- Joined
- Aug 4, 2003
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For those of you that I have been reading my recent treads you know that things have totally collasped for me and that I have been in total shock over where my life suddenly is ........and my will to live is honestly being tested . It is actually hard to breath at times ..........But the support , pm 's , and shared expirences that I have been recieving have just been incredible and it at least made me get myself together and head into work last night ........I was hurting ,but I put on my suit and a fake smile and was ready to do what I do . The night was a typical dead tuesday night at the club . Nothing but the same crap as usual until about 11 30 pm . A mexican gangbanger [ tatted up , cholo style , hardcore looking early 20s ] starts creating a distrubance in our adult store that is part of our building . I hear some sort of yelling from upstairs in my office , so I walk down to see what is up .....................When the guy sees me walk in ,he instantly becomes agressive and starts threatening me . I say ease up youngster what is the problem ?[ I let him actually punk me , but my blood was boiling ] He challanges me to go outside , I am like ," look no need to go there .......just take off bro and everything is cool ......no one here is trying to disrespect you here ." I end up calming him down after about 20 minutes ,I shake his hand ,and leave to go back to what I was doing ........10 minutes later I hear the paniced store clerk call for help in the store and me and the security proceed to enter the store . Upon enterance , he starts trying to pick fights with my staff , so I ask my guys to leave . [ to give him his space and not to threaten him ] Just as one of my best guys[ a bad mother and one of my best friends in the world ] is leaving ,this kid runs up on him and gets into his face and is challenging him to a fight .He is really being insulting and at this point I had enough [ I dont like people disrespecting my friends ] I walked up and said time to leave , he pushed my hand away[and acted like he was reaching for a gun or a knife ....it turned out to be a knife ] , so I chopped him in the throat and used an inside leg sweep . This put him on his back and near unconsious . I imediately mounted him. Broke his nose with a vicious elbow and landed two brutal head butts cutting him nicely . Now I decide to choke him out ........now he is out , bloody , and something bad comes over me . He becomes my pain , anger , and frustraightion .[ my friends tried to stop me , but they were scared , I am not nice in this state ] I decided I wanted him to die . I couldnt decide weither to break his neck or crush his skull ......so I drag him outside , so when I killed him , I could just throw him in the dumpster[ they pick up the grabage everynight ] ........then for some strange reason .....you all came to mind .......The 38 wonderful people that came to my aide and actually gave a fuck about me yesterday ........the pms , the phone numbers , the shared stories , and just the kind well wishes from all of the great people here ....I actually smiled [my employes thought I was nuts ]...I handed the kid off to one of my guys [ we revived him , got him ice , and water ] The police came and he ended up being a wanted parolee[ high on something ] that was considered dangerous ......The 38 of you saved a life tonight .....with no doubt .....if it wasnt for your kindness and compassion . I have no doubt that kid would burried under a ton of waste at the dump right now .........It was your love and kindness that saved me as well as this misguided person .....you should all be proud of yourselfs .....the time you took out of your lives for me yesterday saved a life [ and probally mine too ] This no bullshit or exaggeration ........you all did something very special for me THANK YOU !!!