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workout length


Nov 27, 2007
i have recently started back at school and i am forced it seems to work out in a one hour period twice a week since work will not budge on my times:banghead: i have chosen to do chest-bi's and then shoulders on the other day. i think i can knock that out in an hour.

i have never been forced to finish in about exactly an hour.

do any of you get your workouts done in an hour or less?
If you get in there and bust your butt, finishing in less than an hour should be no problem. Depending on my split, I can finish in about 45 minutes and still get in a great WO. Just don't dilly-dally and procrastinate and you'll be fine.
ya if i was you and you could only do 2 wo a week one of the would be legs becuase lgs will make the whole body grow and the other would prolly be back. and yes if you superset everything with 30seconds or less rest between sets you would be surprized how much stuff can be done in a short aount of time. try tri sets ie 3 diff exercises in a row with no rest. so like pulldowns, bb row and cable row then 30-60 sec rest repeat your lats will be on fire. just my 2 cents
I agree chest and bis and then legs would be the best split shoulders you work with chest anyway
yea i forget all the other muscle groups...cmon...

i have time to do those on other days.
i was just wondering how long you guys put into a training session.
It will vary with everybody. There are many factors to take in account for. You named work and school. Do you do any cardio? What is your current diet like? What are your goals? You can compansate the lack of gym time with a cleaner diet. Many do not realize the effect a good diet will have. For example, say you workout 2hrs ED, that is less than 10 percent of your day. The other 90 is what your doing when your not in the gym. For you the percent of time not in the gym is even higher. I would work with the diet.
Most of the time I finish my workouts right at about 45mins. Like said already if u get at it and don't rest too long between sets it can be done. Especially if u throw in supersets.
It will vary with everybody. There are many factors to take in account for. You named work and school. Do you do any cardio? What is your current diet like? What are your goals? You can compansate the lack of gym time with a cleaner diet. Many do not realize the effect a good diet will have. For example, say you workout 2hrs ED, that is less than 10 percent of your day. The other 90 is what your doing when your not in the gym. For you the percent of time not in the gym is even higher. I would work with the diet.

I like this as a first post, it's a really good first post indeed, maybe even the best first post in history? Except for maybe the one where the guy go's "who's the chick?"
i also dont f around and am done in 45 usually, i see guys walking around in the gym for 2 hours, just doing arms and shoulders, wtf
I work out 3 times/wk and consistently get done in <1hr...usually closer to 45mins.

If you only can do twice a week I'd suggest the following:

Day 1: Back/Bis/Abs

Day 2: Legs/Chest/Tris/Shoulders

Day 2 would be killer but just restrict the total number of exercises to say, 2 each and just do a warm up or two and then get right into it for a set.

Can you work out a home at all off hours? So maybe invest in a simple bench/few sets of db's if you have the money/space? Then you could take a couple body parts from Day 2 and move it to a Day 3 at home.
I work out on weights 5-6 days aweek for 35-40 mins max then swim for 10-15mins. I have no need to do more time and I grow well.
I can easily get any of my workouts done in under an hour EXCEPT for legs. If using your training time efficiently you should have no problem.
Same here. If I don't f*ck around, bust ass, and don't do cardio, then 35-45 minutes.

Cardio, obviously, lengthens it.

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