i only lasted 2 days on it, 200mg caps, did one at 12am, 6pm and 2am, no sleep that night til 8am all day woke up in a pool of sweat. the next day I just tried 200mg it was toleratable but I decided to hold off and try again with a better aproach tapperin gup 200mg for 4 days uping it to 400mg last 4, total of 8 days on. just made me feel kidna sick and hot but thiers tons u can do and take to counter this
3+ gallons a day, atleast a liter every 20 mins during training sessions, if u do cardio keep a fan on u, sleeping I had 3 fans on 2 pointing on me on top of air. also try 3g Vitamin C, 1 Centrum multi-vitamin, 1500mg magnesium, 2g calcium, 3g Taurine, and 3mg Melatonin at bedtime, 1 tblspoon of gycerol three times a day will give u better hydration, dont take it on an empty stomache or u will feel indegested most of the day. 3-6 grams of pyruvate also good taken same time as gycerol, also eca will help the carb craving, avoid anything white espeically clothing unless u want to ruin it, I have blank undershirt tank tops, cuz im used to wearing the white wife beaters under all my shirts. I know thats a lot of shit, I think the most beneficial thing keep u from feeling shitty I listed is going to bee the gycerol.. some claim 1 gallon a day they feel hydrated althought I would still try to get 2.5-3. hope this helps. If u feel like paying animals guide is very in depth on dnp I hear.