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Best Guys On Here...


OG' since '99
Kilo Klub Member
Board Supporter
Nov 28, 2007
...That should have competed, but never went that direction:unsure:

Which members on here could have done very well if they had chosen to compete??

I'll start with one that came to mind from someone we have been talking about in
one of my Sponsor threads => Mike1107

Shape, size, genetics, everything needed to succeed on the competitive side:cool:

VanderV is another that comes to mind, had he had the right person guiding him!

I remember @Big A calling @b-boy very early on that he would be a member that gained his Pro card!!

What other members over the years would have made solid competitors in the sport?

For whatever reason @Jbomb stopped competing, he would have easily turned pro had he kept competing.
Jaxino... :)

I don't remember him mention competing. Maybe not pro level genetics but certainly an impressive physique. Would have done/do very well at the Masters level.

Yeah, he was massive. What happened to him, he's still around?
Getbig27...Can't remember if he was already a competitor but definitely Pro caliber!
The answer should be no one really

These members either didn't have the desire to compete, lacked the discipline or just knew they weren't good enough to do very well.
The answer should be no one really

These members either didn't have the desire to compete, lacked the discipline or just knew they weren't good enough to do very well.
And some people like Dennis Newman got cancer and didn't have a chance to show what they could have done.

I don't remember him mention competing. Maybe not pro level genetics but certainly an impressive physique. Would have done/do very well at the Masters level.
He was asked this a lot and always said he had no interest in competing. He didn’t like to restrict his diet too much. Big guy who loved high doses of test. He has a fun Q&A on rx muscle

Hopefully he’s still alive and well
He was asked this a lot and always said he had no interest in competing. He didn’t like to restrict his diet too much. Big guy who loved high doses of test. He has a fun Q&A on rx muscle

Hopefully he’s still alive and well
He checks in here maybe once every 2 years.

He had some major surgeries the last few years due to all the wear and tear - pretty sure one was spinal. He's downsized from his peak years but still looked better than most in the most recent pictures he posted.
I still see swiper post on another forum.
He’s around and still looks great.
Does anyone have pics of this guy? For some reason I don’t remember his physique, for all of you guys to be blown away by him says something. Would love to see some pics if anyone has some or an old thread link.

I agree with @3BILLS as I know a handful of guys at the gyms I train at who look insane, run the cycles and eat the diet even. But when I push them to compete or get on stage they shut down or want no part of it. Almost as if it would take away their reason for looking that way and bodybuilding.

Any of us who compete can probably totally relate to that- competing is so selfish and takes everything from you. We do it because we love it and the process, but competing at a high level can easily take that out of you if you’re not careful IMO.
Sorry, I did what I would have told anyone else to do “use the damn search function.”

You can learn a lot about someone using the search feature and scrolling. Multiple back injuries and a shoulder which I saw he was planning a partial replacement for. Yet he still looked like this and only 1.5- 2g of gear from what I gathered a week. I can fully understand why he didn’t compete though now. Beast. 😎

IMG_6788.jpeg IMG_6785.jpeg IMG_6787.jpeg IMG_6786.jpeg
For whatever reason @Jbomb stopped competing, he would have easily turned pro had he kept competing.
Yes, Jbomb too! He was also part of my stable through one of my labels, can't remember which one now but I know I pulled
at least one of his posts when I made that quote post a couple weeks back! Pro caliber for sure!
Getbig27...Can't remember if he was already a competitor but definitely Pro caliber!
I remember him, one of Big A's flock right? I believe legs and abs were his strong points?

I don't remember him mention competing. Maybe not pro level genetics but certainly an impressive physique. Would have done/do very well at the Masters level.
I forgot about him! Yes, injuries piled up with him if I remember correctly?

Another that comes to mind from a pic I remember on here or UGBB when he shredded himself down => @woody00

Short but Flex Lewis thick if I remember right:cool:

What no mention of Vander?
Also remember Gooey? I think maybe gooey did turn pro? Crazy legs
What no mention of Vander?
Also remember Gooey? I think maybe gooey did turn pro? Crazy legs
You're getting old like me my friend, may be time for those reader lenses LOLOL!

I mentioned VV in the initial post => Great genetics and response to gear!

I forgot about Gooey! He was the taller bald guy, great muscle roundness and as you said massive legs!


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