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Anavar in offseason your opinion

Well honestly there is no such thing as a pre contest Steroid or a off season Steroid.. no don't get me wrong there are some compounds that will cause water retention that may not be ideal to use precontest etc.. but all steroids accrete protein the same way. Some have secondary characteristics that give them the nod at certain times over others .. but all build tissue.. anavar is no different .. it can be used in off season and is very nice for adding a bit of strength. . I wouldn't run it for long periods as it has a harsh effect for some in regards to lipids etc.. but overall a good all around compound
Actually i find long esters very beneficial on a cut due to higher water retention , estrogen etc , those factors are very important on a cut where you already has a limited energy from low calories. Mixed that with low estrogen and you will feel like shit. I firmly believe that short esters has their place just last 4 weeks before the show just to get rid of water and harden the physique but all fatloss should be done on long esters only.
Just for the record, and it could just be my genetics,but 50mg of var a day for 6 weeks dropped my hdl from 40 to 22 and my ldl up from 70 to 100. I have noticed most all dhts do this to me. And i understand we are not talking lipids here im just saying why i do not like anavar lol.
It was mentioned because it is fact and it was relevant to the post.. he wanted to know if anavar could be added in off season.. yes it can.. why? Because in his cycle he already had met certain requirements for growth in regards to estro etc.. so adding anavar will provide a decent boost in the right amounts.. so would even winny.. or oral turinabol .. compound that have no estro conversion can be used for their protein synthesis to add to the cycle..
Right, and I understand that, but what what I’m saying is why even say it in the first place if we all have an understanding that it’s really a non factor as far as growth potential of a steroid?
Right, and I understand that, but what what I’m saying is why even say it in the first place if we all have an understanding that it’s really a non factor as far as growth potential of a steroid?
Lol.. i stated why.. because the poster was already using test.. he wanted to know if anavar could be used in off season.. the answer is YES!! .. anavar can be used in off season in his posted cycle. Test is covering his estro needs etc.. so anavar will add to the total anabolic content and bring additional protein synthesis.. so based on HIS CYCLE AND QUESTION anavar can be used. I truly can't state it more simply
I know right.
Hello guys.
Anyone there used anavar in offseason? If answer is yes what dosage do you use and how long?
I'm thinking about trying it on top of my test/npp/gh i consider dosage between 50mg-100mg ed.
I will be grateful if you describe your experiences
I wanted to read the experiences of other guys using it. During the offseason. I know i can take any drug in any phase. Anavar on paper looks more sustainable than other orals. @luki7788 answered very clealry for my question. :)
I agree. I was just saying what is the point of of saying “all steroids accrue protein at the same rate” when it seems to be pretty much a non-factor in terms of actual tissue accrual?

Honestly looks like we completely agree. I guess I just don’t see the point of even paying attention to the protein accrual when it’s irrelevant to growth potential in the real world.

Protein accretion, protein synthesis vs. protein breakdown, net protein balance...

These are all direct and simple measures of muscle growth..

Things like IGF, estrogen, and every other mechanism and pathway related to hypertrophy, all mediate their effects by way of increasing net protein balance

Muscle growth = protein accrual

--->>> Victor Black is wrong for the simple fact that different steroids *do* have different effects on protein accrual, protein synthesis and protein breakdown, net protein balance.. <<<---

Man I used.100mg day and.I personally never.noticed.anything but I got a.lot of.compliments on my.physique. so maybe take.before.anf.after pi,s!
Just for the record, and it could just be my genetics,but 50mg of var a day for 6 weeks dropped my hdl from 40 to 22 and my ldl up from 70 to 100. I have noticed most all dhts do this to me. And i understand we are not talking lipids here im just saying why i do not like anavar lol.

Anavar is a fantastic hormone, no doubt but this would be my concern, especially in the offseason where food will be high and we are already fighting against the deleterious effects on insulin sensitivity. Driving HDL down at that point seems an unneccessary risk.

I'd rather focus on safer injectable hormones & leave out orals altogether. Safe that stuff for closer to a show.
--->>> Victor Black is wrong for the simple fact that different steroids *do* have different effects on protein accrual, protein synthesis and protein breakdown, net protein balance.. <<<---


And there are actually very good tightly controlled studies going back into the 1950s that 100% document and prove this (not so shockingly nandrolone is way up there). TypeII has posted them multiple times. This was the period when medical was synthesizing all of these and measuring differences to create more effective and lower side hormones for various uses than base testosterone. Basically the whole reason we have all the variety we do.
And there are actually very good tightly controlled studies going back into the 1950s that 100% document and prove this (not so shockingly nandrolone is way up there). TypeII has posted them multiple times. This was the period when medical was synthesizing all of these and measuring differences to create more effective and lower side hormones for various uses than base testosterone. Basically the whole reason we have all the variety we do.
My 100.00 dollar challenge still stands, go on Instagram and tell him he is wrong. I put my money saying Victor makes a complete and utter fool of you.
The only downside to that is then he will Lump everyone on professionalmuscle in the same group as a bunch of idiots (which he tends to do).
My 100.00 dollar challenge still stands, go on Instagram and tell him he is wrong. I put my money saying Victor makes a complete and utter fool of you.
The only downside to that is then he will Lump everyone on professionalmuscle in the same group as a bunch of idiots (which he tends to do).
I missed the details of the challenge, curious whats going on here
I missed the details of the challenge, curious whats going on here
100 to anyone that goes to instagram and proves him wrong.

