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A Day In The Life of a Bodybuilder: For the Less Genetically Gifted- AMA

I’m eating a lot of Cod this week instead of turkey as it’s digesting faster.
I haven't had cod in years but had a taste for it and bought a 2lb. bag of fillets last night - only have 3oz. left! Cod goes down so easy, I could eat pounds of it in a single sitting.

One of my favorite diet meals is cod and ground beef - the different flavors and textures make it really really good.
I haven't had cod in years but had a taste for it and bought a 2lb. bag of fillets last night - only have 3oz. left! Cod goes down so easy, I could eat pounds of it in a single sitting.

One of my favorite diet meals is cod and ground beef - the different flavors and textures make it really really good.
You get it! We mix together what taste good and most importantly what goes down easy to digest. I can eat Cod and be good to go again an hour later sometimes.

Cod and beef or turkey/chicken… it doesn’t matter. For me it comes down to what I can put away easy to hit my macros.

And if meat isn’t happening and digestion is slow for some reason. Throw some whey or beef isolate with some rice crispy cereal in the Nutribullet for the same macros.

Guys over complicate the hell out of this.
I haven't had cod in years but had a taste for it and bought a 2lb. bag of fillets last night - only have 3oz. left! Cod goes down so easy, I could eat pounds of it in a single sitting.

One of my favorite diet meals is cod and ground beef - the different flavors and textures make it really really good.
I believe Kai Greene used to eat a pound of cod a meal when prepping.
Haha it looks a dream but you mentioned your high days are easier to get down.
They are. Only trace fats, lower protein and high carbs.

The body uses and digest carbs much quicker than ground beef, oils and higher protein.
For everyone asking about my lower protein on high days and how much food it is. Here is my current baseline day.

Honestly high days are easy compared to my baseline days at this phase.

And while I can’t share my insulin usage, I can say that it’s not insulin usage on baseline days that’s getting these calories in.

It’s pounding the right food and heavy ass training year round that make bodybuilders. Not secret cycles.

Baseline Training Day Menu

Meal #1
- 300 grams of liquid egg whites
- 35 g pure beef isolate or pure whey isolate
- 100 g Dry Measure Gluten Free Oats
- 150 g jasmine rice cook in with the oats
- 150 g Organic Frozen blueberries
- 100 g organic banana weighed with skin peeled
- 2tbs Sugar Free Jam ( optional but if you want to add )
- 2tbs Raw Coca powder
- Fish Oil 2 g


- 10g Glutamine
- 20g EAA
- 1 Serving Peak02
- 5g creatine
- 3g HMB
- 50 g Carbs From Karbolyn
- Dilute in 42-46oz water


Meal #2
- 7 g Leucine
- 2g Taurine
-60 g Pure Whey Isolate (protein, not scale weight)
-100 g carbs from organic brown rice crisp cereal (123g scale weight)

Meal #3
- 225 g 96/4 Lean Ground Grass Fed Grass Finished Beef
- 250 g jasmine rice
- 2 plain rice cakes
- 1 Serving Bubbies Sauerkraut (optional but great for gut health )

Meal #4
- 225 g 99% Lean Ground Turkey Or Cod Or Snapper
- 250 g Jasmine Rice
- 2 plain rice cakes
- 1 Serving Bubbies Sauerkraut (optional but great for gut health )

Meal #5
- 200 g Chicken Breast Tenderloin ( FATFREE )
- 250 g jasmine rice + 75 g avocado
- 2 plain rice cakes
- 4 oz grass fed bone broth ( MASH IN CHICKEN AND RICEWHILE COOKING )
- 1 Serving Bubbies Sauerkraut (optional but great for gut health )

Meal #6
- 375 g liquid egg whites +
- 20 g EVCCO
- 60g Dry Measure COR
That's some fuckin dedication right there^
You get it! We mix together what taste good and most importantly what goes down easy to digest. I can eat Cod and be good to go again an hour later sometimes.

Cod and beef or turkey/chicken… it doesn’t matter. For me it comes down to what I can put away easy to hit my macros.

And if meat isn’t happening and digestion is slow for some reason. Throw some whey or beef isolate with some rice crispy cereal in the Nutribullet for the same macros.

Guys over complicate the hell out of this.
I haven't had cod in years but had a taste for it and bought a 2lb. bag of fillets last night - only have 3oz. left! Cod goes down so easy, I could eat pounds of it in a single sitting.

