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with dostinex potentially having cardiovascular sides..


New member
Oct 13, 2005
what anti-prolactins are the best options out there?
Dostinex/cabaser only causes issues if you take a high dose for long periods of time. The doses used to control prolactin aren't an issue.

If you're super paranoid about the heart issues prami is also a good anti-prolactin.
Dostinex/cabaser only causes issues if you take a high dose for long periods of time. The doses used to control prolactin aren't an issue.

If you're super paranoid about the heart issues prami is also a good anti-prolactin.

is .5 mg 2 x wk good on the cabaser for prolactin control?
Dostinex/cabaser only causes issues if you take a high dose for long periods of time. The doses used to control prolactin aren't an issue.

If you're super paranoid about the heart issues prami is also a good anti-prolactin.


The dose is very large and for very long periods. If you are just going to use it for the time being, cyclic fashion, then I wouldn't worry about it at all:)

Max, i've seen anywhere from 0.25mg E3-4 days to 0.5 ED to EOD, and up to 1mg ED.

0.5mg 2x/wk is a good dosage though. If you can get bloodwork done, then you may only need to go 0.25 2x/wk, especially if you are free from prolactin agonists.

Im pretty sure the caber heart sides are only from really really high doses over long periods of time. Like 10mg+ daily which many parkinsons patients are given. But this would make sense for everything. Moderate dose eca isnt bad but take 10x the recommened ephedrine for long periods of time im sure it will cause some cardiovascular probs.
Im pretty sure the caber heart sides are only from really really high doses over long periods of time. Like 10mg+ daily which many parkinsons patients are given. But this would make sense for everything. Moderate dose eca isnt bad but take 10x the recommened ephedrine for long periods of time im sure it will cause some cardiovascular probs.

Agree with you big, studies shows that only after about 8 to 12 months, and with amounts of 10 or more mgs daily, some patients experienced valve problems. But at .5 twice a week, there is nothing to worry about. Blessings my friends.
Agree with you big, studies shows that only after about 8 to 12 months, and with amounts of 10 or more mgs daily, some patients experienced valve problems. But at .5 twice a week, there is nothing to worry about. Blessings my friends.

I'm going to go with Cabaser (Dostinex), personally. 0.5mg twice a week, makes it more affordable than it first appears.

Too many people I know that can't bare Prami for more than a few days.

prami is horrible shit, cabaser/dostinex is actually enjoyable and does the job (stopped lactation).
pramipexole is a good option... selegiline is decent... agree that there is little issue with low dose cabergoline, at least in short term usage... lower doses for years, may have potential for issues... since its time related and it does have super phased long half life...

pramipexole has significantly better mood, anti-prolactin and GH releasing effects (actually the spikes in GH are one of the reason that people do have issues--- low and high blood sugars... many of the issues that people attribute to pramipexole are actually caused by BG issues... which are secondary to direct pramipexole action--- ).

prami is "not horrible".. some people can have bad experiences with it... but in most cases there are relatively easy fixes... NOT for everyone though... though do understand why those that did not or could not adapt dosing/diet to pramipexole... might see it that way...
no sleep, suicidal thoughts, inappropriate erections.

what about those symptoms doesnt sound horrible? :)
OK... everyone is aware you did not respond well to pramipexole... and honestly thats unfortunate for you... but there are plenty of people that do...

and FYI... a considerable number of compounds used in bodybuilding and by bodybuilders can cause some or all of those symptoms... its always good to make people aware that there are potential issues with any compound, some more so than others... but you are just fear mongering... and will say that most likely whatever issues you had could have been ameliorated... particularly if they were due to BG issues (which actually is one of the main causes of most side effects... including being a big factor in sleeplessness... or shortened/poor sleep....)...

unaware of any other drugs, compounds or supplements or predilictions/predispositions etc that surround your response... diet and cardio being other significant factors.... but certainly not the only ones..

understand your position and angry feelings... just dont agree or think that they are warranted in the way that you project them out on to everyone else... but you are certainly entitled to not like anything... just saying you might want to at least look over how you responded and see if maybe you are extrapolating and evaluating your experience unfairly... but that is up to you....
pramipexole is a good option... selegiline is decent... agree that there is little issue with low dose cabergoline, at least in short term usage... lower doses for years, may have potential for issues... since its time related and it does have super phased long half life...

pramipexole has significantly better mood, anti-prolactin and GH releasing effects (actually the spikes in GH are one of the reason that people do have issues--- low and high blood sugars... many of the issues that people attribute to pramipexole are actually caused by BG issues... which are secondary to direct pramipexole action--- ).

prami is "not horrible".. some people can have bad experiences with it... but in most cases there are relatively easy fixes... NOT for everyone though... though do understand why those that did not or could not adapt dosing/diet to pramipexole... might see it that way...

deff is an amazing thing once you learn how your body likes it took me few months of toggling with it to finally find out it works well for me before bed .5mg is all i need i have ran 1mg daily all taken at night with good results also
deff is an amazing thing once you learn how your body likes it took me few months of toggling with it to finally find out it works well for me before bed .5mg is all i need i have ran 1mg daily all taken at night with good results also

good to hear...

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