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2024 IFBB Pro Athlete and Show(s) running Mega Thread

Ian sounds like he'll be a good judge

Honestly I was very disappointed in his look
Well maybe I'd have to see closer pics as its far away I thought he looked great! A lot of those guys did it was a pretty stacked lineup
Martin should have won that show. Unique, bulbous quads that seem to push forward off of his legs. No one else has that, good separation. Carries enough mass to compete in this day and still pull off a vacuum like Cormier was able to in his day. Upper back thickness (traps, rhomboids) also thick. Coconut delts in that side tricep shot. Good most muscular, plated chest, and better structure than Nick. 🤷‍♂️
Martin should have won that show. Unique, bulbous quads that seem to push forward off of his legs. No one else has that, good separation. Carries enough mass to compete in this day and still pull off a vacuum like Cormier was able to in his day. Upper back thickness (traps, rhomboids) also thick. Coconut delts in that side tricep shot. Good most muscular, plated chest, and better structure than Nick. 🤷‍♂️
He was also FAR smaller than nick lol - he stood way infront of nick on the majority of poses in the final to appear as large/make up the size difference vs Nick, but in reality he isn't there yet
He was also FAR smaller than nick lol - he stood way infront of nick on the majority of poses in the final to appear as large/make up the size difference vs Nick, but in reality he isn't there yet
Competitors who do this should get warnings and if they do it again theyre out of the show. Derek did this alot at the Olympia.
Competitors who do this should get warnings and if they do it again theyre out of the show. Derek did this alot at the Olympia.
Most do. Most judges are pretty strict at shows with competitors staying on the line and in their box during pre-judging.

During pose downs or finals they’re a bit more lax as the judging has been done. But it doesn’t go overlooked.
The next show is this coming Saturday 25, May. The California State Pro. No athlete list I could find yet, but we will most likely see many of these same guys again. If Nick and Marty both pack it in for the Olympia, the rest of the season just got wide open.
Martin should have won that show. Unique, bulbous quads that seem to push forward off of his legs. No one else has that, good separation. Carries enough mass to compete in this day and still pull off a vacuum like Cormier was able to in his day. Upper back thickness (traps, rhomboids) also thick. Coconut delts in that side tricep shot. Good most muscular, plated chest, and better structure than Nick. 🤷‍♂️
Nick was closer to 100% than Martin was. Martin was carrying a little bit of water especially in his back. Nick was also more muscular
Well maybe I'd have to see closer pics as its far away I thought he looked great! A lot of those guys did it was a pretty stacked lineup
Don’t get me wrong man he looks great, but given the offseason he had it was just disappointing. Not much change. Even under Jansen which really shocked me.
What do you think of Angel I find it full, I like it.
Wonder what will happen with Martin and his legal troubles. Would a prison stint be the end of his competitive careen?
Texas penal system doesn’t work that fast. And he caught 5 felonies, 2 being manufacture/delivery. And the weed charge was also a felony amount


What was his other charges?

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