One of my favorite diet meals is cod and ground beef - the different flavors and textures make it really really good.
1000007157.jpg 1000007158.jpg

Your posts reminds me of this
@bbxtreme how do you mentally adjust, when you went from your peak cut physique to rebound body fat/water wise? I know you said made big jump but any tips on looking soft during the gaining season?
@bbxtreme how do you mentally adjust, when you went from your peak cut physique to rebound body fat/water wise? I know you said made big jump but any tips on looking soft during the gaining season?
Oversized bigger T-shirts. 😂 But really.

You have to learn to embrace that it’s part of the prep and process. It’s my goal to put on as much lean tissue as possible while staying as LEAN as possible.

As long as I can connect this phase to knowing what I will look like next time I step on stage it makes it much easier.

And I’ll add on to that- I’ve learned more people compliment you when you’re a huge jacked MF in a progressive phase than when you’re ripped in a cutting phase.

Remember this sport is an art as Dorian used to say. There is NO offseason when you’re an active competitor. This time right now is what wins shows. Prep is the easy part IMO.
Oversized bigger T-shirts. 😂 But really.

You have to learn to embrace that it’s part of the prep and process. It’s my goal to put on as much lean tissue as possible while staying as LEAN as possible.

As long as I can connect this phase to knowing what I will look like next time I step on stage it makes it much easier.

And I’ll add on to that- I’ve learned more people compliment you when you’re a huge jacked MF in a progressive phase than when you’re ripped in a cutting phase.

Remember this sport is an art as Dorian used to say. There is NO offseason when you’re an active competitor. This time right now is what wins shows. Prep is the easy part IMO.
Cheers mate just the push I needed!
First of all - love the posts and threads you are making lately. This forum is still GOAT.

Anyways i will derail this thread a bit since a want to know your opinion on tamoxifen pre contest. I've seen it in some protocols and I'm not sure if it's needed or helpful. Any experience with that? I recall some threads about cement factory and I think it was used like last 2 weeks out(?)

Of somebody else can chime in with their experience i.e luki - i would greatly appreciate your opinions also. Thanks guys
First of all - love the posts and threads you are making lately. This forum is still GOAT.

Anyways i will derail this thread a bit since a want to know your opinion on tamoxifen pre contest. I've seen it in some protocols and I'm not sure if it's needed or helpful. Any experience with that? I recall some threads about cement factory and I think it was used like last 2 weeks out(?)

Of somebody else can chime in with their experience i.e luki - i would greatly appreciate your opinions also. Thanks guys
You want to keep estrogen extremely low when you are in prep. You also don’t want any signs or chance of gyno.

I’ve always ran at least 20mg of it during my preps.

Am I a fan of it? Not so much and is one of the reasons I had my glands removed last November as I want to use as little of it as possible.

IMO guys use too many AI’s as it’s the old school mentality. Always go off blood work and you’ll be golden.
Oversized bigger T-shirts. 😂 But really.

You have to learn to embrace that it’s part of the prep and process. It’s my goal to put on as much lean tissue as possible while staying as LEAN as possible.

As long as I can connect this phase to knowing what I will look like next time I step on stage it makes it much easier.

And I’ll add on to that- I’ve learned more people compliment you when you’re a huge jacked MF in a progressive phase than when you’re ripped in a cutting phase.

Remember this sport is an art as Dorian used to say. There is NO offseason when you’re an active competitor. This time right now is what wins shows. Prep is the easy part IMO.
I get hit on far more when bulking. I find when I'm lean and dry, it's more for me than anyone else. My girl bodybuilds, and I like her softer as well so I understand. So when she gets really lean, so she can see her progress (she wants to hit the stage) I still support her. I'm lucky she likes both phases.
Well don't I feel like a puss having a rough couple days at 4650cals this week. That's some eating.
Don’t feel bad man. It was the peak of my progressive phase. We just changed it up a bit to enter a recomp phase.
I thought I posted in this thread already but apparently I did not. Regardless, awesome read and very well formatted.

This is a great look behind the scenes as far as what it takes to compete at the national level and beyond. I really like AJ’s coaching style and it’s reminiscent of my coach, Andrew Berry. He’s very detail oriented and client focused - these things I have found tend to be forgotten once a coach becomes well known and their client workload trends upwards.

I wish you the best of luck and I’m always around if you want to bounce ideas off one anther.

PS: I too had to discontinue berberine (even dihydroberberine) recently due to GI issues like bloating and terrible gas. Luckily I’m cutting and fasted glucose is in range in its absence.
great log ..i may have briefly skimmed over some details but you still use an ai despite running a decent amount of DHT relative to ur test dose

even with masteron or primo in the mix, would you still experience high estrogen sides like edema, acne and prostate issues if you were decide not to use any ai ?

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