-I'm big boned
-God made me this way
-Everyone losing weight is on fat burners and steroids killing themselves
Then they bitch about how 'everyone finds young love but them'... Aside from their obvious body fat, I wouldn't date them because of their life expectancy, future health bills, and lack of motivation to care for themselves. GAH!
but "i've tried everything!!! but i can't lose weight!!!" is definitely a classic Buse.
fat people totally suck. useless fucks. wait i take that back - i dont think they can even be considered people.
i cant afford any medical insurance cause of fat people and smokers. they are such risks that normal people have to pay huge amounts of money cause fat people and smokers drain the system.
they always have some lame excuse like halflife and other said.
-big boned my ass u fat fuck
-if god made you that way, god makes everything, so he made something called motivation and gave it to you, so use it
-i have a thyroid problem - SURE YOU DO, if you did you would be on medically prescribed T3 and be a skinny fucker
"i've tried everything!!! but i can't lose weight!!!" is SOOO classic. please tell us what have you tried? what did u try NOT eating mayonaise with those 5 supersize fries you order every day fatty? did you try FIVE minutes on a stairstepper twice a week?
you guys have probably noticed that i really have a major problem with fatties. well they cost us in ways most people dont even know. if one of us goes to the hospital for any reason, fat people cost us. the beds/stretchers have to be rated to carry huge people, so they cost more to manufacture, hence we pay more.
insurance pays for weight loss surgery, keeping it sky high for other people, like me
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here is a quote from the article:
If you think those weight issues don't apply to you think again. New research shows that overweight workers cost their bosses more in injury claims and lost workdays than their lean colleagues. And, according to the study, the heaviest workers had twice the rate of workers' compensation claims as their fit co-workers. That means higher insurance rates for employees and more work to handle when a fellow employee is off the job.
By looking at the records, many overweight workers had 13 times more lost workdays due to work-related injuries and their medical claims were seven times higher than their fit co-workers. Most of those reports involved injuries to the back, wrist, arm, neck, shoulder, hip, knee and foot.
besides all this stuff, fat people are just plain disguisting to look at. for real how many time has one of you been at Wal-Mart and seen some fat chic so nasty you dry heave. like you actually feel sick to your stomach. i have. its so simple - STOP EATING SO MUCH