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Jun 30, 2002
A lesson in stupidity:

Well here is the deal fellas you have all been had by me and I’ll tell you the how’s and why’s in the short story below.

My background is as follows – 47 years old former Mr. Universe and 3 time Mr. World, Former strength and conditioning coach for the Arizona Cardinals and Denver Broncos, Former Olympic USA Power lifting Team Member, Contributing writer for 3 of the best selling Body Building mags as well as having a small one myself and finally I host a nutritional radio call in show every Saturday morning locally in Phoenix Arizona.

The reason you have all been had is because you have all been basically lab rats in a study I have been conducting over the last year. The purpose was to see how deep the underground bodybuilding community goes on the net and how far I could get into several different inner circles. I have to tell you that I am not surprised about the black market but what I am shocked about is the level of blind trust and all out stupidity of the people who proliferate the Internet boards. I know that’s insulting to 99% of you reading this but you are the true epitome of dumb and why the rest of the world views muscle heads as ignorant egotistical people who contribute little to society.

How did this happen? I am a pretty out going person who will talk to just about anybody and about 2 years ago I saw the HBO Real Sports documentary and thought it was fairly interesting but it barely scratched the surface and hardly even touched the net so I decided to do some investigation. I then met a friend through a friend who was quite an interesting little guy and had quite a few stories to tell about con’s, rip off “sources” (I call them drug dealers) of large amounts of money, fake products, and bath tub pharmaceuticals. I found this so interesting that I approached a national prime time television program about the possibilities of them running this story and of course being the media they were interested as long as I had a good story and the facts to back it up.

What happened next is I became friends with certain well known underground sources, bath tub pharmacists, board geniuses, nutritional guru’s, and icons who all give bad advice, and a lot of lonely wanna be pro bodybuilders that hang on these boards for hours of their miserable day. I bought a few things mainly just for my research because nothing bought from anyone on the net is neither clean or safe and the damage done to the uneducated user will be seen in their health years from now. I have so much information now that I will probably do a documentary and approach HBO to do another piece on the subject. I’d like to say to BIG A it’s not personal your just a part of a bigger picture and not to worry not only will your board be mentioned but a dozen others are in my list.

I do want you to know this is not because I hate steroids or the use to the contrary I still use but only what my doctor prescribes for me which is safe and I know is clean. I am doing this for the parents of teenagers who may be using this junk in high school, the wives, and again the uneducated young males who do not know what these dirty substances are doing to them and how they will see in 5 years when they try and father a child and wonder why they just can’t.

I want to address a few people straight out before I take my leave.

Rick Collins is a lawyer jumping on what he sees as a potential gold mine that will lead him to be the spokes person of what he has convinced some on this very board to be a “just cause that the nation needs to know about” and how “ innocent steroids users are being treated the same as crack heads” well in my past year most of you use more than just juice so when your arrested you probably deserve it for something else you have done. Rick Collins will get his day in the sun because I plan on contacting him and using him whether he likes it or not.

Mike S I know your deemed a smart guy on these boards but I don’t think I could meet a dumber person when it comes to these boards. Your magazine article with Rick Collins was so sad and you just don’t know how much you got worked and continue to be worked by him and your own addictions.

To most members on this board none of you really have a chance to ever be a pro bodybuilder and if you did get there I’ll tell you from experience there is nothing great about it. I’d suggest you all lift to be healthy and sure gain muscle but not at the cost of your futures, remember there was bodybuilding before Steroids. I do have to say Xcell your probably a nice guy but please stop saying your too “big” I know 8th graders with more muscle sorry I had to enlighten you that way.

I take my leave with a board of I am sure of “ I knew that fathead was lying” or someone like Jeff Bell AKA Wyldeone saying something he knew all along but none of you knew nothing and you all just got had.

Oh yes and those pictures were never of me but friends of mine.
Dave Hawk is a guy I used to compete against and the very first pics I ever posted were of a local young guy named Bryce Lewis who placed 4th in nationals beating out Wyldeone’s clients I do believe in the middleweight division. They both have websites go check them out if you want.

Good Day Gents.
From your past posts, I just felt you were the type of personality that has a crutch to bear. You always seemed to be critical, almost nasty in many of your posts.

