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How did you come up with your username?

Me and a couple of my dudes were hanging out one day in my cell just bullshitting and I had to piss so as I was pissing I was facing the outside of the cell, it was during the day so the cell doors were all cracked wide open and I was on the top tier, a prison transexual comes switching down the tier and glances over and stops and says "Mmm mm they need to call you the king baby" and keeps on switching down the tier. My dudes all started laughing, well my nickname was lewy after my last name so after that they would always bust my balls and call me kinglewy.
I have built a couple of stroker engines ie; car, Harley.
I took the engine size on 1 of my bikes 93 ci and added "stroker" to it.
Me and a couple of my dudes were hanging out one day in my cell just bullshitting and I had to piss so as I was pissing I was facing the outside of the cell, it was during the day so the cell doors were all cracked wide open and I was on the top tier, a prison transexual comes switching down the tier and glances over and stops and says "Mmm mm they need to call you the king baby" and keeps on switching down the tier. My dudes all started laughing, well my nickname was lewy after my last name so after that they would always bust my balls and call me kinglewy.

I have always wondered about your user name, but never imagined a story like that!:eek::D
Well obviously my name is not gonna have a good reason behind it as it's crap. I joined anasci and had never been on a forum before so literally thought I would browse for a few hours and never log on again. It was simply a girl I knew at the time and 2 numbers I use a lot in passwords etc. Anyway when I joined here I kept the same name so people who knew me from anasci would know it was me. I was gonna change it ages ago and got told to keep it as people knew me.
Funny, I'd thought about starting a thread about your username and its meaning a few times but never did so I'm glad to see one as its funny to hear how some chose their name.

Mine came from my favorite college basketball player at the time when I joined, Tyler Hansborough. His nickname was Psycho-T and since my initial is T also and I didn't want the "feds" to figure out who I was I changed the T to a R, hence "psychor". GO TAR HEELS!

I hope the feds aren't reading this.:p
Mine : In ancient Greek Mythology dating from the Geometric period from c. 900–800 BC onward there was an allpowerful god named....

Allright dammit why cant it be glorious?

1999: Message board.....Never in a million years would I think people would figure out who I was. I posted a thread, made up the name of doggcrapp...and thought one and out.....I would be done. A question came in which I answered, another came in which I answered.....freaking thread took off like wildfire....old readers of Hardcore Muscle started saying "I think that's Dante"....forever branded canine feces
Ive been well known in the canine behavior field...one of the biggest completes I've received was from a "famous" dog trainer that consulted with me on an aggressive dog of his clients. He called me a Dog god.

When the economy crashed I picked up a bouncing gig to help ends meet...I always felt like I was guarding the underworld.
I have a Pest Control Business, hence pesty and 4077 is my very first APT number on my own at 17.
im just a bloke
hmmm I have no fucking clue why I chose this username...
Like so many others, I thought I'd never come back to this wretched place. :D

I was starting a strength and conditioning regiment for BJJ and stumbled across BIGBAPPER's story which led me here. I wanted to use the search function effectively and couldn't so I signed up... quickly!

At the time, I was all wrapped up with installing a big(ish) cam and ' Maggie' TVS 2300 supercharger on my G8 GXP. The LS3 is GM's cross platform engine that was in my G8. The "Power" portion seemed perfectly cliché... or not? The car was sold 10 months later.

I disliked my screen name then, I dislike it more now. :(

Hey Big A!? I want to be LSA Power!
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title of the first poem i got published when i was like 15, havent changed it since so i dont forget the new one
Back in the day my buddy and I worked for the same small attorney service and the owner pretty much treated everybody that worked for him, mostly the office staff, like they were second class citizens.

Talking crap behind our backs, BSing on the phone with his snobby friends all day how much money he's making, etc. etc.

Nobody cared though because we all got paid very well and the field agents, like me and my friend, pretty much got away with murder as soon as we walked out the door just so long as we got the work done.

We both convinced the boss to allow us to take the company cars home because it would save him money if we clocked off a half hour sooner rather than driving to the office.

I was making so much money for the company my boss eventually gave up trying to get us to return the cars every night after work and let us use the cars as our personal vehicles.

I immediately uninstalled the crappy stereo he paid Best Buy to put in and installed my competition Zapco/Rainbow Audio system. Made the work of driving six hours a day 100 times better.

I had a free car, paid lunch, free insurance and free gas for over five years driving around to hospitals and clinics and wherever flirting with hot chicks everyday, made a couple of them girlfriends.

Anyway, long story short my friend and I used to joke that we were just a bunch of peons to my boss and the only reason we got away with anything is because we're making him rich. It didn't matter though because once we were out of the office and hit the road we were kings, or so we thought. Hence the name kingpeon.

I don't know, guess it's a pride thing.
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usin this handle since 98' the old ug board...

at that time in my life I was a raging psycho dickhead.

much better now tho...:)
Mine is pretty obvious....I freak over anything Mopar!

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