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A freaky picture of art that was taken from the front row.

Re: hey jbk

gooey said:
what do you think of my waistline, ive been dieting for about 12 weeks man its been rough im trying to be as freaky as possible what do you think? Oh sorry about the pic I was posing and I slipped man lucky I have enough muscle for padding, do you think I could be pro? Hows my side posing? thanx for the opinion man your the best.
gooey for a reason
I'm gonna sue you for stealing and posting my off-season pic! :)

jawbreakerkid said:
That was a great post Lats. Look, I'm a fan of the mass monsters too, I like to see the biggest guys go toe to toe, Ronnie, Ruhl, that german guy who's name I can't spell. But nothing can change my mind about Art. I'm not questioning his condition, he looks TIGHT. Maybe he should have won the Orlando show, Darrem Charles wasn't exactly the second coming of Dexter (although I believe Art placed 5th?!?). But on the main stage, against the Coleman's, Cutler's, and Ruhl's, Cormier when he tries, Art will lose because of that waist. Bodybuilding, IMO, is about creating an illusion, his back will never flare like Ronnie's in a front double bi, because of that waist. It throws everything off. He should not be rewarded on mass alone (and yes, he had good conditioning).

well said...but dont forget about how his huge torso makes his arms look like twigs compared to the rest of him.....
Less is more

I've actually had the pleasure of watching Art work out for a few years and train with Phil for about the same amount of time. Art actually told me that he used some of Phil's training methods in his past. Everytime I go back home to Milwaukee, I try to get in to see Art but usually we are both busy enough where we miss each other. The last time I saw him though he was doing heavy seated Military presses and that was it for a workout.
Phil has spent more time trying to explain to people that they are overtraining than he has spent in a gym (well close to it anyway). I used to be one of those guys too that would go the gym on a monday, warm up for 10 minutes, do a few sets of Hammestrength presses, jump to 3 or 4 sets of flat benchs, do 2 more sets of incline presses, push out a couple sets of DB presses, and follow it all up with a couple of chest fly sets. After years of training, I couldn't figure out why my bench strength never increased. It was a leap of faith switching to Phil's method but it works and it makes sense.
People still laugh at me when they see me do 3 sets of squats and a couple of calve extensions and then walk out. Meanwhile they have legs like a school girl. Listen to Phil and believe Weight77;
less is more !!!!!
If it were up to size, shape and condition Dave Palumbo would have turned pro many years ago. He would also have allready won many pro shows, if that were the case. For anybody who has not seen him in person let me tell you it is just weird. His stomach is truly one of the weirdest things I have ever seen in my life.
weight77 said:

These are just pictures. You can not judge a show on that. Art is a massive man but if you ever met him in person you would understand why he does not place very well. Someone mentioned that he did not have muscles that flow. That is 100% corrrect. His legs are MASSIVE, but only from the inside. His sweep is just not there. His stomach is HUGE. Go back and look at the MD issue that featured him a (probably 4 months ago) I felt bad for the guy because the pictures were terrible. He looked like a science experiment gone wrong. That is not what bbing is about. It is not about who is the biggest, because just about anybody can be huge. Bbing is about shape and size together. That is why genetics plays such a big role in pro bbing. DEXTER is not huge but has small joints with sweeping muscle from head to toe.

His waist may be twice the size of the guys next to him but his back is too :D
Speaking of freaks, this man defines the term...:eek: :eek: :eek:

**broken link removed**
Anyone else notice how freakin large his chest is? I have not seen a pro w/ a chest remotely close to his.

well.. i will state this.. the biggest hose job i have ever seen in the sport over the last twenty years was the way the judges treated aaron baker.. baker was a very large guy up close with perfect shape and round musclebellies.. he had it all.. what did it get him.. nothing..so likei said and phil said.. do not try and please the judges if you compete.. you are not going to make crap in the contests anyway even if ya did turn pro.. the payout would not even be enough for your supps and food bill.. so pleaseing the judges is not the end all.. if you are going to make money in this game you need to please the fans.. that is what gest ya the money for sponsor ect.. just be able to look in the mirror and say "yeah.. that is what i was shooting for".. if yeah want to be a slab of beef and freak the hell out of people.. then do it..judges be damned.. like i said.. priest has the right attitude.. what have the judges done for him?? nothing.. what has being a freak done for him?? good contracts and a living.. plus piece of mind when he looks in the mirror..
I guess I started this sorry

Its just the fact that Art has no flowing shape , YES he is big and YES he has alot of mucle slapped on all over him ,,,, BUT it looks more like a giant COLLAGE of muscles on a big boned body . YES hes 300lbs but his stomach is 250lbs of that lol no but really his gut and pecs look quite off and odd to say the least not to mention very small biceps.

