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Best Guys On Here...

I know Dave Smith comments here from time to time. I used to enjoy his perspective on Gear'd Up podcast around that 2017 time period. He talked about stopping competing due to his heart no longer being in it, and moving on to BJJ. Homeboy has an insane set of wheels. Id tag you bro, but I couldn't find his username (thought it was just Dave Smith)
He was asked this a lot and always said he had no interest in competing. He didn’t like to restrict his diet too much. Big guy who loved high doses of test. He has a fun Q&A on rx muscle

Hopefully he’s still alive and well
You have a link to the QnA?
I know Dave Smith comments here from time to time. I used to enjoy his perspective on Gear'd Up podcast around that 2017 time period. He talked about stopping competing due to his heart no longer being in it, and moving on to BJJ. Homeboy has an insane set of wheels. Id tag you bro, but I couldn't find his username (thought it was just Dave Smith)
@Big Dave Smith
Just speaking of older members, competitors or not...

What happened to Phidias?? He had everything to do very well!

Yes kid had a fantastic physique (Phidias)

He's still around...He hit the burnt out point and backed away from things to get his head straight.
Just speaking of older members, competitors or not...

What happened to Phidias?? He had everything to do very well!

Great guy. He found an apartment for my wife and I in Paris years ago. We had some great times with him when we were there.

Haven’t a clue what happened to him. I have / had his personal email address and on several occasions tried to contact him. Never heard back. Shame.

He did compete, that I know for sure. I think he won some European championship but don’t quote me on that.

Very very good physique. My wife had never seen a ‘real’ bodybuilder before and she was blown away by his physique and that was just in shorts and a T shirt.
What no mention of Vander?
Also remember Gooey? I think maybe gooey did turn pro? Crazy legs

Gooey. Now there is a blast from the past. Beautiful lines, size, shape. Great legs too. Seemingly had it all. Don’t know if he ever competed.

I think he got married around that time he quit posting.
I remember Vander when I was on here years ago!! He had a great look!!
Couldn’t bring up his legs, take criticism, and was not as good as he though. Good looking upper body though.
Yes kid had a fantastic physique (Phidias)
He's still around...He hit the burnt out point and backed away from things to get his head straight.
Great guy. He found an apartment for my wife and I in Paris years ago. We had some great times with him when we were there.

Haven’t a clue what happened to him. I have / had his personal email address and on several occasions tried to contact him. Never heard back. Shame.

He did compete, that I know for sure. I think he won some European championship but don’t quote me on that.

Very very good physique. My wife had never seen a ‘real’ bodybuilder before and she was blown away by his physique and that was just in shorts and a T shirt.
I didn't know him well outside of the posts I saw on here, he seemed like a good kid with heaps of potential!

When we first launched this name (Gold) it was our UK end and guys like Mike1107 and Big Bapper (RIP)
were a couple of our first movers => I use to talk to Mike a lot in emails before he broke off on his own
and he would send over pics of him training and Phidias was in many of those pics and always looked great!

Big Bapper (RIP) was another that had great potential!

I know Dave Smith comments here from time to time. I used to enjoy his perspective on Gear'd Up podcast around that 2017 time period. He talked about stopping competing due to his heart no longer being in it, and moving on to BJJ. Homeboy has an insane set of wheels. Id tag you bro, but I couldn't find his username (thought it was just Dave Smith)
I remember him from the Anasci VIP or UG VIP I believe?

Wasn't he on the verge of getting his Pro card??

I could be wrong but I think I remember him breaking out
on a winning streak one of those years?

Yes, Jbomb too! He was also part of my stable through one of my labels, can't remember which one now but I know I pulled
at least one of his posts when I made that quote post a couple weeks back! Pro caliber for sure!

I remember him, one of Big A's flock right? I believe legs and abs were his strong points?

I forgot about him! Yes, injuries piled up with him if I remember correctly?

Another that comes to mind from a pic I remember on here or UGBB when he shredded himself down => @woody00

Short but Flex Lewis thick if I remember right:cool:


I remember woody, actually met him when out and about in DFW. This was before we knew we were both members of PM. Was a big ole boy for sure.
I remember woody, actually met him when out and about in DFW. This was before we knew we were both members of PM. Was a big ole boy for sure.
He posted a pic on here or the UG VIP one time where he ripped everything up => he looked fantastic!

Big Bapper (RIP) was another that had great potential!

Thinking back to a lot of these old guys...Life is a crazy fucking thing man!

The reason I ever made it here was because of one of Big A's good friends IronMike...He was Modding on Bolex for their AU forum and I use to shoot the shit with him in messages because I always wanted to go there. After months of being on me, he got me over to Big A's boards...Ended up seeing all of AU now and becoming really close friends with Big A in real life and never got the chance to meet IronMike!

Big Bapper was another...Spoke with him a lot in messages when I first got over here...I have family over there and always planned to head that way too. If I do ever make it out there won't be seeing him either!

It was the same for Guatemala...Like I said, fucking crazy man!

I remember Lynx asking me WTH I was doing out in the jungles of Guatemala because I don't seem that type of dude...Told her, cause I made someone a promise I'd make it out there one day.
Yeah, he was like what 215lbs when he first started on here...Now walks around close to 300lbs!
Yea he’s a fucking stud, one of the few guys I can watch train and just be like FUUUCK, and not get bored. Even watching RC train gets old but Dusty and Branch are just what I love about the gym they just train like 35% heavier than I do with ease and I’m no bitch.
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Yea he’s a fucking stud, one of the few guys I can watch train and just be like FUUUCK, and not get bored. Even watching RC train gets old but Dusty and Branch are just what I love about the gym they just train like 35% heavier than I do with ease and I’m no bitch.
Yeah, a much smaller Dusty when he first came on...His training intensity and running with DC brought on that mass!
Yeah, a much smaller Dusty when he first came on...His training intensity and running with DC brought on that mass!
That’s cool he was on here, I’ve only seen his videos but he seems like a great dude who has over come a lot and still loves the game 1,000%. How some guys strain in sweatshirts all the time is beyond me, I’d pass the fuck out but hes unique for sure!
Your making yourself sound a lot different
Then the “marssel” I know.
Unless Dusty started training in Poland lol
Your making yourself sound a lot different
Then the “marssel” I know.
Unless Dusty started training in Poland lol
Was my first thought when he posted the question:LOL:
Dusty is a mass monster for sure!

I was happy to see he finally gained his Pro card, a good spokesman for the sport!


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