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Jun 12, 2002
do you waer them on your knees?

Ive been going heavy on squats and ive not noticed any knee pain but i do see alot of guys put them on when they go heavy. is there any concern that they can add and atificial confidence or advantage in upping my poundages? what i am asking is do you think its necessary? im not talking about powerlifting either strictly bodybuilding. thanks
I try and not use wraps as long as I can. I focus on good form, instead heavy weight.

I do not know about tendon strength with wraps?? But look at JP Fux. He was under 675 and collapsed. Why did he not use the bars in the rack, I do not know. Most likely doing a photo shoot.
i generally don't use them, although they will add about 20 lbs on your squat. as long as you use proper form and don't let your knees extend past your feet you're fine without them. i see a lot of guys who don't use wraps who move their knees inward and outward while squatting that are just asking for trouble. i just seem to get a better pump without them, but that's just my opinion. i would recommend using wraps while attempting weight you've never lifted before just to make sure your knees are protected in case you wobble during the movement. BILL
I think that it is a confidence thing.

My cartilages are partially torn in both knees from years of contact sports so I always use wraps to stabalize over a certain weight.

Otherwise I feel that the knee is wobbling under the load, and I spend more time concentrating on that than working the muscle.

It will add about 20-30lbs to your lifts, if not more.

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
can the use of wraps create a weak link? joint perhaps? i dont use a belt any longer cause i feel it does nothing for me. except hinder my breathing
balplayer said:
i dont use a belt any longer cause i feel it does nothing for me. except hinder my breathing
Agreed - it also "pinches" the fat on my belly - LOL!

I concur

I don't think that you should use wraps unless your knees tell you that you need them. You don't want to make yourself dependant on support if you don't need it. Same applies to the belt while squatting....lol for some reason I don't think you have all that much fat on your "belly"excel........But, I do know where your coming from, it's just uncomfortable........harder to breath and the pinching of the fat.....who needs it! Take care.

Re: I concur

patk said:
for some reason I don't think you have all that much fat on your "belly"excel........But, I do know where your coming from, it's just uncomfortable........harder to breath and the pinching of the fat.....who needs it! Take care.
I currently don't have much fat there! The last time I used a belt, about 3 years ago, I had PLENTY :D

There are actually a few reasons not to use a belt. There's the whole core strength issue, that the belt takes away from abdominal and lower back strength. Then of course there's the bright idea to use a belt even when not doing squats or deads, which I just don't understand.

As far as wraps are concerned, a few months back I read an article describing how wrapping your knees is actually counter-productive to knee health. It might have had something to do with restricting the movement of the components of the knee area, and it mentioned that increasing the internal temp of the area through wrapping was actually harmful. I wish I could remember where I read it, and what exactly it said. Sorry for the vague post.
Personally because I do alot of sprinting and this adds to the stress of my joints I use wraps. Generally only when going heavy, anything over 350 for me the wraps come out. That is the same with the belt. Squats and deads only. I see guys wearing belts all the time, even when benching. That would drive me nuts.
I've got crappy knee's. Years of problems with them. Only time i dont wrap them is when i do warm up sets using like 135lbs or so to get the blood moving. Otherwise, I'm wrapped and in a Smith machine.
I wrap starting at 2 plates. Not tight wrapped until 4 plates+.
And I use belt starting at 2 plates also. When I was younger (in my 20s)I never wrapped knees. It does feel good and secure-that tells me its good for me!

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