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Syntherol Log for Calves

Sorry I haven't updated the last 2 days. It's my bday (30th) today but I went out on Sat for it. Been asleep on and off for 16 hours. I was out drinking till 4pm the following day so I needed all that sleep! Well your only 30 once :D I do regret what I have put my body through when out but it's done now and back to being 100% with everything for this log. Off to work now so I will update later with my last workout etc.
Not ideal but I have missed shots for 2 days. I went way over board for my 30th but it was fun. I will continue on using 0.5ml each inj per day then up to 1ml per inj on the 27th Dec. I have missed my hormone shots too but no big deal with them. I only ate 1 meal yesterday (lots of cals though) so not ideal with that either. I do regret missing my 2 syntherol shots as I want to be 100% but I will make sure that will be the case from now on. No more drinking for me :eek: I had a few cognacs before going out then about 15 when I was out and about another 15 other drinks (mainly double vodkas). I don't drink often so have been feeling a little fragile :eek:

Time to get serious again. No more missed injs or training sessions. The last day in the gym was calves and upper body. Calves looked like...

Standing Bodyweight Calf Raises... 1 set of 40 reps using holds.
Seated Calf Raises... 5 sets of 20 to 8 reps going up in weight ready for my drop set. Drop set with 5 failure points. I started at 5 plates and got about 15 reps, 4 plates about 13 reps, 3 plates about 12, 2 plates about 22 reps and 1 plate about 30 reps.
Leg Press Calf Raises... 5 sets of 10 slow reps with 10 sec rests between sets.
Tibialis Raises... 2 sets to failure (30-15 reps)... 10 sec rest between sets.

Looks like the gym is shut 2moro now so I will hit my calves hard at home for the next 3 days. Literally about 500 calf raises planned for 2moro...I want them to burn... punish myself for missing my shots haha.

Thank you all for the happy bday wishes :)
Sorry I haven't updated the last 2 days. It's my bday (40th) today but I went out on Sat for it. Been asleep on and off for 16 hours. I was out drinking till 4pm the following day so I needed all that sleep! Well your only 30 once :D I do regret what I have put my body through when out but it's done now and back to being 100% with everything for this log. Off to work now so I will update later with my last workout etc.

I fixed it for you.
I feel so flat due to the last 2 days but just thought I would measure them to see if there is any difference. I am made up. They are 17.6 inches so over 1/2 inch increase in size and I haven't shot for 2 days. Plus I am still only on the 0.5ml per inj protocol so these things have a lot of growing to go! I can only change the future so gonna hit it even harder now :)
Not ideal but I have missed shots for 2 days. I went way over board for my 30th but it was fun. I will continue on using 0.5ml each inj per day then up to 1ml per inj on the 27th Dec. I have missed my hormone shots too but no big deal with them. I only ate 1 meal yesterday (lots of cals though) so not ideal with that either. I do regret missing my 2 syntherol shots as I want to be 100% but I will make sure that will be the case from now on. No more drinking for me :eek: I had a few cognacs before going out then about 15 when I was out and about another 15 other drinks (mainly double vodkas). I don't drink often so have been feeling a little fragile :eek:

Time to get serious again. No more missed injs or training sessions. The last day in the gym was calves and upper body. Calves looked like...

Standing Bodyweight Calf Raises... 1 set of 40 reps using holds.
Seated Calf Raises... 5 sets of 20 to 8 reps going up in weight ready for my drop set. Drop set with 5 failure points. I started at 5 plates and got about 15 reps, 4 plates about 13 reps, 3 plates about 12, 2 plates about 22 reps and 1 plate about 30 reps.
Leg Press Calf Raises... 5 sets of 10 slow reps with 10 sec rests between sets.
Tibialis Raises... 2 sets to failure (30-15 reps)... 10 sec rest between sets.

Looks like the gym is shut 2moro now so I will hit my calves hard at home for the next 3 days. Literally about 500 calf raises planned for 2moro...I want them to burn... punish myself for missing my shots haha.

Thank you all for the happy bday wishes :)
never tried these. my gym has this old school machine for them, now i gotta try them ;)
never tried these. my gym has this old school machine for them, now i gotta try them ;)

I haven't been using them long myself but I love them. It takes a few sets to get used to them. My gym doesn't have a machine so I use a dumbbell and either sit on an incline press or use a machine such as the leg extension.
Merry Christmas everyone :)

I done a set of injections about 2am today. I hit in a vessel in one shot but overall they feel fine. I then done about 300 calf raises and my calves have never been so pumped. Obviously I have along way to go but I was made up with how they felt. I measured them pumped and they were 18 inches.

