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New Mod - Big Bapper

Big A

IFBB PRO/NPC JUDGE/Administrator
Staff member
Jun 4, 2002
Big Bapper has just been made the newest ProMuscle mod. I don't have to tell any of you why :)
oh great, now i really cant get away with anything :(

Congrats big B...much deserved!
HAHAHA, Congrats BB, you are one of the best guys here. Well done!!
I don't have to tell any of you why :)


The first Euro mod of PM... was about time :eek: lol ;) Hey what's wrong with being chauvinistic? :p :D

More than deserved, BP... congrats!!! :)
Congrats Bro...
He's a well deserving brother. Plus this will keep his ass on the board more.:eek:

BTW, part of being a mod is giving away all your secrets. I dont know if they told you that part or not.:D

Congrats BB!
congrats BB !!!
Well deserved!

Congrats Big Man!!! Well done!!!
Big Thankyou !!

Thankyou all for your support, I can not say what it means to me to be a member here, never mind a MOD. I would like to say a big thanks to BigA for giving me the oppertunity to be a MOD on the best site on the net.

Nartic I am sure I will be saying this about you someday, but we have not known each other long enough, but I know you are a good guy so thanks for your kind words.


It could of been any of you and I would have choose any of you over me anyday, but for some reason BigA asked me and for that I am greatfull. My goal is to work together with the other MODS to keep this board the best on the net.

Quick story,
I used to hire doormen(security,Bouncers) out for a liveing. When I was doing a interveiw and if they had not spent all the time they were talking to me telling me how tough they were and they got the job. The only thing I would ask of them is to treat everyone the same meaning if it kicks off. I dont care if they are 7ft and 300lb or 120lb and 5ft, I want everyone treated the same. So when I opened my gym I carried it over and all my gym members regardless of experence treat everyone with respect and now I sit at recption and see the only hardcore gym I have ever been in were there is no bitching between members, because I wont stand for it and have barred 3 people because of it. When you come to my gym no matter what your belifes or background, everyone gets treated the same. Now as a MOD all I ask is that everyone on this board is treated with the respect they desvere. YOU ARE ALL LIKE FAMILY TO ME TO ME AND I LOVE THIS BOARD WITH MY HEART AND SOUL. Big Bapper 28/04/2008
Congrad's my friend. You deserve it!
He's a well deserving brother. Plus this will keep his ass on the board more.:eek:

BTW, part of being a mod is giving away all your secrets. I dont know if they told you that part or not.:D

Congrats BB!

The Secret is there is no secrets with me, so ask away. This tread is moving fast but as I said about members in my last post "I would have choose you over me" Respect.
congrats BB !!!

Mike you are one of my best friends on this board and I would have also put you down for MOD satus over me. Thankyou for all your help over the years. Respect.
Congrats BB. Not sure if you noticed, but you have an extra forum that you have access to on the main page ;)
Congrats BB. Not sure if you noticed, but you have an extra forum that you have access to on the main page ;)

AWWWW MANNNNNN! First, Isle of the Damned now there is another section us regs can't get too:(

And No, I don't really want access to the Isle of the Damned THAT BAD .... I nkow what your thinking :p
wow congrats bro, big honor but well deserving! You will be a great mod, hell they need all the help they can get with the influx of dumbass' lately...LOL good luck bro!!!!!!

with great power comes great responsibility! use your magic wand wisely ;)
Congratulations... Big bapper!!! A great choice indeed!!! woohooo....
Quick story,
I used to hire doormen(security,Bouncers) out for a liveing. When I was doing a interveiw and if they had not spent all the time they were talking to me telling me how tough they were and they got the job. The only thing I would ask of them is to treat everyone the same meaning if it kicks off. I dont care if they are 7ft and 300lb or 120lb and 5ft, I want everyone treated the same. So when I opened my gym I carried it over and all my gym members regardless of experence treat everyone with respect and now I sit at recption and see the only hardcore gym I have ever been in were there is no bitching between members, because I wont stand for it and have barred 3 people because of it. When you come to my gym no matter what your belifes or background, everyone gets treated the same. Now as a MOD all I ask is that everyone on this board is treated with the respect they desvere. YOU ARE ALL LIKE FAMILY TO ME TO ME AND I LOVE THIS BOARD WITH MY HEART AND SOUL. Big Bapper 28/04/2008

Great set of ethics mate, well done on your 'promotion' :)

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  • Big A
    IFBB PRO/NPC JUDGE/Administrator

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