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Active member
Sep 3, 2010
hey guys..lets talk about fat loss, and for once, lets talk about legal stuff that actually works.

I figured I would put together a new pill for pre-contest, to help rip some more of that fat off..on top of our "other arsonals"...

so in your opinion what do you think is the best legal fat burners on the market?

I will start...
green tea

I know its not everyones fav. topic in here, but for a change its something different.
The best combination has been used for a long time. Ephedrine 25mg/caffeine 200mg/Aspirin 81mg. Personally I like to add 5mg yohimbine hcl to the mix. You aren't going to find a better legal combination for fat burning.
The best combination has been used for a long time. Ephedrine 25mg/caffeine 200mg/Aspirin 81mg. Personally I like to add 5mg yohimbine hcl to the mix. You aren't going to find a better legal combination for fat burning.

bronchaid - 1 tab
caffeine - 200mg
asprin - 100mg
yoh-hcl - 2.5-10mg

humanofort...........yellowhaze.......LBAs..............Synthepure............peptopro.........creatine..........fish oils.........aspirin..........yohimbie.........synthergine...........Synthetine
Phil where can i find any reviews or logs for humanofort because im thinking of buying some for my suspected adrenal fatigue and would like to hear some personal experiences ???
The best combination has been used for a long time. Ephedrine 25mg/caffeine 200mg/Aspirin 81mg. Personally I like to add 5mg yohimbine hcl to the mix. You aren't going to find a better legal combination for fat burning.

Same here. Never tried adding yohimbine, although cayenne pepper has worked well for me.
I use all the basics like LBAs, BCAA, vits, Oils, whey, ephed, yoh etc.

What really impresses me lately is Jack3d.
I have been VERY impressed with some offerings recently

Erase From PES is a legit anti-estrogen. Overall I like the way I have looked and felt on it more than Letro or aromasin

Need2Slin makes me go hypo within half an hour. Light headed, confused the whole 9 yards and I have never felt a glucose disposal agent before. Stronger than IGF1 for this property IMO.

ASGT gives a definite focus and aggression in the gym. I have tried many pre-wo products and even with my giant stim tolerance this stuff has properties that are aside from the stims themselves. Makes me feel like kind of a prick because I am so focused I just want people to shut up so I can lift.

There are finally some good products but they are few and far between, the basics will always be preferable.
humanofort...........yellowhaze.......LBAs..............Synthepure............peptopro.........creatine..........fish oils.........aspirin..........yohimbie.........synthergine...........Synthatine

Yes, Humnofort modulate the adrenal gland activity,and it is obivously that Humanofort effects on the adrenalcortex will interfere with leptin effects.

I konow that we don`t talk here about obesity, but if any PM member has obesity than it would be a good idea to give a try to the Humanofort.

Obesity is very difficult be trated, that becouse there are 2 kind of genetic control of obesity. One is probably due to ob gene and its product leptin- so is a qualitative traits. The other type of obesity is probably a quantitative traits, resulting from the interaction of numerous genes with the environmental factors. This kind of obesity is almost impossible to cure.

If any of you have one of this typ of obesity pleas contact me.
Humanofort reviews

Phil where can i find any reviews or logs for humanofort because im thinking of buying some for my suspected adrenal fatigue and would like to hear some personal experiences ???

On here is a good place .......the search selection will pull up some stuff
What exactly is the purpose for the 81-100mg aspirin in the ECA stack??

I've been doing 12.5mg ephedrine , 100mg caffine and 2.5mg Yohimbine every three hrs rather than double the dose ever 4-5 hrs , seems to work as well or better and doesn't make me feel bad
Aspirin inhibits the enzyme that breaks down and eliminates the ephedrine from your system, thereby prolonging the effects of the ephedrine. Theoretically...

What exactly is the purpose for the 81-100mg aspirin in the ECA stack??

I've been doing 12.5mg ephedrine , 100mg caffine and 2.5mg Yohimbine every three hrs rather than double the dose ever 4-5 hrs , seems to work as well or better and doesn't make me feel bad
What exactly is the purpose for the 81-100mg aspirin in the ECA stack??

I've been doing 12.5mg ephedrine , 100mg caffine and 2.5mg Yohimbine every three hrs rather than double the dose ever 4-5 hrs , seems to work as well or better and doesn't make me feel bad

The aspirin thins the blood
End of story

hey guys..lets talk about fat loss, and for once, lets talk about legal stuff that actually works.

I figured I would put together a new pill for pre-contest, to help rip some more of that fat off..on top of our "other arsonals"...

so in your opinion what do you think is the best legal fat burners on the market?

I will start...
green tea

I know its not everyones fav. topic in here, but for a change its something different.

Epherdine & Caffeine
man I have never even heard of humanfort...where the hell have I been. LOL...will really have to look into this more.
i personally love nano-vapor, now before all your anti muscletech fucks jump all over me, chill. its hands down the best pre workout supp out there.
TP is the only src i use for protein.
my am looks like this for pre cardio, 3ml synthergine, 1 nano- vapor tab cracked in half, both halves taken, 1/2 aspirin, 500mg niacin.


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