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18 IU a day and 5g gear test and mast

@ChaseIrons if you said it before my apologies for missing it. I know initially from one of your previous videos you talked about the 18 IU a day for 3 months prior to going on vacation I think it was.

How much longer do you plan to continue that protocol? On a side note recently purchased your L-Carnitine and will be stocking up on more soon.
I’m not really sure how much longer I’ll run the 18iu gh a day. I haven’t found a reason to stop and I’ve talked to guys that have done it much longer than me so far.. so i imagine when i get 10 days out from contest maybe… right now I’m just holding everything where it’s at and watching things change. Took these yesterday at 272 thick skin and all:

Victor claimed in our convo that i was wasting my money in that it was only water and mineral retention… i mean sure, the immediate changes but after months and months I’m surprised he wasn’t smart enough to understand what else changes.

Hey thanks for buying my carnitine i appreciate it! Which brings me to another point in that conversation… how did Victor not put together that YouTube wasn’t my only income and that it funneled into anything else i wanted to do like sell carnitine? The dude is so weird
I’d like to think I know a thing or two about training/supplements that being said I just wanna make sure I understand…that’s 500mg of testosterone a day ?? So 3500mg of test per week ?? If that is the case I’ll just say this, that’s ABSURD !!!!!
I do 1000 eod.. so 2 shots eod with 2ml of test in it and 1ml of mast in each shot so 3ml a shot on each side of my body, 6ml eod. I typically rotate between glutes, ventroglutes, quads, then 1ml rear Delts, 1ml rear side delt, 1ml front side delt (none in actual front delt)
Is there anything that you put your calcium score of 123 down to in the past?

Poor diet, recs, smoking, alcohol, no health sups, PEDs, etc..?
Yes, when i was 23-27 years old i spent a lot of time on tren, upwards of 2100mg a week of tren with not much else at times for a very short stint but it gives you an idea of how reckless i was back then and tried a lot of different things like getting a ton of my carbs from fat free candy like haribo or Mike n Ike’s…. Lots and lots of inflammation going on back then would definitely cause a positive calcium score 10 years later. That being said i believe i had probably an even higher score as in my 30’s is when i became much more health conscious and started doing things to keep inflammation low and using more low dose cycles and eating very well. I got the calcium scored done when i was 35 and when i saw the number i came off everything for a year but trt and hammered the health and got another one done in Feb a year later and it came back clean… and then we got pregnant and i hopped back on cycle.. then March 15 started the 18 gh experiment
I was going to ask Chase but I’ll ask you instead since your mast dose I would consider high.
What is your reasoning behind (Chase if you would like to answer also) using such a high dose (at least I would consider it high) of Masteron? What are you exactly trying to accomplish with this high of a dose? Is it because your test dose is high? Understand I’m definitely not condemning this dose, I’m fascinated by high dose cycles, but what advantage is there in running a gram of Masteron a week vs maybe 4-500mg?
More milligrams.. and i don’t want to take test higher.. and it’s an easy shot set up, 2ml test 1ml mast a shot. Once i get bloods in 2 weeks I’m probably going to back the mast off to 800 and hold there for a month and get bloods again to see what changes
Yes, when i was 23-27 years old i spent a lot of time on tren, upwards of 2100mg a week of tren with not much else at times for a very short stint but it gives you an idea of how reckless i was back then and tried a lot of different things like getting a ton of my carbs from fat free candy like haribo or Mike n Ike’s…. Lots and lots of inflammation going on back then would definitely cause a positive calcium score 10 years later. That being said i believe i had probably an even higher score as in my 30’s is when i became much more health conscious and started doing things to keep inflammation low and using more low dose cycles and eating very well. I got the calcium scored done when i was 35 and when i saw the number i came off everything for a year but trt and hammered the health and got another one done in Feb a year later and it came back clean… and then we got pregnant and i hopped back on cycle.. then March 15 started the 18 gh experiment

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing all this. It started off rocky but this is a pretty good community lol.
@ChaseIrons, kudos to you for keeping your composure during that interview! Absolutely no way I could talk with that cat longer than a minute. He’s exhausting to listen to.

I’m not really sure how much longer I’ll run the 18iu gh a day. I haven’t found a reason to stop and I’ve talked to guys that have done it much longer than me so far.. so i imagine when i get 10 days out from contest maybe… right now I’m just holding everything where it’s at and watching things change. Took these yesterday at 272 thick skin and all:
View attachment 179435

Victor claimed in our convo that i was wasting my money in that it was only water and mineral retention… i mean sure, the immediate changes but after months and months I’m surprised he wasn’t smart enough to understand what else changes.