This doen't suprise me as I know the boards have got to have many participants that have alternative motives.

I really have to laugh about what you said about me: "I do have to say Xcell your probably a nice guy but please stop saying your too “big” I know 8th graders with more muscle sorry I had to enlighten you that way." I've tried to state in my posts that I'm not THAT BIG and to this day feel that I'm still gaining on it (and am).

Everyone here can only be satisfied from within, not what some faceless person online says.

We had another record breaking "hot" day and I decided to sport the tank and shorts. I mainly did this as I went in to have prolotherapy done again and wouldn't need to take my shirt off. The doc draws all kind of things on my shoulder with a marker. I asked him to clean off all the markings (he didn't last time) as I had to stop at the grocery store. We were joking about the markings and he said if people would be looking at me it would be for my musculature, not the cryptic markings on my shoulder.

The checker in the store asked me if I was a bodybuilder. I'm sure he asked me that because I looked like an undernutritioned 8th grader - HAHAHAHA. I don't give your advice or comments a second thought as you've never seen me and YOU don't know if the pics I posted are even ME - LOL.

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Cmon now at least I am coming clean! That is part of the humor of these boards the disillusioned of who or what people really are. People believeing they look good, they are almost a pro, they are going to change steroid laws, they lost their wife or girl and it'snot their fault, a dog that died is more important than their own life.

I did a study your mad about it because you got fooled, your mad because I give you a dose of reality.

how about this use your super powers to delete or lock the thread as you like to do, don't give anyone else a chance to express an opinion cmon it's your GOD LIKE MODERATOR RIGHT!
Crutch or Cross to bear? no I used this board and 11 other like it under different alias to get what I needed formy piece. I did meet a few good guys or seem to be like JT and LATS but don't consider them a loss.

Lasty I am 47 yrs old X so we are close in age I'd expect a man your age to have better to do than surf boards all day like spend time with your family but then again your toooo big and veiny for your wife to be around.
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Gee Fathead, thanks for saving us from our evil addictions and enlightening us on how stupid we really are. Thank god there are people around like you to help us see the truth. What would I do without your insight.

As further testament to your brilliance, you clearly pulled off a staggering feat of undercover journalism through penetrating this deep into our secret, underground community. What an accompishment.

Lastly, yes I was duly impressed with your many media related accompishments and credentials. Wow. Do people ask for your autograph all the time?

Please don't leave Fathead. Continue to honor us with your enlightened insights into our misguided lives.
Fathead said:
I’d like to say to BIG A it’s not personal your just a part of a bigger picture and not to worry not only will your board be mentioned but a dozen others are in my list.

I am happy with that. It will give the board some exposure. Actually, I'd rather ProMuscle be the only board mentioned, as it would get the most amount of exposure. And I am not kidding either or being sarcastic.

Also, this is not at all personal, just an observation. In your post, you list your achievements, and they are ALL related to bodybuilding/powerlifting/etc. Doesn't this make you as one sided in your life as a lot of people on the board? Wouldn't a fully rounded individual, have high accomplishments in all areas of life, areas that are totally unrelated it with each other? Again, this is not at all personal, just using your own argument in the point you are trying to make.
well well

here i have been busy as hell working f/t plus setting up my biz. now i have to take my daughter to the dr today so i decided to check the boards and see what all i have been missing.

and now i read this.... haha what a joke. dude, in all your posts you always had that holier then thou attitude, and now i see proof that you're just another asshole like i always thought you were.

i feel bad for the guys that did trust you but as i told another guy on here in PM, i wouldn't trust you to deliver my paper or clean the dog shit out of my yard, i personally never understood why the amount of people that did trust you.

this does sadden me tho, because with all that mouth you had with BN, i was hoping that at the Arnold you two would meet, I was already in the process of getting things in order so I could watch you get your teeth handed to you... ::sigh:: but oh well...


p.s. sorry to the guys that I never emailed about the logo, I decided to go with a firm, just to make sure there'd be no problems with copyright and all the legal stuff.... sorry again guys.

