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Alt to Oatmeal??


New member
Sep 8, 2006
Hey. I love the smell and taste of oatmeal but I cant stand the mouth feel. It makes me wanna throw up. I know that oatmeal is a wonderful source of fiber and its one of the best foods to eat because it keeps you full but I just cant do it.
Do any of you know of any alternatives to oatmeal that are just as good? I bought some Quaker Oatmeal Squares but that amt of sugar and fat and calories that get added to make it taste decent make it not so decent for losing weight.
Grits, rice, potatoes, yams.
Toss the oats in a blender along with some banana slices and your favorite vanilla protein power, some skin milk. Blend (really thin for you) and drink! :cool:
Toss the oats in a blender along with some banana slices and your favorite vanilla protein power, some skin milk. Blend (really thin for you) and drink! :cool:

Boom, great pic but I think I like the ass shots better!! =)
Okay, so like what if I dont have a favorite vanilla protein powder?? Whats a good one that wont break my ever dwendelling bank acct??

iB, do you add anything to your grits?? To make them more "breakfasty". I've thought of trying cream of wheat too but dont know if I wont like the texture and I heard you have to add something to it for taste. I know ppl add salt but my body hella bloats with salt and that doesnt sound tasty.
I actually rarely eat grits. If I do, I'll add salt, Equal, and some chocolate protein powder. I think I've read that some like adding a butter substitute to them, like Molly McButter?

Main my main carb sources are oatmeal and rice. I do just what BOOMSHAKER recommended - make protein shakes with oatmeal and protein powder. I'll add Equal, salt, and protein powder (chocolate is great). Vanilla protein with cinnamon is really good too. If I have room for extra calories, I'll put in some cashews or nut butter as well. Yummmm....
Boom, great pic but I think I like the ass shots better!! =)
Okay, so like what if I dont have a favorite vanilla protein powder?? Whats a good one that wont break my ever dwendelling bank acct??

Just take out the protein powder then, oats, banana slices a little honey and some skim milk in a blender and drink.
Toss the oats in a blender along with some banana slices and your favorite vanilla protein power, some skin milk. Blend (really thin for you) and drink! :cool:
FYI don't try this with scottish oats (aka porridge). I doesn't blend and you end up having a big sludgy mess in the bottom of your shake... Found that out the hard way. Unless maybe you cook it first, I haven't tried that.
Okay, so like what if I dont have a favorite vanilla protein powder?? Whats a good one that wont break my ever dwendelling bank acct??
Muscle Milk is a common favorite. And Synthetik as well.
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Hey. I love the smell and taste of oatmeal but I cant stand the mouth feel. It makes me wanna throw up. I know that oatmeal is a wonderful source of fiber and its one of the best foods to eat because it keeps you full but I just cant do it.
Do any of you know of any alternatives to oatmeal that are just as good? I bought some Quaker Oatmeal Squares but that amt of sugar and fat and calories that get added to make it taste decent make it not so decent for losing weight.

I usually put 1 cup of oats in a blender with milk then add a protein powder supplement and boom down the shoot.
oatmeal in drinks

Are you guys using whole oats, thick or instant? What if you ground them up in a food processor first?
I don't mind eating them, just looking for somthing quicker!
You can try quinoa flakes: taste is half way between oats and rice and more important it's THE ONLY vegetable source that contains all the essential amino acids, making it a perfect protein source just as meat, fish, milk, etc...

Mixes easily with protein powder and water and has about the same GI as oats.

For 100 g: 13g pro, 66g carbs, 6g fats, 6g fibers.
If you live in the states, then use Quaker Oats, raw right out of the round container. This shows the instant, make sure you get the "raw oats version". The pic is just so you get the idea of the brand.


