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10 Machines You Shouldn't Use

how bout those dips?

remember reading that dips are hard on the shoulders? guess what started doin them again last week and felt some shoulder pain and i dont go past the parrelel point.
I don't think you should ever ever ever exclude an exercise from a workout unless you prove that it doesn't work for you. Heck if a particular workout works for you and no one else in the world it doesn't mean you drop it. Otherwise everyone would have the exact workout.
Great post

Great post! I have found doing limited movement leg extensions work better for me. Really just to form the heads on the end of the quad. Growth for me is squats, squats, oooh and lunges.
Squats, Lunges, SLDL's, and Leg Press are the best quad and ham builders around... Leg extensions are more for shape imo.
Ive heard lifting weights is hard on the joints.....guess I will just join the geriatrics in the pool aerobics class.
ill give everyone a hint about Phils post. think about how a shoulder is mechanically its strongest, yes youll be able to push more weight over your head but think about stability in the joint. let your body work the way it took millions of years to evolve. what position is your shoulder normally in? thats how it should work.
how would you train shoulders with heavy weight if your not pushing it above your head im dumbfounded ;p

Upright rows and dont go pass nipple line?
ill give everyone a hint about Phils post. think about how a shoulder is mechanically its strongest, yes youll be able to push more weight over your head but think about stability in the joint. let your body work the way it took millions of years to evolve. what position is your shoulder normally in? thats how it should work.

in the long run...will it truly matter? careful walking across the street to jump off the cliff.
somewhat irrelevant but instead of back extension I think more gyms need a reverse hyper
well I never had any knee probs till i started doing leg extensions and i had the damn pad under my knee to far down and i guess i over extented my knee because i was using way too much weight never do them now other than very very I usually set down after some 60 yr old woman gets up and I leave the weight alone just rep out ......
I avoid overhead presses for a different reason: I have slight scoliosis, and doing shoulder presses, no matter if it's a barbell or dumbbell.. activated my shoulders differently, and made my trapz uneven.

I only do seated side laterals now, and believe it or not: rest pausing those makes my delts grow like a weed.
For increased tension I sometimes up the weight and do partial/quarter laterals to get past sticking points. Works very well.
I believe everything has its purpose in the gym. I find free weights are great to put on the mass because of the compound movements you have to use to balance the weight, but also I like to use some of the machines mentioned in the post to completely isolate a group of muscles, however I agree that you gotta use caution with some of the machines because some of them do not follow your natural lifting motions, so I always train lighter when using machines. And one last thing, when doing leg extensions do them with light weight, they put a lot of stress on ligaments and tendons, and never ever do behind the neck pull downs. God bless you all

Can it get any more controversial? *LOL* How in the FRANK do the power lifters/Olympians train? Curious to say the least?

Great post man, I agree with a lot of the things posted on there. I always use free weights when I can, I feel I hit the muscles better that way.
1. Seated Leg Extension

If you do too much weight, it can injury your knees. It's best for warm up sets.

2. Seated Military Press

Behind the neck presses are unnatural movements, so it better to do them in the front. I don't see this machine as being a problem. Using a medicine-ball is not going to do anything for your shoulders.

3. Seated Lat Pull-Down (Behind the Neck)

Once again... behind the neck isn't a natural movement. Doing it in the front is best.

4. Seated Pec Deck

If you are having shoulder problem and this exercise hurts, then don't do it. Other than that, it's still a good exercise to include in your routine.

5. Seated Hip Abductor Machine

I agree with them on this one. I never recommend them, and yet gym trainers always tell women this is a good one for them to do. If you are doing squats and lunges, then you don't need this machine.

6. Seated Rotation Machine

Another worthless machine that trainers like for women to do. Stick to the basics... crunches and sit-ups always work best.

7. Seated Leg Press

Squats are always the best exercise for legs, but this one is a good alternative. However, you shouldn't use this as your core exercise.

8. Squats Using Smith Machine

I agree with them on this one. SM can add stress to the knees, shoulders and lower back. Better exercise is regular old squats.

9. Roman Chair Back Extension

I never got much out of this machine. I think the back extension bench is a much better way to do them. The back extension bench I think is what they are calling the "Roman Chair Sit-up".

10. Roman Chair Sit-Up

I don't agree with the on this one. Some people have low back problems and if this machine hurts, then don't do it. It can put stress on it. I find it makes my back feel better. It will really depend on the person.

...just my 2¢.

I like your follow up view points on this.

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