Fathead - I trust no one, not here, not there, not anywhere. So I never confide anything to anyone about my private life, and certainly not on some internet chat board. Come to think of it, you're pretty pathetic - obviously you've got no career whatsoever or you wouldn't be wasting your time and effort "penetrating" this secret underground community and penning a piece on a subject that 99.99% of the world could give two shits about. Clearly all your efforts in the BB/PL world amount to a hill of shit and as we all know you can't get paid based on your past glory. Go on, tell me I'm wrong, but I didn't waste the better part of 2 years trying to fabricate a story about something no one cares about. And yeah, sure, we need people like you to protect us and our children from ourselves, and take away our god given right to have sovereignty over our bodies. :rolleyes:

Get a clue and a life fatty,

I will admit, I was played. Never really took a liking to you, but the pics you posted did fool me. I did question why the one pic had the number blacked out on the posing trunks, when you said they were taken from a photo shoot and they were obviously taken at contest time.

I hope you get your 15 minutes of fame and don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Oh, and calling sources drug dealers...yes they are. So is your doctor, he just does it with a degree on his wall.

As a steroid-abusing, stupid woman, I have to say that I am relieved, Fathead. I'd spoken with Bryce in person at a show and he and his wife were so nice; I saw your posting his pics and thought, man, this guys an asshole hiding behind his computer. I wonder what Bryce would say about your representing him the way you have. Maybe I'll interview him for my story "How one man single-handedly penetrated the underground bodybuilding web-and learned absolutely nothing.:eek: .
Sorry, but I can't resist a basic lesson in English for the professional journalist:
I did a study your mad about it because you got fooled, your mad because I give you a dose of reality.
A contraction is used when you want to put two words together into one. For example, in the sentence above you would use "you're" to represent "you are."
I hate to stereotype those in the media but we all know that the only story is sensationalism/negative (very few positive articles). An I don't just mean re: steroids - I mean EVERYTHING!

I should spend more time watching news and shows on TV (or listen to your radio show) and be enlightened (or brainwashed).

Through my work I've had MANY dealings with ALL forms of media. They ALL publish/state what THEY want to say, not what I said. I've been physically at newsworthy activites and what gets shown is NOTHING as to what actually happens.

I've stated what I've meant by previous posts and YOU still read read into what YOU want - that's really SAD. I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you. While not being a church-going man (for reasons I don't need to detail to you), I believe in the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you'd do unto thyself. I do believe what goes 'round, comes 'round - maybe not tommorow or this year, but "sometime" in your lifetime :(


ok so really whats your point, at least your consistant, when your giving advice as fathead the bodybuilder you always kick peoples back out and talk smack to them, and you lie saying your one person (first photo you posted) then you go on and talk about how out of shape you are. then weve been duped, youve really been training hard and put on like 50 lbs of ripped and solid muscle and your getting ready for nationals, and going to give randy and others on this board a run.
now, your some pushing 50 yr old "former mr universe and whatever else" you claim to be , has been bodybuilder. i see nothing different going on then has always gone on here. your a compulsive liar, who knows if what you have now told us has any truth to it?? what were you trying to gain by getting connected to a board and fitting in the inner circle? what do you think is going to happen now? absolutley nothing, everything continues on. bodybuilding, the promuscle board and the black market continue on. members on here continue to strive for nothing less then the perfect package, and ultimate prize, so who are you to tell them they have no future as a pro bodybuilder?? members come here for advice because this topic( bodybuilding /steroids ) is not openly accepted by the community. one cant talk freely and openly in the gym or on the phone or with the family about topics such as these. thats is why these boards exist. we are a family here and you portrayed your self as a family member. no it seems you are nothing more than a house guest. so as a member of this family, im going to have to ask you to "GET THE FUCK OUT, and have a nice day :D "

well, if it is lance d. i have to say that i am a big fan.. one of my all time favorites but, i am a little older than most on the boards..lol "fathead" you e mailed me and said that i knew who you were..i have to admit, out of all the guys that were running through my head, i was off the mark on this one lol.. :D
well, if it is lance d. i have to say that i am a big fan.. one of my all time favorites but, i am a little older than most on the boards..lol "fathead" you e mailed me and said that i knew who you were..i have to admit, out of all the guys that were running through my head, i was off the mark on this one lol.. :D
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