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Would another doc perform revision surgery?

Jake LaMotta

New member
Jun 20, 2006
As some of you know I had surgery on a ruptured pec tendon back on May 9, 2006. I still have alot of soreness in the arm and 2 weeks ago I got a post op MRI. The MRI basically said there was still some inflammation either due to post surgery tendinapothy and/or a recurrent partial tear. My surgeon (ofcourse to cover his ass) told me that everything looks good and I should just work through the soreness when I go back to lifting. I can't even really do the exercises in PT because of the pain and soreness in my arm.

Last week I scheduled a second opinion with another surgeon. I dropped off my surgery report, post op MRI, and post op MRI report to his office. He returns from vacation next week and than he's gonna look at those and evaluate me on Aug. 24. I used to date his former secretary and she is still friends with him so she got me in early. If she didn't help me out I would've had to wait months to be seen by him because he is very busy. She told me that he does revision surgeries all the time even if the person who did the initial surgery was another doctor. In fact she said most of his second opinion patients are patients that have had surgery from another doctor.

So my questions to you guys are:

1) Do some doctors do revision surgeries even if the initial surgery was done by a different doctor?

2) Let's say worst case scenario is that I need another surgery. I'm sure alot of the tendon/muscle is scarred down. Is it possible they could use cadaver tendon to replace the scarred tendon?

3) Is it possible that this can be fixed and I'm able to go back to my pre-injury activities like lifting,boxing,running,etc.?

4) Could any PERMANENT complications occur if I get this second revision surgery?

Any info would be greatly appreciated fellas. I would also like to take this time to thank muscle96ss. He has helped me a great deal through this rough time in my life.
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Jake LaMotta said:
As some of you know I had surgery on a ruptured pec tendon back on May 9, 2006. I still have alot of soreness in the arm and 2 weeks ago I got a post op MRI. The MRI basically said there was still some inflammation either due to post surgery tendinapothy and/or a recurrent partial tear. My surgeon (ofcourse to cover his ass) told me that everything looks good and I should just work through the soreness when I go back to lifting. I can't even really do the exercises in PT because of the pain and soreness in my arm.

Last week I scheduled a second opinion with another surgeon. I dropped off my surgery report, post op MRI, and post op MRI report to his office. He returns from vacation next week and than he's gonna look at those and evaluate me on Aug. 24. I used to date his former secretary and she is still friends with him so she got me in early. If she didn't help me out I would've had to wait months to be seen by him because he is very busy. She told me that he does revision surgeries all the time even if the person who did the initial surgery was another doctor. In fact she said most of his second opinion patients are patients that have had surgery from another doctor.

So my questions to you guys are:

1) Do some doctors do revision surgeries even if the initial surgery was done by a different doctor?

Of course

2) Let's say worst case scenario is that I need another surgery. I'm sure alot of the tendon/muscle is scarred down. Is it possible they could use cadaver tendon to replace the scarred tendon?

IF the tendon was reattached then it should not be scarred down.

3) Is it possible that this can be fixed and I'm able to go back to my pre-injury activities like lifting,boxing,running,etc.?


4) Could any PERMANENT complications occur if I get this second revision surgery?


I would still wait. It has not been long enough for it to heal all the way. Also, you need to be very careful in the gym and not push things too fast.

Any info would be greatly appreciated fellas. I would also like to take this time to thank muscle96ss. He has helped me a great deal through this rough time in my life.

I did have it repaired but I'm fraid something got either retracted or retorn at the insertion site. That's why I wanted to know if they could use cadaver tendon in case that tendon was too scarred down.

Also, what PERMANENT complications could occur if I get this second revision surgery?
They've got an artificial tendon they can use that comes from Pig I think.
My doc had it waiting for me during my surgery but didn't need it.
This Thursday I have a second opinion with another doctor. It's been 3 1/2 months since my torn pec surgery and my bicep/brachialis area (near the new insertion) still hurts whenever I use the arm not to mention the skin is still numb over that area. It should not be feeling this way 3 1/2 months after surgery.

A month ago I had a post op MRI and it showed that there was alot of inflammation and evidence of a possible recurrent partial tear. He said he doesn't think it's torn however, and he believes it's just previously torn tissue that is being healed. He thinks this is just post surgery soreness. I believe this is retorn and I need another surgery. I say this because I didn't always wear my sling the first 6 weeks (like an idiot) and it hurts whenever I use the arm.

Another possible scenario...I'm starting to think my doc screwed up (possibly hit some nerves) and I have permanent nerve damage. I sure hope not. Would I know if I had nerve damage? What symptoms would I have. Anyway I'm scheduled Thursday to meet with this second doc to get an evaluation. I heard this doctor's very nice and he grew up with my cousin (he's 51 years old). Do you think it's possible he will have me get another MRI or will he just go off the one I had taken a month ago?
The appointments Thurs. so if anyone can give me some advice by than I would greatly appreciate it.

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