in the whitehouse, at the olympics, hell even in the vatican. What you can be sure of it will not stop happening.Thats just they way it is.:D
Re: What you saw happen even in evryday life thats just how it is

reconhardc said:
What you can be sure of it will not stop happening.Thats just they way it is
yes ! perfectly said !
I understand all of that and have been on both ends of the spectrum. I'm not saying I didn't think these guys where doing this and what not. I know the scene all to well. But to think that these people or people in general that are so concerned on how they look and make a living off of there looks wouldn't want to risk everything for some stupid little pill. I've been there I've seen kids die from it, people flip out and scramble there brains. Everyone always says that it won't happen to me and it generally happens to everyone. I would think that if you wanted to be fucked up like this you would do it in the comfort of your home. I'm in noway passing judgement on anyone in anyway, I just think that people need to be alittle more responsible, that's all.
I think Armageddon is talking about how pathetic it is to see all these pros that have so much going for them, be totally smacked off their heads on rec drugs.
I think the other two guys thought he was talking about the pros being on so much gear. :)
why would one over dose on rec drugs as a pro big A ? is it to avoid the injection pain , or what , i have no idea , appetite supressment ? what for ??? i understand some use of benzos or tramodol , but over dose sucks man ! why why why !?
One word. Addiction. For those of you who have never been physically addicted to a drug, you missed out on one of the most horrible, depressing, and painful experiences in the world. Withdrawal is like god awful torture. That said, there are quite a few pros physically and mentally addicted to narcotics. I think most people would be shocked at just how many pro bbers are addicts.
raybravo said:
why would one over dose on rec drugs as a pro big A ? is it to avoid the injection pain , or what , i have no idea , appetite supressment ? what for ??? i understand some use of benzos or tramodol , but over dose sucks man ! why why why !?

Big A said:
I think Armageddon is talking about how pathetic it is to see all these pros that have so much going for them, be totally smacked off their heads on rec drugs.

This is exactly what I was talking about. It was unreal. Some of these guys had this look on there face that was frozen, it was some freaky shit. And I've been around some fucked up people, but this takes the cake. The funniest thing I saw all night was this little candy raver making fun of palumbo trying to dance. I almost pissed my pants watching that. Palumbo had no clue, he was gone.
I saw Kevin at the expo Sunday and he was totally stonefaced-his expression never changed. I know him pretty well and when he saw me he says - 'long time no see'. You know how someones eyes express something when you see someone you know and havent seen in a while, but with him-nothing just a blank expression. Its not as if he forgot who I was, just like someone who did alot of rec stuff (X) the nite before. And I know for fact Kevin does that stuff. I like Kev, but he is very moody sometimes, and guess why - rec drugs likely play a part. :(
MikeS said:
I saw Kevin at the expo Sunday and he was totally stonefaced-his expression never changed. I know him pretty well and when he saw me he says - 'long time no see'. You know how someones eyes express something when you see someone you know and havent seen in a while, but with him-nothing just a blank expression. Its not as if he forgot who I was, just like someone who did alot of rec stuff (X) the nite before. And I know for fact Kevin does that stuff. I like Kev, but he is very moody sometimes, and guess why - rec drugs likely play a part. :(

I never touch the stuff. I don't even drink or smoke cigarettes. I just don't get these people!
I can't put those guys down as I was a bad rec drug addict for many years BUT now for over a year I have been off the stuff and am loving life and bodybuilding. I think I have grown more in the last 9 months than I ever have and really think how I wasted my time, body and $$$ on partying. I now look ahead to the future and have made many mistakes in the past wish I have learnt from I never intend to make them again :)
I'm not putting anyone down by no means, cause we've all had our moments. At least I have. I just can't see why one would waste there time, it's obvious that one isn't right after use. That stuff affects people alot more than anyone really knows. I just see body building for exactly what it is and rec drugs as body deterioration. It just doesn't fit into my equation any longer and hasn't for some time.

As far as people being fucked up, that is any understatement. I saw Kevin saturday night at the bar. He could barely talk let alone keep his eyes open. Sitting in the corner by his self, rolling his face off. I even think at one point he started druiling on himself. Not a good sight. Then I went to the redzone and that was crazier than the other place. There are two drugs that I can maybe tolerate to be around anymore. This is around, not doing, and that's weed and G. I saw to muscletech spokes people and another popular bb standing in the bath room about the next order of G that was coming in. I just couldn't believe how they were out in the open about that shit. I know I didn't misunderstand the conversation cause the last time one of them guest posed in my town they brought a shit load with and tried to pawn it off on people. Then screwed a few people over. I just wonder if they think about the consequences of there actions, ever?

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