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Need some help guys


New member
Apr 12, 2013
Guys who blast and cruise how do you decide thats what you want to do since you are pretty much in it for life at that point and probably will never have normal test production again. Im about to start PCT of my second cycle. I really dont want to end it though. Im not competing yet but bodybuilding is my life and I plan on competing in the near future. I guess i just need the pros and cons to blast and cruise, i think im missing something.... i dont understand why anyone would ever want to come off test. I feel like shit when im not on, i get all depressed and shit. When im on though works great, gains are great, LIFES GREAT!!! Im going to do PCT this cycle since its only my second cycle but I already have my next cycle planned to start in 16 weeks and i dont think im going to be able to end that one if the bridge is as rough as it was last time. feel free to ask any questions about my stats age whatever you need to know. I really just want to hear from guys who blast and cruise. ive been reading alot and come to the conclusion im too young to start blasting and cruising now but trust me i much rather be on for life....
I do because I must use HRT and blast to add a little more once or twice year only.
carddealer did you see a doc to decide you needed HRT or was that decided on your own? I think i need to go talk to and HRT doc not my family doc
Well if you ever want kids, there is a possibility that staying on year round will make this impossible for you. personally, i have 3 kids and im done. No real reason for me to ever come off as long as i get regular blood tests and my health is good
Well i dont have kids yet and Im too young to even think about having kids. Ill have to do some thinking about that, since it seems the only con to blast and cruising is youll probably never be able to restart your natural test production and therefore wouldnt be able to impregnate a female if later down the road i decide I want kids. I guess i could always just adopt though or maybe theyll have a way to extract my DNA by then and make a test tube baby hahha!?? hahaa shhhh I really dont want to get off.
Honestly man, i think that's a decision you would seriously regret later on in life. I know it's a bummer to come off but plenty of people make phenomenal gains by cycling. At a young age I just don't think your experienced enough to understand the ramifications that could have for you.
Yep blasting and cruising is great.Then I think about all the years I have left that I will be having to pin,keep a check on bloodwork,worry about buy illegal drugs.Then it doesn't sound so great. It's a decision that you really need to put alot of thought into.
Many many guys have had kids after being on gear for years. HCG has been used to recover natural production after years of use. Also just one shot of triptorelin has done so.

Sterility is a risk, but not an incredibly high one - certainly not a predetermined outcome. I am on doctor prescribed trt and am completely shut down - my doc says if I want to have another kid, no worries we just come off and get it going again.

Go read growth principles for beginners - see what that said about staying on.....

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Yea heavyhitter I agree with you there and I don't want to regret anything I think I should get a few more cycles under my belt before I consider blasting and cruising.
Many many guys have had kids after being on gear for years. HCG has been used to recover natural production after years of use. Also just one shot of triptorelin has done so.

Sterility is a risk, but not an incredibly high one - certainly not a predetermined outcome. I am on doctor prescribed trt and am completely shut down - my doc says if I want to have another kid, no worries we just come off and get it going again.

Go read growth principles for beginners - see what that said about staying on.....

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
No offense but I don't think your doc is very knowledgable about long term AAS usage. Not being able to have children is a very real risk from long term chronic usage. Do people get their women pregnant after years on? Yes, it is possible. But at such a young age is that really a risk you want to take? This could seriously negatively impact your life later on if children is something you want
And I seriously doubt that HCG could get you back to normal physiological levels after years of chronic use. Could you get some of your natural production back? Possibly. But there is no way you wont have done some irreversible damage
Guys who blast and cruise how do you decide thats what you want to do since you are pretty much in it for life at that point and probably will never have normal test production again. Im about to start PCT of my second cycle. I really dont want to end it though. Im not competing yet but bodybuilding is my life and I plan on competing in the near future. I guess i just need the pros and cons to blast and cruise, i think im missing something.... i dont understand why anyone would ever want to come off test. I feel like shit when im not on, i get all depressed and shit. When im on though works great, gains are great, LIFES GREAT!!! Im going to do PCT this cycle since its only my second cycle but I already have my next cycle planned to start in 16 weeks and i dont think im going to be able to end that one if the bridge is as rough as it was last time. feel free to ask any questions about my stats age whatever you need to know. I really just want to hear from guys who blast and cruise. ive been reading alot and come to the conclusion im too young to start blasting and cruising now but trust me i much rather be on for life....

man, where to begin....
I don't wanna bust balls. I wanna be open minded and give everyone benefit of the doubt but please let me play devils advocate right now.

I met my wife when I was "cruising" on 2gms of test.... I was lucky and shortly after meeting her we conceived a baby while I was on those 2gms (I move fast lol) and slowly but steadily I lost love for the "game" and the "sport" and year by year it became less and less of a priority to me.

I guess where I am going with this is, if its only your 2nd cycle and you are young as your post indicates, I think you should continue to cycle on n off for a few years if you can and see if this "sport" sticks with you. who knows, you might meet the love of your life next year and want nothing more than to give her kids but you might not be able to. all cuz you THOUGHT "bodybuilding is my life" naw, bro. its not. your future wife and kids will be "your life" and you likely wont give a damn about this endevour. I hope you don't.
just my 2 cents.
I could say more but I am tired.

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