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America's most unhealthy drinks

Who the fuck made this shake up? Some evil Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, Willy Wonka bastard child? 73 fucking ingredients...who has time to put 73 ingredients into a shake? What 73 ingredients? I have never eaten a 5 course meal with 73 ingredients...I'm not going to lie, I am curious what it tases like and I know you (hott) and main are too :D
so many people eat shit then wonder why they look like shit. then they get all depressed and take SSRI's to stabilize their mood. does anyone see how fucked this is??

i was sitting in front of my house today in the sun and i see 2 FAT chics around maybe 16 yrs old - ride by on a motorized scooter. MOTORIZED. what happened to walking or bike riding.

and its not ALL their fault - they are inundated with a terrible selection of unhealthy foods EVERYWHERE they go, like these drinks.
Keeps the weight loss industry and phyisicians that do gastric bypass surgery busy. Good for their business.
Keeps the weight loss industry and phyisicians that do gastric bypass surgery busy. Good for their business.

Yep, the "food"---if you can call it food--- industry makes lots of $ selling 73 ingredient garbage; then the Pharm industry and weight loss places clean up on the back end.
A long time ago my buddies and I used to try and come up with ideas for the most unhealthy snacks possible. Our best creation, which fortunately never made it into actual production, was called "The Diabetes Burger". It consisited of a triple stack of Honey Maid cinammon graham crackers, marshmallow fluf, Jif peanut butter, honey, (fake) maple syrup, and a bit of confectioner's sugar sprinkled on top. Not too far from reality anymore, life imitates art I guess. :confused: We actually tried to deep fry a slice of birthday cake too but it disintegrated in the FryDaddy. :(
That Heath Bar shake would be awesome with a Hardee's Monster Thick Burger:


or some outback cheese fries:
Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing
2,900 calories
182 g fat 240 g carbs

Even if you split this "starter" with three friends, you'll have downed a dinner's worth of calories before your entree arrives. Follow this up with a steak, sides, and a dessert and you could easily break the 3,500 calorie barrier.

america's 20 worst foods:
**broken link removed**
That would explain why I am up to like 5am every day after one of those! :D
the thing i hate the most is...
that obese ass that's drinking that baskin robbins shake tries to save your life by telling how "2 scoops of whey protein will give you kidney failure... just like my cousin, who was 490 lbs at 80% fat, who had kidney failure... and the doctors said that it was from all that protein he was eating... like 80 grams of protein per day... that gave him the kidney failure.... and whey also causes cancer... my mom said so..."

all while chugging down 266 grams of sugar, 108 grams of fat... to warm up his stomach for 2 big macs, large coke, large fry... just before he goes home to watch a movie while eating two bags of chips with liquid cheese dip...

and then "i've tried everything!!! but i can't lose weight!!!"
and then "i've tried everything!!! but i can't lose weight!!!"

-I'm big boned
-God made me this way
-Everyone losing weight is on fat burners and steroids killing themselves

Then they bitch about how 'everyone finds young love but them'... Aside from their obvious body fat, I wouldn't date them because of their life expectancy, future health bills, and lack of motivation to care for themselves. GAH!

but "i've tried everything!!! but i can't lose weight!!!" is definitely a classic Buse.
how about the fat guy that eats a super sized double quarter pounder and orders a x large diet coke? J.R.
-I'm big boned
-God made me this way
-Everyone losing weight is on fat burners and steroids killing themselves

Then they bitch about how 'everyone finds young love but them'... Aside from their obvious body fat, I wouldn't date them because of their life expectancy, future health bills, and lack of motivation to care for themselves. GAH!

but "i've tried everything!!! but i can't lose weight!!!" is definitely a classic Buse.

fat people totally suck. useless fucks. wait i take that back - i dont think they can even be considered people.

i cant afford any medical insurance cause of fat people and smokers. they are such risks that normal people have to pay huge amounts of money cause fat people and smokers drain the system.

they always have some lame excuse like halflife and other said.
-big boned my ass u fat fuck
-if god made you that way, god makes everything, so he made something called motivation and gave it to you, so use it
-i have a thyroid problem - SURE YOU DO, if you did you would be on medically prescribed T3 and be a skinny fucker

"i've tried everything!!! but i can't lose weight!!!" is SOOO classic. please tell us what have you tried? what did u try NOT eating mayonaise with those 5 supersize fries you order every day fatty? did you try FIVE minutes on a stairstepper twice a week?

