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16 weeks...


Dec 26, 2007
what do u guys think of 16 weeks test @250 and primo. @500 per week. My body seems to reject test, thats why its low. thanks fellas...
That would work, fine. I don't even use test at all anymore.
What do you mean "reject test"? Are you just saying the sides are bad?
What do you mean "reject test"? Are you just saying the sides are bad?

the side i love is my sex drive goes through the roof. the side i can't stand is increase in BP and having my chest neck and face bright red
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My last prep(the one I'm on now) I've been using EQ, Mast, Tren, and a little var(not all at the same time)

I am one of the few that feel better without test. Additionally, the only way I can counter acne from the DHT conversion is to add tren so the DHN competes to bind at the same receptor. I eventually said screw it and stopped using test. No acne, more energy, and overall better feeling. My acne was really bad with test, though. It really inhibited quality of life. Never looked back
My last prep(the one I'm on now) I've been using EQ, Mast, Tren, and a little var(not all at the same time)

I am one of the few that feel better without test. Additionally, the only way I can counter acne from the DHT conversion is to add tren so the DHN competes to bind at the same receptor. I eventually said screw it and stopped using test. No acne, more energy, and overall better feeling. My acne was really bad with test, though. It really inhibited quality of life. Never looked back


To each is own, everyone's body is different. Whatever works.
My last prep(the one I'm on now) I've been using EQ, Mast, Tren, and a little var(not all at the same time)

I am one of the few that feel better without test. Additionally, the only way I can counter acne from the DHT conversion is to add tren so the DHN competes to bind at the same receptor. I eventually said screw it and stopped using test. No acne, more energy, and overall better feeling. My acne was really bad with test, though. It really inhibited quality of life. Never looked back

thats interesting. my energy levels, are very low when running test. what do u think of a Primo, tren and adding winny for the last 6 weeks of a 16 week cycle?

What do u use for ur sex drive?
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thats interesting. my energy levels, are very low when running test. what do u think of a Primo, tren and adding winny for the last 6 weeks of a 16 week cycle?

What do u use for ur sex drive?

I think thats a pretty good combo. I've never had issues with sex drive except one time and 300mg b6 to lower prolactin helped.
Wow. Do you run HCG on your "no test" cycles?
man without test

i feel like a woman (no pun).....not that its a BAD thing:p

TEST IS KING!!!!!.......period

for all of you that "cant" take it......IM SORRY

man without test

i feel like a woman (no pun).....not that its a BAD thing:p

TEST IS KING!!!!!.......period

for all of you that "cant" take it......IM SORRY


trust me, if i could run it i would. im gonna incorporate about 250 mg. in this cycle with some daily aromasin and see what happens
the side i can't stand is increase in BP and having my chest neck and face bright red

I'm guessing that your high bp is he cause of your bright red face. Have you considered adding a low dose beta blocker such as inderal??? PubMed Health - Propranolol Oral

Please know that messing with ones bp can be very dangerous, lethally dangerous... I just offer the above suggestion as something to think about.
trust me, if i could run it i would. im gonna incorporate about 250 mg. in this cycle with some daily aromasin and see what happens

you know ive herd of peeps in the same situation
and they say proviron seems to help

i personally dont know

but i like proviron, i just dont do it with test
I'm guessing that your high bp is he cause of your bright red face. Have you considered adding a low dose beta blocker such as inderal??? PubMed Health - Propranolol Oral

Please know that messing with ones bp can be very dangerous, lethally dangerous... I just offer the above suggestion as something to think about.

i was on some BP meds but made little differnce. i have been off my cycle for a while and my BP has returned to normal 115/65 this am. i do not take BP meds, can can controlled through, diet, exercise and weight loss
you know ive herd of peeps in the same situation
and they say proviron seems to help

i personally dont know

but i like proviron, i just dont do it with test

good info, i may give that a shot
My cousin is a Power lifter....

He also owns a Gym, he blows up off 800mg of Eq a week no test. If he wasn't my cousin and physically saw him do it i would believe it. It's the same as me putting 750mg of Test E and 500mg of Deca in my body.

It is unreal on how our bodies are diffferent.
i did a "storytime with lats" about a guy who used 800-1000 of primo as his main source or base.. he looked great.. no test just primo, tren and some dbol.. but i would think you would want some estro to get better gains.. the eq could convert some but does not have a hugh affinity to do so..

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