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50mg D-bol


New member
Aug 8, 2006
How long do you think I could run 50mg of D-bol for safely? I've heard some say 6-weeks and some say 4-weeks.

Should I go six weeks or not?
anabolism said:
How long do you think I could run 50mg of D-bol for safely? I've heard some say 6-weeks and some say 4-weeks.

Should I go six weeks or not?
id do 5 weeks at 50mg a day....some do more mgs then that....if its ur fisrt time using then id do 50mg a day at 5 weeks....what else is in ur cycle?
Well I've done 30mg of D-bol once before with 4-weeks.

I'll be cycling 600mg EQ and 600mg Test E per week front loaded with 50mg D-bol
balla06 said:
id do 5 weeks at 50mg a day....some do more mgs then that....if its ur fisrt time using then id do 50mg a day at 5 weeks....what else is in ur cycle?
The first 5wks is a perfect time.......

I am 6'-0" 237lbs a little fate right now but I have never needed to go over 35mg. Also I only stay on orals for 2 weeks. Unless its anavar or proviron. Which is my pct.
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Depends on the liver precautions you take. If nothing, then i'd only do 4weeks but if using milk thistle,ala and liv52 6-8weeks should be fine
I'll catch hell for saying this...but a minimum of 8 weeks....

4 weeks is a pussy's dose....especially with d-dol..drol would be a different answer......

Im not calling anyone a pussy here...so please guys dont take it that way...
IMO, if you're going to run it, then run it. Why frontload? Don't want to wait for the IM's to kick in? If you're worried about your liver, don't do it at all. Or use a smaller dose for the duration of your cycle and let it do it's work. 4 weeks is just going to put some water on you. What happens when you drop it? Are you upping the rest?
If this is your first time using dbol, why use 50, use 30!

Besides you might want to consider that you'll feel like crap, especially on 50 mg's

An other argument could be that the only thing you will have when doing more than 30 mg is more bloat (which imo has no use whatsoever)
Big_O said:
I'll catch hell for saying this...but a minimum of 8 weeks....

4 weeks is a pussy's dose....especially with d-dol..drol would be a different answer......

Im not calling anyone a pussy here...so please guys dont take it that way...

I agree with Big O.

Why waste the shit? It takes a damn week to build up in your system. I have always done 15 week cycles.... 8 weeks up ... one week to level out..... 8 weeks back down.
Then later in life i just said fuck it and stopped doing that pyramid shit and just started on a high dose and maintained it for about 12 or 14 weeks.... then instead of off cycling i would just switch to different drugs. I went from a 180lb kid to a 280lb jacked mo fo over the years.... even when i go completely off (rarely) i never drop below 240lbs and its always semi lean... never much fat gain.

Hey.. i am an old fucker so i am from back in the day when you DID THE SHIT... not panty waste around worring about it.
Moen said:
If this is your first time using dbol, why use 50, use 30!

Besides you might want to consider that you'll feel like crap, especially on 50 mg's

An other argument could be that the only thing you will have when doing more than 30 mg is more bloat (which imo has no use whatsoever)
I have used D-bol at 30mg with no problems but I got my hands on some 50mg British Dragon D-bols. Figure I'll take half before the workout and half after. Why do you anticipate "feeling like shit"? The bloat?

You don't happen to be Gabe Moen from here in the Northwest? I saw you guess pose at the WA ST.
Thanks El...

Ive pretty much always did a 16 weeker....Id run the d-bol for 10-12 weeks at 75 mgs e/d and then the last 5-6 weeks of the cycle drol..at a minimum of 150 e/d....beleive me after that cycle my body was screaming to get of......

Max dose shorter cycles or longer moderately dosed cycle.....in facy All Most Pro did a year long study with fact based blood work every quarter....and I absolutely agree with All Most pro on that.....but absolutely not a beginner...NEVER
Big_O said:
Thanks El...

Ive pretty much always did a 16 weeker....Id run the d-bol for 10-12 weeks at 75 mgs e/d and then the last 5-6 weeks of the cycle drol..at a minimum of 150 e/d....beleive me after that cycle my body was screaming to get of......

Max dose shorter cycles or longer moderately dosed cycle.....in facy All Most Pro did a year long study with fact based blood work every quarter....and I absolutely agree with All Most pro on that.....but absolutely not a beginner...NEVER
No Jaundice huh? Your Liver Enzymes Elevated?
I like AP's (Almost Pro) approach on dball and drol

See articles forum.
I agree with Big O too!

Back in the 70's and 80's we would run dbol for six months at a time at 100mg or higher per day. We would even stack it with other orals like drol, methyltest, var and halotestin. I still have my liver and I dont know anyone that lost theirs. Alcohol and tylenol are much more liver toxic then dianabol. If you're too worried then I say go with your peace of mind and don't use it. The toxicity of orals are way over stated. My biggest health threat came from IP injectables. Two nasty abcesses a few years apart. Almost lost a leg from one.

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