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anavar and women...

Got Juice

New member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 23, 2002
i was talking with my girlfriend the other day about juice etc.. and brought up anavar to her.. she wants to try some but i dont want to make her break out at all. im assuming this is the mildest steroid for her, maybe primo might be better, but tabs would be easier for her.. i was thinking mabye like 5mg per day.. she just wants to harden up a little, not looking for much muscle if any at all.. im just not wanting any of the sides, and im thinking with 5mg/daily she should be fine.. could yo go any lower like a 2mg tab? i was thinking maybe even clen, but she runs so damn much i dont think the treadmill, her heart rate, and the clen would do to good together,hehe...

i have used for many years but never have given anything to a women and i know their bodies are totally different, so i wanna get some feedback before i give her something that could do things to her that she dosent want.


I would say that as far as gear for momen 1st choice would be Var....I'd have her run it at 10mgs atleast to see a noticable difference. 2 or 5 isn't really enough to do anything, but 10 would be fine with very minimal if any sides. Take care.

Anavar should not give her any noticable sides especially if you keep her at 5-10mg. I am a female BB and I have used it at a lot higher doses than that and didn't expierence any real noticable sides. I usually get a lot of strength gain while I'm on Anavar.
Good luck
WINNY at 10mgs for a woman is far worse then 10mgs of ANAVAr. Winny is very strong for a woman...you will notice her voice cracking and her clit could grow a bit. She will be hell of a lot more horny on winny and that should tell another reason why winny is stronger. Look for her sideburns to run down her face, and mybe her adams apple might grow a bit. I know 10mgs isn't much, but for a novice female, it can be a lot...VAR over WINNY 1000%
MY girl

Started having her voice crack / clit bigger within 2 weeks of winny -- stopped that immediately.
Steak Helmet said:
WINNY at 10mgs for a woman is far worse then 10mgs of ANAVAr. Winny is very strong for a woman...you will notice her voice cracking and her clit could grow a bit. She will be hell of a lot more horny on winny and that should tell another reason why winny is stronger. Look for her sideburns to run down her face, and mybe her adams apple might grow a bit. I know 10mgs isn't much, but for a novice female, it can be a lot...VAR over WINNY 1000%

well i beleive your right, but everyones diff look at Kens women she runs winny at 25mg/ed and definitly looks very feminime. their 2 locla girls i talk to runing 10mg also one completed succesfully 8 weeks and i didnt see any sides at all besides acne.
Re: MY girl

Ivan said:
Started having her voice crack / clit bigger within 2 weeks of winny -- stopped that immediately.

she is so tiny Ivan, what dose was she running ?
True everyone is diiferent. but I would hate to see her get the sides off her first cycle and be scared to ever try it again.

Ken's woman has done enough stuff to know what her body van handle. I know she did not just jump right in and say what the hell.

All I am saying is it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to a woman and their first time with AAS.
Steak Helmet said:
True everyone is diiferent. but I would hate to see her get the sides off her first cycle and be scared to ever try it again.

Ken's woman has done enough stuff to know what her body van handle. I know she did not just jump right in and say what the hell.

All I am saying is it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to a woman and their first time with AAS.

were being very observent with sides so far so good as i said changes will be made if anythings noticed.

She did 25mg EOD -- I thought it would be ok, seeing as that is what a lot of other girls said worked great for them.....well not for her.

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