Hey thanks for buying my carnitine i appreciate it! Which brings me to another point in that conversation… how did Victor not put together that YouTube wasn’t my only income and that it funneled into anything else i wanted to do like sell carnitine? The dude is so weird
Man congrats to you for keeping it kool with this tool. Your a bigger man than I am. I couldn't take that beating from this shit head
Very interesting chase! Thanks for being honest! What i’m curious about is what is ur diet approach/setup? Would you like to share?
Ya nattokinase is more like a good blood thinner incase you are struggling with high hct. I would switch (I’m not telling you to 😂) from your lisinopril to 10mg Enalapril as Enalapril has been shown to cause serious anemia in patients… which is handy for us 😂. The problem with dumping blood is your losing more than just RBC’s your losing iron and ferritin as well and the ferritin takes a decent amount of time to recover. I would go get bloodwork and be sure to include iron and ferritin to see if it’s ranked yet and if it is you need a different game plan. I’ve dropped my hct from a 58 to a 50 using 10mg Enalapril daily for 30 days.
Any thoughts on this:


Commonly reported side effects of enalapril include: increased blood urea nitrogen and increased serum creatinine.

Have you noticed any movement on these? Thank you.
Any thoughts on this:


Commonly reported side effects of enalapril include: increased blood urea nitrogen and increased serum creatinine.

Have you noticed any movement on these? Thank you.
I only use it for a 30 day time period of hct gets crazy out of range. I haven’t had to use it in a while and the time period is so short it wouldn’t fall directly when I’d get bloodwork. All that being said since when do we care about creatinine levels. We measure Cystatin C for kidneys creatinine means fuck all
The reason I asked about natto is because a few vets have reported that once they bumped their doses up to 6,000 FU or more, that they have not had to worry about hematocrit and the need for giving blood.
The reason I asked about natto is because a few vets have reported that once they bumped their doses up to 6,000 FU or more, that they have not had to worry about hematocrit and the need for giving blood.
It can be part of the equation. Hydration will make the biggest difference IMO
no from august to Feb i was on 0 everything and bringing back my sperm count. Feb to august 2022 i was on 250 test 100 primo. The 250 test 200 primo was the start of my cycle and i titrated up every couple weeks from there to the 3500 test 1400 mast we are at now
Any prostrate issues with so much dht? I feel like I have to piss every 5 minutes when I run real high dht for a long period. Also do you keep the anabolics very high the whole bulk assuming everything looks good or do you cycle it up an down?
Part of the problem is guys like Dave Palumbo preaching the opposite. I'm a big fan of Palumbo but some of his views are so outdated it's embarrassing.
Does Dave still prep guys on keto? I also find his off-season diet to be incredibly high fat plus the high carb seems like a recipe for insulin sensitivity issues. Also I remember him saying dht’s like mast reduces gains as it prevents more test from binding to the receptor which doesn’t make any sense to me.

I do think Dave is a decent guy though just seems stuck in 1990
Does Dave still prep guys on keto? I also find his off-season diet to be incredibly high fat plus the high carb seems like a recipe for insulin sensitivity issues. Also I remember him saying dht’s like mast reduces gains as it prevents more test from binding to the receptor which doesn’t make any sense to me.

I do think Dave is a decent guy though just seems stuck in 1990
Palumbo is so clueless it gets literally embarassing.
Is this the comment everyone is talking about? Doesn't seem all that bad to be honest. I refuse to believe even the most ardent bodybuilder would be so myopically into bodybuilding to let this comment even be a blip on the radar.
I have to post this again because I think it's "funny" what people commented about it. After Dallas died there was a supposed cycle floating around that was supposedly Dallas'. Now Chad was Dallas' coach at one time and Chad commented that the plan was REAL but that it was a precontest SHOPPING LIST for 2 people.

Tell me, is this how you write out a shopping list? Come on now lol. Even if not real you can tell this is something someone assembled who is familiar with extreme PED use, and I wouldn't doubt Dallas did something close to this.

Also, iirc, Chad said when he started coaching Dalls he cut Dallas' dosages by HALF so you know it was a lot. But then Chad said Dallas was still probably doing stuff that he had told him to cut out, he specifically mentioned the EPO.
Jesus Christ the Tren dose threw me for a loop . Have to walk around with a towel for all the sweating I’d have lol

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