Victor is not some genius science guy, he is just a wise old man that chooses VERY CAREFULLY what he says. Thus he claims he is the only "EVIDENCE BASED TEACHER" he makes 1000% certain that his claims are backed by irrefutable scientific data and research, that's it. That is the sole reason he claims that he has never been wrong and NOBODY has called him on it, he makes a claim and shows the studies that he is basing his claim on so all you have to do is say "no your wrong" and provide YOUR SCIENTIFIC PROOF.
100 to anyone that goes to instagram and proves him wrong.

Victor is not some genius science guy, he is just a wise old man that chooses VERY CAREFULLY what he says. Thus he claims he is the only "EVIDENCE BASED TEACHER" he makes 1000% certain that his claims are backed by irrefutable scientific data and research, that's it. That is the sole reason he claims that he has never been wrong and NOBODY has called him on it, he makes a claim and shows the studies that he is basing his claim on so all you have to do is say "no your wrong" and provide YOUR SCIENTIFIC PROOF.
I would LOVE for someone from here to prove him wrong but I realize that he is very careful and very deliberate about what he says or claims.
I would LOVE for someone from here to prove him wrong but I realize that he is very careful and very deliberate about what he says or claims.

Hasn't Dr Dean St Mart done that multiple times?
100 to anyone that goes to instagram and proves him wrong.

Victor is not some genius science guy, he is just a wise old man that chooses VERY CAREFULLY what he says. Thus he claims he is the only "EVIDENCE BASED TEACHER" he makes 1000% certain that his claims are backed by irrefutable scientific data and research, that's it. That is the sole reason he claims that he has never been wrong and NOBODY has called him on it, he makes a claim and shows the studies that he is basing his claim on so all you have to do is say "no your wrong" and provide YOUR SCIENTIFIC PROOF.
We probably have different interpretations of what “wise” means, but i digress….

Still curious what prompted this and why you are the one offering this money
I would LOVE for someone from here to prove him wrong but I realize that he is very careful and very deliberate about what he says or claims.
My guess is that he's not actually saying what people attribute him to saying - I've said that before and banana phone with muscle headz gets out of hand quickly. I mean people think his Master Class is some kind of legit educational institutional credit. I honestly give no shits about him or anyone else but what dimwit people say he says all over the internet is categorically wrong. If that's true, burden is on him since he's out of line with and seemingly unaware of fairly conclusive and measured science.
We probably have different interpretations of what “wise” means, but i digress….

Still curious what prompted this and why you are the one offering this money
Maybe "crafty" would be a better word. 🤔 🙂.

Because people want to sit on the sidelines and talk about how wrong he is and offer no proof to their rebuttal (I see why he thinks "this tribe" aka anabolic using men are idiots). How about step into the arena showing scientific literature that he is wrong and shut the man up for good 👍🏿 😉. I honestly don't see that happening though IMHO.
Maybe "crafty" would be a better word. 🤔 🙂.
I will def agree with that, very crafty
Because people want to sit on the sidelines and talk about how wrong he is and offer no proof to their rebuttal (I see why he thinks "this tribe" aka anabolic using men are idiots). How about step into the arena showing scientific literature that he is wrong and shut the man up for good 👍🏿 😉. I honestly don't see that happening though IMHO.
Honestly I only know one or two of his talking points, the protein accrual thing being the only one I can remember. And if I can recall correctly there’s several qualifiers and nuances to that argument so it’s not a black and white thing.

I just can’t take his personality so I’ve never taken a look at whatever he’s preaching
I will def agree with that, very crafty

Honestly I only know one or two of his talking points, the protein accrual thing being the only one I can remember. And if I can recall correctly there’s several qualifiers and nuances to that argument so it’s not a black and white thing.

I just can’t take his personality so I’ve never taken a look at whatever he’s preaching
I just have to add that those easily able to prove him wrong (more than a handful with deep knowledge on the matter and not cherry picking studies to sound smart and unique) would absolutely turn off the $100 offer simply because spending all the time it'd take arguing with someone so stubborn and obtuse (either because he's actually so stubborn and obtuse or because he needs to uphold the character he created with his "exclusive brainwaves") it's not worth the headache.
That being said, I couldn't personally care less if someone likes him. All the tastes are ok as long as they don't necessarily have to pass through my mouth.

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