This sport I beleive started with Larry Scott and became known through Arnolds yrs in the 70s that is why we have BB,,,,It wasnt because of a freak show it was more like an art show,,,, and I think if people viewed it this way it would become even more intriging.

Like LATS said the public view the shows as who looks the freakiest as if were ANIMALS up there, and thats why Art isnt good , it should be about 3 THINGS




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LATS said:
well.. i will state this.. the biggest hose job i have ever seen in the sport over the last twenty years was the way the judges treated aaron baker.. baker was a very large guy up close with perfect shape and round musclebellies.. he had it all.. what did it get him.. nothing.

Oh come on Lats, there is much more behind that story. He was (is) being punished for the decision he made.
LATS said:
well.. i will state this.. the biggest hose job i have ever seen in the sport over the last twenty years was the way the judges treated aaron baker.. baker was a very large guy up close with perfect shape and round musclebellies.. he had it all.. what did it get him.. nothing..so likei said and phil said.. do not try and please the judges if you compete.. you are not going to make crap in the contests anyway even if ya did turn pro.. the payout would not even be enough for your supps and food bill.. so pleaseing the judges is not the end all.. if you are going to make money in this game you need to please the fans.. that is what gest ya the money for sponsor ect.. just be able to look in the mirror and say "yeah.. that is what i was shooting for".. if yeah want to be a slab of beef and freak the hell out of people.. then do it..judges be damned.. like i said.. priest has the right attitude.. what have the judges done for him?? nothing.. what has being a freak done for him?? good contracts and a living.. plus piece of mind when he looks in the mirror..

samll waist great but striated glutes really a testament of being a great bodybuilder
Trulyhuge said:
Speaking of freaks, this man defines the term...:eek: :eek: :eek:

**broken link removed**

Every time I see a picture of Ruhl I'm stunned. He's so freaky he looks like a cartoon! I like the big dudes, I believe they pull in the crowds. They are the "Holy S--t look at him!" factor.

There have been times when I've read magazines at the juice bar at my old gym just drinking my protein shake minding my own business and have had guys come over and ask what I was doing. I flip it to the cover and show them and then they proceed to tell me with a frown, "I would never want to be that big." I think to my self yeah, right! But I just tell them that I like that look A LOT, then they start to backpeddle. I guess they expected me to agree like most (but not all) girls would. :rolleyes: I guess what I am trying to say is I agree with you lats, most want it (to be a freak) but only some have the genetics to get it.
weight.. yeah he was paying a price.. when i saw aaron in cali back in '97 i was amazed at how large the guy was.. freaky arms, hammies ect.. many pros ahve stated that when he is walking around the gym before a show, youd swear the olympia was his.. frickin' judging..:mad:
Yes it is very sad. But the truth is that is the nature of the sport. But I am sure you know alot more about that than I do.
LOL @ the last post.

but im totally glad this thread got resurrected. Great read! :D good thing theres spammers LOL :)
Johnny was 245lbs int hat pic.

wow thats awesome only 245? looking like that? Holy :eek::eek::eek:

Looks close to 280, by my noob eye

That some build right there Lol !!

How tall is he?
I have not seen such a great thread here in a long time. good job guys. so how many movements per body part should you be doing for growth and not over training.
that is very hard to say. but, i can tell you if you are hitting a heavy compound movement the muscle should be pumped and worked in all sections.. if you are training in the decline press for chest, although a "lower" chest movement, you should see the upper pecs pumped and hurting.. so how many? my opinion is two max.. except for may be back.. maybe..
that is very hard to say. but, i can tell you if you are hitting a heavy compound movement the muscle should be pumped and worked in all sections.. if you are training in the decline press for chest, although a "lower" chest movement, you should see the upper pecs pumped and hurting.. so how many? my opinion is two max.. except for may be back.. maybe..
thanks lats. I have been following some of david henrys routine.he uses a variation of DC training and he swears he never does more to movements per body part. and i have done well with that i have made some of my best gains to date. but i have recently found my self slipping back to more is better.after watching a jay cutler dvd were hes using 7 different movements per body part. but look at the guy he most being doing something rite. their lies the problem who is rite or maybe the answer lies somewhere in the middle

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