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Kilo Klub Member
Jan 24, 2009
One of few things that scares me to try. I have been reading alot about it, but haven't seen anything about after your off. If you stay on the same diet, does the fat stay off or does come back on? I keep reading everyone has very little carbs around 75ish and low fat. Why is this? Always thought you need healthy fats to burn fat. %25 of your daily calories should be from fat or is this not true when it comes to contest prepping? I use 40/35/25 ratio, but I'm also not contesting prepping.
Thanks for the feedback
This shit is overrated.

It's really not.

DNP works regardless of macros, most keep carbs low because sides (heat, intense sweating) are a lot worse the more carbs you consume. No fat "rebound" as long as you keep your diet on point - actually I've noticed a good 1-2 month period after cycles where I seem to be able to eat slightly over maintenance with no fat gain. That's just subjective, maybe I'm imagining it.

Stick to 200-250mg a day, aim for long lower-dose cycles. Keep hydrated, take vitamin supplements (particularly vitamin C).
250mg a day didn't do shit for me. I don't think it works very well if you are in the single digits.
DNP works point blank. I did a huge cut before I went on vacation and lost 20 lbs of fat in under a month, very little strength loss which is back up now after hitting the gym in 1 week as I returned from vacation.

As long as you eat right while on DNP, it causes dramatic fat loss. My brother is on it now, 250 mg a day, for about 2 1/2 weeks and he's lost over 20 lbs of fat.
Well thanks for not calling me a liar. But my brother also is very knowledgeable with nutrition and has been a marathon runner for at least the last 10 years along with his wife. Him and his wife stopped training for awhile and went slack with their diets but now they're back on point with it.

Considering that he also dropped carbs, plus he lowered his fat down, and the fact he's still running the same miles daily as he used to as 250mg doesn't affect his breathing or runs, I would say even if all 20 isn't fat, a large portion is.

Did he have a body fat test done? No he didn't. So no, I can't say 100% is fat then. I compare it as being the same as muscle memory. When you lose a lot of mass then start training again, it's easier to get back to that set point. He's now back at his "set point" with the low body fat he had before.

I played around with the old "8 Day" Heretic style protocols quite a few times back in the early-mid 2000's. I do feel that my metabolism stayed pretty revved up year round during those years even while just running 2-3 of the 8 day cycles a year.

I would usually run the below: (note the was the old powdered DNP, not crystal)

Day 1-3: 200mg
Day 4-5: 400mg
Day 6-8: 600mg
I recently tried a low dose cycle of DNP and it is very effective and honestly I was sort of scared reading about stories but it really just heats you up a bit. I hate clen and ECA because those have sides for me like racing heart, anxiety, prostate issues and just feel like crap when they wear off. ECA/Clen also seem to stop working pretty quick.

After reading a lot about DNP (litttle slice) I am glad I tried it. I actually take one cap at 5pm and I get hot at night and a little sleeping overnight then the next day I still can work out and am fine. The fat loss is great and it seems like no sides at least at low dose (200 or less). I try to drink a lot of water and take anti-oxidants. MK makes me way more lethargic than DNP.
I think it has its uses--maybe an extreme endo that needs to drop quick (should have planned better IMO).

But I just smashed off 23lbs in 6 weeks (due to time constraints) and got into single digit bodyfat--my fastest drop ever--using smart (and hard) dieting strategies, increasing training volume, gradually increasing cardio, and greatly reducing (then eliminating for the last 6 days, the only time I've done total keto in over 6 years) carbs. This was done with minimal clen, no gh or peptides, no t3, and only test and a little tren. Pictures of where I'm sitting at now can be found on my recent post in the "pic you took today" thread if you need evidence.

I tried DNP once a long time ago...and yea it works quick. But once I really started learning my body and how it responds to dieting (and still learning, as evidenced this time) I didn't see the need for it ever again.

DNP is a miserable shitshow and if you don't think it is then your DNP probably isn't accurately dosed.
Old thread but for those interested, Alex Kikel has some cool videos about DNP on his Vimeo.
The sponsor here that sells it. His shitbis the bomb. It made me tired AF, so I took 250mg at night and fat melted off.
Same experience here. 250 before bed. I went to 500 last time. Ill probably go up to 500 again for 3-5 days towards the end.

The sponsor here that sells it. His shitbis the bomb. It made me tired AF, so I took 250mg at night and fat melted off.
DNP works point blank. I did a huge cut before I went on vacation and lost 20 lbs of fat in under a month, very little strength loss which is back up now after hitting the gym in 1 week as I returned from vacation.

As long as you eat right while on DNP, it causes dramatic fat loss. My brother is on it now, 250 mg a day, for about 2 1/2 weeks and he's lost over 20 lbs of fat.

That’s awesome! Good for him!

I thought you don’t lose the body fat and water weight until you get off?
That’s awesome! Good for him!

I thought you don’t lose the body fat and water weight until you get off?

How long is a piece of string?

Some people take DNP for a few weeks and pretty much lose 1 pound everyday. Others lose 15 pounds, 10 pounds, others 5 pounds. Some don't lose any weight. Whilst some can put on a large amount of water retention others don't so there are lot's of variables at play. Some guys start it and they are really fat and they cut calories from the start whilst others just add it into an existing diet to take off the last few pounds of fat. I will say the majority of people lose weight when using DNP and when they come off it they drop more weight due to the added water retention.
Lost a pound a day no problem. How ever expect to be lethargic, hot ALL the time, horrible sleep I'd suggest sleeping on a towel and swap it out mid sleep when you eventually wake up from being soaked. Your sweat will stain your white clothes yellow. But you definitely gonna lose fat. Stay very hydrated all day long.be smart don't over do it.
Yes it works but the key is to establish your tolerance level due to it's cumulative effect. My wife started with one capsule no issues. Yes it will make you sweat like crazy. She went to 2 capsules and once it built up in her system she broke out in hives. She stopped taking it and after a week started back on one capsule and was fine. Some people tolerate it some don't. If used within reason and you pay attention to your body it's a great tool. I went up to 2 capsules and was fine but I do feel it flatened me out...possibly due from too low of carbs.
Yes it works but the key is to establish your tolerance level due to it's cumulative effect. My wife started with one capsule no issues. Yes it will make you sweat like crazy. She went to 2 capsules and once it built up in her system she broke out in hives. She stopped taking it and after a week started back on one capsule and was fine. Some people tolerate it some don't. If used within reason and you pay attention to your body it's a great tool. I went up to 2 capsules and was fine but I do feel it flatened me out...possibly due from too low of carbs.
Damn so you STARTED your wife off at double the dosage as a 5ft5 gorilla takes (me)? 🤔

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