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A Day In The Life of a Bodybuilder: For the Less Genetically Gifted- AMA

great log ..i may have briefly skimmed over some details but you still use an ai despite running a decent amount of DHT relative to ur test dose

even with masteron or primo in the mix, would you still experience high estrogen sides like edema, acne and prostate issues if you were decide not to use any ai ?
It was cute at first. But you seriously need to get a life at this point kid.

Go watch some Reacher and give the trolling a break.
You get it! We mix together what taste good and most importantly what goes down easy to digest. I can eat Cod and be good to go again an hour later sometimes.

Cod and beef or turkey/chicken… it doesn’t matter. For me it comes down to what I can put away easy to hit my macros.

And if meat isn’t happening and digestion is slow for some reason. Throw some whey or beef isolate with some rice crispy cereal in the Nutribullet for the same macros.

Guys over complicate the hell out of this.
advantage of a nutribullet over a standard inexpensive blender?
advantage of a nutribullet over a standard inexpensive blender?
I like my nutribullet because it has the 40oz shaker cup. I just throw it all in, mix and then throw the cap on it and take it with me. And it’s less of a mess to clean up. For me it’s just about time really.

I have a large ninja blender too, but never use it.
This place has turned into chaos lately with crazy ass trolls and some weird dudes. So in the spirit of getting us back to bodybuilding I figured I would update my thread.

My focus right now is Recomp as we tighten things up and pick a show. I will do this plan for 10 days, then move into weekly check-ins and my next prep with an aim of doing a few shows late summer to see how I land.

For now it’s no high days. Just low days and baselines. This also means minimal to no insulin. Just good old fashion eating.

Cardio is fasted walks 4 days a week first thing AM with dogs and 2 days a week PWO on steps or treadmill for 25 min keeping a HR of 130 steady state.

No changes in cycle as we have maxed out the dosages for this run and will change compounds as we transition into prep.

Training I am slowly rotating movements to keep strength up, shooting video to critique my form along with AJ so we can really dial in.

My wife keeps asking if I am “ready for prep” and I keep telling her I have been prepping since my last show in October. LOL the mindsets the same, just the plan that changes.

Will I keep posting up progress as I go into prep? Not sure, likely not as it’s just how I am and am driven by doing things not for attention but myself when it comes to competing. Just keeping it real.

Through this last progress phase we maximized food, gear and we knew when to stop when my body told us. That means digestion slowed, RHR began increasing and was at the point of compromising health beyond my limits to go any further.

For anyone wondering how do you know you’ve maximized a progressive phase- that’s it. Could I have added in a beta blocker and adjusted meds to attempt to push further? Sure but when digestion is still stalled and we’ve maxed out Mk 2677 and all other tools it’s time to shift gears.

Once you’ve maxed out all areas it becomes a domino effect if you don’t know when to pivot. Digestion affects growth, excess food throws off sleep, which throws off recovery, lowering strength etc. fixing one doesn’t fix all. Know your limits so you don’t go backwards.

Here’s my current baseline day for anyone interested:

Meal #1
- 300 grams of liquid egg whites + 30 g pure beef isolate or pure whey isolate or hydro whey
100 g Dry Measure Gluten Free + 100g Organic FrozenBerries of choice
Fish Oil 2 g


- 10g Glutamine
- 20g EAA
- 1 Serving Peak02
- 5g creatine
- 3g HMB
- 40 g Carbs From Karbolyn
- Dilute in 42-46oz water

Meal #2 ( 7 g Leucine )
-60 g Pure Whey Isolate ( PROTEIN NOT SCALE WEIGHT )
-85 g Carbs ( NOT SCALE WEIGHT ) From Rice Krispie Cereal (organic)

Meal #3
- 225 g 96/4 Lean Ground Grass Fed Grass Finished Beef
- 200 g jasmine rice
- 1 Serving Bubbies Sauerkraut (optional but great for gut health )

Meal #4
- 225 g 99% Lean Ground Turkey Or Cod Or Snapper
- 200 g Jasmine Rice
- 1 Serving Bubbies Sauerkraut (optional but great for gut health )

Meal #5
- 225g Chicken Breast Tenderloin ( FATFREE )
- 150 g jasmine rice + 75 g avocado
- 4 oz grass fed bone broth ( MASH IN CHICKEN AND RICEWHILE COOKING )
- 1 Serving Bubbies Sauerkraut (optional but great for gut health )

Meal #6
- 375 g liquid egg whites + 10 g EVCCO
- 35g Dry Measure COR OR Same Carb Macros FromJasmine Rice
@bbxtreme hey bud now that youre going into your prep, how long was your off season from your last cut? I was wondering how long you should be in off season be after your rebound before you can prep again inorder to not lose newly acquired tissue..

Currently 6 weeks into rebound and I've made more progress than I have in a typical off-season setting. Makes me wonder the need for an off-season? why not just prep>rebound>maintain>repeat
@bbxtreme hey bud now that youre going into your prep, how long was your off season from your last cut? I was wondering how long you should be in off season be after your rebound before you can prep again inorder to not lose newly acquired tissue..

Currently 6 weeks into rebound and I've made more progress than I have in a typical off-season setting. Makes me wonder the need for an off-season? why not just prep>rebound>maintain>repeat
It depends on your goal honestly. I pushed from my last show in October to January, did a mini cut for 4 weeks, then pushed really hard up until 3 weeks ago.