you guys have probably noticed that i really have a major problem with fatties. well they cost us in ways most people dont even know. if one of us goes to the hospital for any reason, fat people cost us. the beds/stretchers have to be rated to carry huge people, so they cost more to manufacture, hence we pay more.

insurance pays for weight loss surgery, keeping it sky high for other people, like me

**broken link removed**

here is a quote from the article:
If you think those weight issues don't apply to you think again. New research shows that overweight workers cost their bosses more in injury claims and lost workdays than their lean colleagues. And, according to the study, the heaviest workers had twice the rate of workers' compensation claims as their fit co-workers. That means higher insurance rates for employees and more work to handle when a fellow employee is off the job.
By looking at the records, many overweight workers had 13 times more lost workdays due to work-related injuries and their medical claims were seven times higher than their fit co-workers. Most of those reports involved injuries to the back, wrist, arm, neck, shoulder, hip, knee and foot.

besides all this stuff, fat people are just plain disguisting to look at. for real how many time has one of you been at Wal-Mart and seen some fat chic so nasty you dry heave. like you actually feel sick to your stomach. i have. its so simple - STOP EATING SO MUCH
here is a quote from the article:
If you think those weight issues don't apply to you think again. New research shows that overweight workers cost their bosses more in injury claims and lost workdays than their lean colleagues. And, according to the study, the heaviest workers had twice the rate of workers' compensation claims as their fit co-workers. That means higher insurance rates for employees and more work to handle when a fellow employee is off the job.
By looking at the records, many overweight workers had 13 times more lost workdays due to work-related injuries and their medical claims were seven times higher than their fit co-workers. Most of those reports involved injuries to the back, wrist, arm, neck, shoulder, hip, knee and foot.

besides all this stuff, fat people are just plain disguisting to look at. for real how many time has one of you been at Wal-Mart and seen some fat chic so nasty you dry heave. like you actually feel sick to your stomach. i have. its so simple - STOP EATING SO MUCH

yeah, you guys have it rough with the health insurance costs and all that (I don't know much about your health care system... i've seen the documentary "sicko", but i really think he stretched it out there and made it seem worse than somalia's health care system. correct me if i'm wrong)... but i don't have a problem with the way fat people look or their life style or how they occupy beds in a hospital... etc. in our country we have very good health insurance, but the shittiest hospitals you've ever seen :rolleyes: .... anyway... the problem i have with them is the whole "holier than thou" crap. i'm a smoker, and i didn't even flinch when i heard your comments on how smokers disgust you... you're in a public forum and you're speaking your mind... the problem with fat people is that they come up to you while you eat in the office and say:
"why do you do this to yourself? it's not healthy! and you really don't look so good with all those muscles. my doctor even told me that working out like you do will cause a lot of problems when you get older. that's why i don't work out. you should really rethink your life." ... and these are the 300 lbers (shorter than 5'10 too)... then when you go outside IN THE SMOKING AREA they follow you with their mayonnaise and ass sandwich and keep bugging you about how cigarettes will kill you and how they cause cancer blah blah blah, all while mayonnaise is dripping down the corner of their mouth and they're breathing heavy while standing still.
AND GOD FORBID THE FATTIES FIND YOU WITH A WHEY PROTEIN SHAKE!!! like 5 of them will gang up on you and try to lecture you about how you're killing yourself.

I once talked to a friend and said "why are these fuckers doing this? why do they feel obligated to lecture me about being healthy?" my friend says "come on man, don't be an asshole. they're just trying to give you some advice and help you out. you should be grateful."

sadly, that's how people see it. advice i should be grateful i got.
i want to see their point of view when i run up to every fatty out there and say "don't you feel disgusting looking and living the way you do? can you even see your own penis? do you know what it looks like? you should lose some weight... not just a little either... i'm talking 150 lbs minimum!!!... all it takes is a fucking 1 hour walk every day and just control your food portions! you spend fucking 5 hours in front of the tv... can't you just cancel 1 hour and go have a fucking walk, shamoo?"
is that advice? should they be grateful?
or some outback cheese fries:
Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing
2,900 calories
182 g fat 240 g carbs

That settles it. A Monster Thick Burger with a side of those cheese fries and Heath Bar shake.

Thats about 6600 calories. Mmmmmmm.

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