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$200 for 1 time Palumbo Diet


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 13, 2007
I have been reading a lot about Palumbo's diet, and it seems like lots of people like the results.

My question is, would you pay the 200.00 for the diet, or is it the same diet that is posted here and other bodybuilding boards?

Does he tailor the diet specifically for each individual or is it pretty much the same idea?

I am asking because if it's the same diet posted all over the place, I would rather save my money :)

Does he go into lots of detail with the diet? I know he includes supplements and etc...

I wouldnt pay that for a 1 time diet. At that price or a little more most will work will you for 12 weeks.
I don't know that Dave Palumbo is necessarily "known" for his nutritional advice/knowledge but MOST good nutritional plans can run upwards of $1,000 for 12-16 weeks (competition prep) and $200 - $500 for a 16 week (off-season plan).

It all depends on what "type" of diet you're referring to, (pre-competition or off-season). However, if it IS for off-season, $200 is not THAT expensive.

It would also depend on whether or not he actually, physically consults with you in person OR just sends you a form to fill out and return back to him! The latter would be an example of a typical "cookie cutter" diet and I personally wouldn't pay 200 bucks for one of those.

i paid it last year and i got the same diet that he put up on the MD forums and after i had paid him he pretty much stopped communicating with me except for yes and no questions.. made no adjustments to my plan and the PDF he sent me felt more like a sales pitch for his own products then a tailored diet plan... its not to say that it is a bad plan or he is a bad person i like his ideas and hes smart as hell but for the money its not worth it... if i had the money to spend all over again i would go with phil as he will follow you for a whole year... thats a deal! just my opinion
I see.
Thanks for your input.
Just for a reference....two of the top prep trainers in the world charge 6500 and 5500 for contest prep respectively.....and sometimes give deals to people starting at about 3500 upwards. I have seen someone get a golden deal at 2500 so he was very lucky.

Sometimes when you look at the grand scheme of things....200 bucks isnt all that bad.....

now 6500? Youch
Just for a reference....two of the top prep trainers in the world charge 6500 and 5500 for contest prep respectively.....and sometimes give deals to people starting at about 3500 upwards.

Sometimes when you look at the grand scheme of things....200 bucks isnt all that bad.....

now 6500? Youch

i hear that....just paid 3500
I have been reading a lot about Palumbo's diet, and it seems like lots of people like the results.

My question is, would you pay the 200.00 for the diet, or is it the same diet that is posted here and other bodybuilding boards?

Does he tailor the diet specifically for each individual or is it pretty much the same idea?

I am asking because if it's the same diet posted all over the place, I would rather save my money :)

Does he go into lots of detail with the diet? I know he includes supplements and etc...


Phil charges I think a little more for a whole year of diet and training advice. I would go that route if I was going to get someone to help me out.
Just save a little $ and grief from buying coffee so many times and employ Phil Hernon...You won't regret it!!!
Phil is the man. Will spend a year with you consulting.
As far as I know and Ihave heard through another prep guy, his diets are not individualized for the most part he gives everyone the same diet.
As far as I know and Ihave heard through another prep guy, his diets are not individualized for the most part he gives everyone the same diet.

dont think that someone who charges $ 3.500 makes you a "special"diet.
The macronutritions are all the same. The only difference will be the amounts what work for you.
I mean i assume Phil will put you on a standard diet and works from there. If it works why change it? Then he will tweak that diet where nescessary.
had paid 100$ for an off-season diet and 2 months later appear in his site - exactly the same
Just for a reference....two of the top prep trainers in the world charge 6500 and 5500 for contest prep respectively.....and sometimes give deals to people starting at about 3500 upwards. I have seen someone get a golden deal at 2500 so he was very lucky.

Sometimes when you look at the grand scheme of things....200 bucks isnt all that bad.....

now 6500? Youch

I understand 200.00 isn't all that compared to what other's charge, but if it's the same diet posted up then I suppose I should save my money :)

I know lots of you here are serious and maybe competitive bodybuilders, me I just want to look good and do things the right way, nothing too fancy like contest prep and such.

Maybe I will PM Phil and see what he has to offer.
Personally I would hit up PHIL or DC.

I wouldnt hit up me.....Im pretty much retired training people wise.....I went to the point of burn out.....and beyond. Got to the point I started to abhore it. ( plus I like having my weekends back LOL )
he does have a great rep for being an honest guy

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