Gonna do another set of injections tonight about midnight. Then at least 400 calf raises. The gym reopens on the 27th so all training will be at home for now. Enjoy your day everyone :)
Great log! Will be following.
18' is seriously respectable.

But as you know 18 inch on one person can look completely different on another. I have very long legs so in pics they sure don't look big. Unpumped the other day they were 17.6 after 2 days of no injections so over 1/2 inch so far. Honestly though I can see a huge improvement in them so far. I will post some update pics soon.

This syntherol has made a massive difference and gives a ridiculously good pump and appearance to my calves. Literally after 20 calf bodyweight calf raises after injecting my calves feel like they are gonna burst (in the best possible way). I can feel all that stretching of the fascia is making them grow. Looking at how they have responded so far I am gonna give my self a goal of 19 inches :D
Tibialis Raises... 2 sets to failure (30-15 reps)... 10 sec rest between sets.

I use the heavy rubber bands with velcro on each end. Put one end on something stationary, the other around my toes/top end onf my foot and sit on the floor. Great exercise!
Looking forward to seeing some progress pics!
Looking forward to seeing some progress pics!

I will post some soon matey.

Happy belated birthday! 30 + drinks? O M G :che;ky-sm:f'od-smil

To be honest I had more than that last night. Got in about 8:30am and was up by 11am but feel ok now. Mental but fun night. That's the drinking finished for me. I wasn't gonna go out again but last night is usually the biggest night of the year over here so I made an appearance. It hasn't effected my log but sure not ideal due to my poor diet today and the amount of alcohol I drank. My training and diet will be 100% from now on and I expect some great results. I am just about to do 200 calf raises. Gonna hit the gym hard 2moro and train them for at least 30 mins then too.

Here are the only 2 pics from last night. Most of my mates are pretty big and 6ft and over.


Back on track and going to inject 30 days in a row. Earlier I done my injs and some hurt but nothing major. I have moved up in ml. For each side instead of doing 1.5ml I can fit about 2.7-2.8 ml and divide that into the 3 sites. So I am just under the 2nd phase of 1ml per site. I have larger syringes for when I need to move up in dose.

Today I decided to put in 2ml in each bi-cep and tri-cep. I am only going to do that every few days but wow the difference is noticed straightaway. They instantly feel full and pumped. Plus it is not like aas site injs in anyway... they feel great. For any vain guys out there doing quick 4 shots in your arms like I did would give an instant better look if you were trying to impress :D

My gym has been closed over xmas so I trained calves then done 1 exercise for every other body part. Pretty much 3 fast warm up and 1 working set for the other body parts. My calf training looked like this...

Warmed up whilst waiting for the bus doing standing calf raises (in public) :eek::D
Leg Press Calf Raise... 2 sets of 20 reps
Seated Calf Raise... About 15 sets of 15 reps with no more than a 10 sec rest between sets.
Tibialis Raises... 2 sets to failure (40-25 reps)

I feel good but tired now. I have stopped injecting deca. No major reason and I will start up again but haven't bothered. I have moved up my test dose from900mg to 1.2g. So as of now my cycle is 1.2g Genotec Test E. Bigger calves here I come :)
I was working till very late last night then couldn't sleep. I am never ill but all the partying over xmas must have caught up to me as had bad fever, cough and headache the last few days. But I am 100% effort now so I got myself out of bed after 3 hours sleep and done my shots before the gym shut. I trained calves and upper body. I basically done a giant set for chest, back and shoulders performing about 15 exercises non stop. For calves I done...

Smith Machine Calf Raises... 8 sets of at least 15 reps standing on a platform. Went up to 3 plates a side. I used a temp of 1+1 on the positive meaning lifting up then when elevated lifting again up as much as possible.
Seated Calf Raises supersetted with Leg Press Calf Presses... this was more of a giant set as I had no rest between sets (just the 5 secs it takes to walk over). I performed 5 or 6 sets of each for 15 reps with painful holds at the bottom of each rep on the leg press.

Today I took 10IU novolog pre workout. I had an intra shake plus a coffee with 3 sugars pre workout. I am very slin sensitive so have a lot of carbs when using it. Today I probably had 250g carbs pre and intra workout. I am about to have some chicken and rice now as a post workout meal. I also had my fav carbs for when using slin...


I had 6 pairs of tits today :D

I was gonna post some update pics but the hair is back so will sort that out and post in a few days. Have a great new year everyone :)
Last edited:
I was gonna post some update pics but the hair is back so will sort that out and post in a few days. Have a great new year everyone :)

Get those legs shaved and post those pics:p

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