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Anavar in offseason your opinion

The point is actually that the studies do match reality

Victor Black made a claim that no studies indicate different steroids grow muscles (ie "accrete protein" at different rates

But months ago Type-II had posted a study showing that different steroids do cause different rates of growth , and a week or so ago the subject came up again, so I went on my university library website and requested access to a couple more studies on the subject. They showed up for me so I posted them today.

Good sleuthing mate.
The point is actually that the studies do match reality

Victor Black made a claim that no studies indicate different steroids grow muscles (ie "accrete protein" at different rates

But months ago Type-II had posted a study showing that different steroids do cause different rates of growth , and a week or so ago the subject came up again, so I went on my university library website and requested access to a couple more studies on the subject. They showed up for me so I posted them today.

The whole 'all steroids grow the same amount of muscle' line is a popular one among the UK safer use crowd as well.

They all have a chub for primo.
The whole 'all steroids grow the same amount of muscle' line is a popular one among the UK safer use crowd as well.

They all have a chub for primo.
They probably got it from Victor Black

It's no wonder that newbs and people without experience could believe anything

But someone who has supposedly been doing this for decades, is just a master of self deception
Another study ....

"The mean daily nitrogen retaining
activities of 50 mg of Anadur and Deca-
Durabolin, respectively, were found to be
equal. Anadur, however, produced a
longer lasting effect. The total amount
of nitrogen retained during a period of
positive nitrogen balance was therefore
Deca-Durabolin at a dosage of 25 mg
produced a considerably lower effect,
and 100 mg of Primobolan-Depot show-
ed a somewhat lower mean nitrogen re-
taining activity per day than did 50 mg
of Deca-Durabolin and Anadur, re-

View attachment 191358View attachment 191359View attachment 191360
So you have your ammo, go shove these down Victor Black's throat, give him the kill shot! Why are you scared to challenge his stance? You can end this dude, DO IT! just let me go grab some popcorn 🍿 first so give me warning ⚠️
So you have your ammo, go shove these down Victor Black's throat, give him the kill shot! Why are you scared to challenge his stance? You can end this dude, DO IT! just let me go grab some popcorn 🍿 first so give me warning ⚠️
Since your are from P.M. I should caution you to listen closely to what Victor's claim is........I just want you to be well armed if you do decide to "storm the castle"
So you have your ammo, go shove these down Victor Black's throat, give him the kill shot! Why are you scared to challenge his stance? You can end this dude, DO IT! just let me go grab some popcorn 🍿 first so give me warning ⚠️
How do you want me to contact him? Should I send him a message on Instagram and then screenshot his response and paste it here?
Oddly enough, I have never used anavar but I will for the first time in a few weeks at 50mg. Probably just as an add on to my TRT
I always felt like the leaner I was, the more it shined like winstrol and masteron
How do you want me to contact him? Should I send him a message on Instagram and then screenshot his response and paste it here?
Seems reasonable to me 🤷‍♂️ maybe see if he’ll come back on here.
He isn't coming here

Just post what you want and tag me then I will tag him.
Due to stalkers from Getbig I have my IG set to private so you wouldn't be able to see anything I post unless your on my friends list, and neither would Victor. Perhaps ask him to unblock me @Taylor_D_Barrett and then I can just send him a message on there
Due to stalkers from Getbig I have my IG set to private so you wouldn't be able to see anything I post unless your on my friends list, and neither would Victor. Perhaps ask him to unblock me @Taylor_D_Barrett and then I can just send him a message on there

You're an intelligent lad by the looks of it and your answers are backed by experience and evidence, what's the reason for trying to prove this guy wrong? Who cares what he thinks.

I mean I'm all up for a bit of drama but he just sounds like another clever sounding kook to me. Plenty of them out there peddling their wares.
Due to stalkers from Getbig I have my IG set to private so you wouldn't be able to see anything I post unless your on my friends list, and neither would Victor. Perhaps ask him to unblock me @Taylor_D_Barrett and then I can just send him a message on there
He doesn't answer pm's ...FYI

Justin is a fellow " retard" that like primo with his test and recommends it over all other compounds.. but we all know how " dumb" Justin is in regards to prep and training lol😉
A simple recipe for being a big fucker (created dozens of massmonsters) - use as much testosterone and GH as you can tolerate - control sugar (insulin) and estrogen (if primo helps you with this, why not use it)

Nothing has changed for years and it still works
A simple recipe for being a big fucker (created dozens of massmonsters) - use as much testosterone and GH as you can tolerate - control sugar (insulin) and estrogen (if primo helps you with this, why not use it)

Nothing has changed for years and it still works
Yep.. as long as your estrogen requirements are met ( Via test )add whatever you want to your cycle.. it will work to boost anabolic content.. test is the base.. amounts will vary greatly depending on the person. . Now add in what gives you the least amount of issued in regards to side effects..done..
I agree. Anavar also has more potent fat loss effects than testosterone (study compared 20mg var to 200mg test)
20mg of Anavar per day is exactly the same as 200mg of Test E per week, minus the weight of the ester - in both cases 140mg of the active substance

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