I personally love the rebound period and the progress you can make in it compared to taking a year long “off season”. So for me I hit the rebounds as hard as I can and then push up until my health markers start to push the limits- digestion is maxed out, sleep quality suffers,RHR increases, and strength hits a wall.

Both ways can work when adding lean tissue, but if I just would rather maximize each window and compete if I’m going to cut.

I also don’t really believe in “health phases” as one should aim to be healthy year round so that factors into it as well.
@bbxtreme hey bud now that youre going into your prep, how long was your off season from your last cut? I was wondering how long you should be in off season be after your rebound before you can prep again inorder to not lose newly acquired tissue..

Currently 6 weeks into rebound and I've made more progress than I have in a typical off-season setting. Makes me wonder the need for an off-season? why not just prep>rebound>maintain>repeat
Why don’t you start a log? Seems like the perfect time to me.
I am not up for writing out one of my usual long articles or creating a new thread so instead I am going to post this here for now instead. Those who read my stuff and see it… you're welcome. 😎

For anyone using tren who thinks that they’re just stuck with the side effects of heart burn, slowed digestion, brain fog etc you need to add DAO (the enzyme) to your regimen.

When you increase the androgen levels in the body you are irritating your mast cells which is causing an excess build up of histamine. An anti-histamine or acid blocker is NOT a solution. DAO enzyme breaks down the histamine and allows the body to effectively do its job.

That is all for now. Back to regular scheduled programming. Lol
I am not up for writing out one of my usual long articles or creating a new thread so instead I am going to post this here for now instead. Those who read my stuff and see it… you're welcome. 😎

For anyone using tren who thinks that they’re just stuck with the side effects of heart burn, slowed digestion, brain fog etc you need to add DAO (the enzyme) to your regimen.

When you increase the androgen levels in the body you are irritating your mast cells which is causing an excess build up of histamine. An anti-histamine or acid blocker is NOT a solution. DAO enzyme breaks down the histamine and allows the body to effectively do its job.

That is all for now. Back to regular scheduled programming. Lol
For the records, several histamine H2 receptor antagonists also possess remarkeble antiandrogenic activity in vivo.
I am not up for writing out one of my usual long articles or creating a new thread so instead I am going to post this here for now instead. Those who read my stuff and see it… you're welcome. 😎

For anyone using tren who thinks that they’re just stuck with the side effects of heart burn, slowed digestion, brain fog etc you need to add DAO (the enzyme) to your regimen.

When you increase the androgen levels in the body you are irritating your mast cells which is causing an excess build up of histamine. An anti-histamine or acid blocker is NOT a solution. DAO enzyme breaks down the histamine and allows the body to effectively do its job.

That is all for now. Back to regular scheduled programming. Lol
Great tip. You mean this right? Also, is it only needed when running tren?

Great, just ordered myself some. Would this also (potentially) help for sides with oral steroids in your experience?
Potentially, if it's related to the increase in androgens or histamine.

Most of the time when orals tap your digestion though it's related to liver/gallbladder.

In those cases liver support such TUDCA will be more effective.
Potentially, if it's related to the increase in androgens or histamine.

Most of the time when orals tap your digestion though it's related to liver/gallbladder.

In those cases liver support such TUDCA will be more effective.
The higher my androgens get,the more sensitive I get to higher histamine foods. DOA is great for this. A lot less bloating.

So how's the prep going so far?
So far it’s going smooth. We are dropping bodyweight/fat much quicker than anticipated so we are throwing in re-feeds to stabilize. Great problem to have.

Cardio is twice a day. LISS fasted and HIT PWO except leg days.
Can you say how much cardio?

Do you use injectable l carnitine with fasted cardio?
Can you say how much cardio?

Do you use injectable l carnitine with fasted cardio?
Yeah I can share as much as I want of my prep. I just haven’t been in the open forums as I have been busy and focused.

We do carnitine before every workout currently. In another week or so we will drop in super shredder by Amino Asylum before fasted cardio as well.


30 minutes LISS fasted cardio HR 130bpm 5 days per week.

15 minutes HIT cardio on assault bike PWO. 15 seconds all out, 40 seconds steady. This is done after all workouts except legs of course so 3 days a week.

Must hit a total everyday of the week of 10k steps- this includes leg days.

We are doing check-ins every 48 hours currently so the above can change. This morning we skipped fasted cardio because we are trying to stabilize my weight.

I'm lucky in that my thyroid numbers are very good. I'm only using 100mcg T4 and 20mcg of clen currently.

This means we will likely be filing out and ready early which is a great spot to be.
Yeah I can share as much as I want of my prep. I just haven’t been in the open forums as I have been busy and focused.

We do carnitine before every workout currently. In another week or so we will drop in super shredder by Amino Asylum before fasted cardio as well.


30 minutes LISS fasted cardio HR 130bpm 5 days per week.

15 minutes HIT cardio on assault bike PWO. 15 seconds all out, 40 seconds steady. This is done after all workouts except legs of course so 3 days a week.

Must hit a total everyday of the week of 10k steps- this includes leg days.

We are doing check-ins every 48 hours currently so the above can change. This morning we skipped fasted cardio because we are trying to stabilize my weight.

I'm lucky in that my thyroid numbers are very good. I'm only using 100mcg T4 and 20mcg of clen currently.

This means we will likely be filing out and ready early which is a great spot to be.
prep? bro you doin a show?!?!!? fill me in dawgy! my god I want to help in any way possible. i am always rooting for you homey!

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