I used it for about 6 years straight until age 51 before making modifications to it to allow for my increase in LBM. During those 6 years I made the most dramatic changes in my physique. And It was the first time in my life that I was able to maintain a low bodyfat with minimal effort. Before that diet I used to struggle with with bodyfat doing cardio 3-4 times a week to maintain a 12-14% bodyfat. Using DiPasquale's Anabolic Diet I was staying under 10% with no cardio at all and was growing again. In the last 5 years I've been playing with more current variations of the diet. And I've been experimenting quite a bit with trying to use daily carbs. The one thing I've learned for sure is that I get fat very quickly on any kind of carbs other than veggies.Anyone use this phase shift diet by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale? Its a low carb diet but has a weekend carb load.
I got the e-book if anyone wants a copy. Just PM me your e-mail.
If this is aginist the rules, sorry.
A keto diet is any diet that uses fat as it primary source of fuel like the Atkin's Diet. The Anabolic Diet is one of the first CKD diets (Cyclic Keto Diets). The idea is to follow a keto diet for 5-6 days and then cycle into a high carb diet for 1-2 days. And then start over. This type of cycling is supposed to create a surge of hormones (Test & HGH). And for most people it does.Isnt it just basically a no carb high protein high fat diet, but much higher fat and protein than most would injest. Then you have one carb up day per week. whats the diff between the anabolic diet and a keto diet.
A keto diet is any diet that uses fat as it primary source of fuel like the Atkin's Diet. The Anabolic Diet is one of the first CKD diets (Cyclic Keto Diets). The idea is to follow a keto diet for 5-6 days and then cycle into a high carb diet for 1-2 days. And then start over. This type of cycling is supposed to create a surge of hormones (Test & HGH). And for most people it does.
I got the e-book if anyone wants a copy. Just PM me your e-mail.
If this is aginist the rules, sorry.