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am training


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 11, 2008
Anyone who trains first thing in morning

what has worked best for you
A) protein shake before workout
B) just a preworkout supplement like energix

or what ever else?

thanks guys
It worked well for me with just a multi & a fat burner with some low intensity to try to spare muscle. I used a treadmill at full incline.
some protien with my oatmeal and good cup of coffee and i'm ready for my fun and a great day
i have to wake up early 1 day a week to workout before work,i dont have time to eat and wait an hour to workout so i usually hit 3-4tbls of lba and throwdown a pre-workout supp like tp's buzzsaw and carry my bcaa and sip while i workout.
I'm usually in the gym by 5:30 or 6:00am. I usually have a 3/4cup of oats around 45min before training. If I wake up late, I'll sometimes use a preworkout drink or a couple of caffeine pills instead.
I train about an hour after I wake up. I wake up take a multi and have a bowl of oatmeal. An hour later I am training. When I have it I drink an igniter shot from bsn. Or I will have a blue monster energy drink.
If I lift in the am I have a really hard time eating a whole food meal...always feel like yacking half way through.

In that scenario I normally will eat the following unless it's leg day:

50 grams protein (25 whey, 25 casein)
1 cup oats
few blueberries

Leg day I just have my BCAA's with 30-40 grams of waxy maize that I sip during my workout. Otherwise I feel like yacking even with the above mentioned meal.
2 scoops whey
1 cup oats 30 to 45 mins before

3 scoops jacked 3D 15 mins before

2 scoops whey and vitamins right after

3qts water during

i train at 400am and this is what ive found works well for me.
Love training in the morning

I am at the gym by 6:30am. I cant eat and go to the gym, feel like I'm going to yak

I have two cups of coffee and and stimulant, that's it for me. I eat when I get home.

The only time I'll eat something prior to training in the morning is when I have to do legs, this gets tough on a empty stomach. When I train legs, again I'll have 2 cups of coffee, stimulant and two rice caskes with PB spread over them.

I train before work every single time, in the gym at around 6:30 - 7:45 am usually. Wake up at 5:30, have oats + whey before training if it isn't leg day. If it is I go for yogurt with whey and some fruit so I'm not too full.

Don't have time to wait around for an hour either but by the time I finish eating and get to the gym and start training it's been at least 45 minutes anyway. I can't train on an empty stomach.
5:30 am. I work heavy construction and would never make it after
8 hrs of that.
With me I never eat pre workout just a cup of coffee. I want all blood
flow to the muscle being worked not to the stomach for digestion.
5:30 am. I work heavy construction and would never make it after
8 hrs of that.
With me I never eat pre workout just a cup of coffee. I want all blood
flow to the muscle being worked not to the stomach for digestion.

I have always believed that this makes a lot of sense and have tried training on an empty stomach because of it. Never works for me though. Feel too weak and unfocused.
BigTazz, People react different. For me I get sluggish right after a meal.
You say your gym's a 45min drive, that should be enough time for the
digestion process.
Anyone who trains first thing in morning

what has worked best for you
A) protein shake before workout
B) just a preworkout supplement like energix

or what ever else?

thanks guys

Over my many years of training morning workouts
have never been my thing. I have poor workouts.
I always train at night or mid day.
AM Training

I'm usually at the gym around 6a.m. and I have a serving of N.O. Shotgun before I workout, it has 18 gm of protien in it. Then I have my shake after my workout and breakfast about an hour later.
I wake up early enough to eat a full meal about an 1.5 hours before i train. I wake up...eat...prep my meals for the day...relax a little bit then head to the gym/work for the day.

Works well for me because i am morning person.
I always train in the AM and have a full breakfast (eggs, ham, cheese, toast, oatmeal w/ Beverly protein mixed in, and apple juice) before I lift. I don't see how one can just have a protein shake and a piece of fruit and be able to give 100% at the gym.
i have to wake up early 1 day a week to workout before work,i dont have time to eat and wait an hour to workout so i usually hit 3-4tbls of lba and throwdown a pre-workout supp like tp's buzzsaw and carry my bcaa and sip while i workout.

This, although now I'm trying MG's Muscle formula.
I always train in the AM and have a full breakfast (eggs, ham, cheese, toast, oatmeal w/ Beverly protein mixed in, and apple juice) before I lift. I don't see how one can just have a protein shake and a piece of fruit and be able to give 100% at the gym.

how much time b/w meal and workout?

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