  • quaker oats.bmp
    66.3 KB · Views: 485
Ezekiel Bread fast, easy, 3 slices would be the following( depending on the flavor you get) :

240 cal
9 Fiber
42 Carbs

No Sodium (if you get the 0 Sodium Flavor)
No yeast
No Gluten

I cant believe its not butter spray out a toaster PERFECT, this Sweets, Brown rice were my main carb sources my entire contest prep this year. I did not bloat EVER the whole 16 weeks.

The only downside is the price. In the states your looking at between 4-5 bucks a loaf, if you eat 6 pcs a day it will hold you 3-4 days. I mainly used for the convience at work since I did not have time to cook up oatmeal and rice all the time.
oats, oats, oats!


get the old fashioned oats and add egg beaters (they're 99% egg whites)

2 cups oats, 1 cup egg mixed with 1 tspn vanilla flavoring, equal, etc.
stir to moisten the oats and let them absorb most of the liquid.
add spoonfuls to a hot skillet with a shot of butter flavor PAM under each and fry for about 30-45 seconds...
turn them when they are browned with a spatula.

these are good hot or cold, for breakfast or as a pre-workout meal.
--- and with a no sugar syrup and a little nonfat whipped cream you can pretend you are living a cheaters life and still look at yourself in the mirror.

hope you like them!
its prolly shit powder.. but the EAS stuff that costco sells in choc is damn tasty

I mix 2 scoops with 1c oatmeal and 2 tablespoons ANP with 1 teaspoon brown sugar for bfast sometimes
Main my main carb sources are oatmeal and rice. I do just what BOOMSHAKER recommended - make protein shakes with oatmeal and protein powder. I'll add Equal, salt, and protein powder (chocolate is great). Vanilla protein with cinnamon is really good too. ..

!berserker makes the BEST vanilla protein shakes I've EVER had.
My god ... I'm salivating just thinking about it :p

He puts vanilla in a blender with a few ice cubes, and a couple scoops of oatmeal (this is for me) and he adds some cinnamon ... and salt.

I don't know what his magic trick is but I've never been able to make it taste that good at home :)
...maybe it's the plastic mug he serves it to me in ;)

But seriously. Give it a try. It's sooo yummy.
And it goes down quickly!
Hey. I love the smell and taste of oatmeal but I cant stand the mouth feel. It makes me wanna throw up. I know that oatmeal is a wonderful source of fiber and its one of the best foods to eat because it keeps you full but I just cant do it.
Do any of you know of any alternatives to oatmeal that are just as good? I bought some Quaker Oatmeal Squares but that amt of sugar and fat and calories that get added to make it taste decent make it not so decent for losing weight.

Quinoa is a great replacement for Oatmeal, it taste a little bit nutty, you can replace rice or oatmeal with it, make salads, breakfast, you name it. Its high in fiber, iron, b6, vit E, luten and protein... it contains a complete protein as well containing a complete BCAA chain like meat... it even contains healthy fat and is a 35 on the glycemic index.

You can sweeten it with cinnamon, agave cactus nectar or olingo fructose in place of sugar, onlingofructose is the best of the bunch... 0 cals, 0 carbs, 0 fat, 100%fiber and it taste like real sugar.
I got burnt out on oatmeal too. Try my Cuban black beans recipe in my Mexican breakfast thread. Great source of fiber and complex carbs. And man! They are good! I cook mine about 3 hours so they are soft and so tasty. A 1 lb bag makes enough beans for a week for me. I had a delivery guy at my front door one time say, "What are you cooking? That smells good in there!" :p
I have a great protein pancake recipe... I am looking for it right now... I will post as soon as I find it! :eek: If you don't like the way the oats feel in your mouth... kinda how I feel about tapioca pudding... you can put them in your blender for about 30 - 45 seconds and it makes them into a powder and that will help with the texture.

I will get that recipe up soon!
try putting lowfat yogurt in with the oats, blend with a splash of water or milk the oats will stick better to the yogurt, than just a protein shake .it also helps you absorb more of your food.
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cream of wheat could be an alternative. I still like my oatmeal daily mixed with some pro powder

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