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Anavar during pct?


New member
Jan 8, 2018
bello im New here, so apologies I'm advanced if this has already been answered and if it has id like to be directed to posts similar to this I'm new on using the site. So anyway I'm 26 years old been working out for 9 years, started really focusing on diet and supplement by 22yrs of age. I started january 2016 a test only cycle to get my feet wet i got this info from a guy on iron magazine forums "old school lifter" before this I did research upon research and then I placed my first order: The Cycle
1-10 Test E 500mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
1-15 Aromasin 12.5mg/EOD

12-13 Clomid 75mg/ed
14-15 Clomid 50mg/ed

Great results 2016 and 2017 again the same but I added an oral now this new year I just started this:

The Cycle
1-8 Test Propionate 100mg/eod
1-8 Tren Ace 75mg/eod
1-5 Dbol 50mg/ed
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
1-8 Cabergoline .5mg Twice Weekly

9 Clomid 100mg/ed
10-11 Clomid 75mg/ed
12 Clomid 50mg/ed

My question is can I add Anavar while on pct? Or would what week exactly would you guys recommend? thanks in advanced and any harsh comments on how new or dumb this question is are welcomed I'm willing to learn even more:)
I'm asking because on the thread GROWTH PRINCIPLES FOR BEGINNERS the last paragraph it mentions this:
"When you eventually come off the gear, you make sure
that you are off the orals. Then cut out the anabolic
over 2 weeks. Then the testosterone over 3 weeks. One
week after that, you need to add primo tabs or anavar
(oxandrin) for 3 weeks. That will ensure that you will
keep your gains. " maybe I'm misunderstanding it.but thanks in advanced
Last edited:
bello im New here, so apologies I'm advanced if this has already been answered and if it has id like to be directed to posts similar to this I'm new on using the site. So anyway I'm 26 years old been working out for 9 years, started really focusing on diet and supplement by 22yrs of age. I started january 2016 a test only cycle to get my feet wet i got this info from a guy on iron magazine forums "old school lifter" before this I did research upon research and then I placed my first order: The Cycle
1-10 Test E 500mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
1-15 Aromasin 12.5mg/EOD

12-13 Clomid 75mg/ed
14-15 Clomid 50mg/ed

Great results 2016 and 2017 again the same but I added an oral now this new year I just started this:

The Cycle
1-8 Test Propionate 100mg/eod
1-8 Tren Ace 75mg/eod
1-5 Dbol 50mg/ed
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
1-8 Cabergoline .5mg Twice Weekly

9 Clomid 100mg/ed
10-11 Clomid 75mg/ed
12 Clomid 50mg/ed

My question is can I add Anavar while on pct? Or would what week exactly would you guys recommend? thanks in advanced and any harsh comments on how new or dumb this question is are welcomed I'm willing to learn even more:)
I'm asking because on the thread GROWTH PRINCIPLES FOR BEGINNERS the last paragraph it mentions this:
"When you eventually come off the gear, you make sure
that you are off the orals. Then cut out the anabolic
over 2 weeks. Then the testosterone over 3 weeks. One
week after that, you need to add primo tabs or anavar
(oxandrin) for 3 weeks. That will ensure that you will
keep your gains. " maybe I'm misunderstanding it.but thanks in advanced

Run the test 2 weeks after your last tren ace shot and then do the pct which of course do not include answer in.
Anavar will suppress your natural function and inhibit recovery. With a short ester you should cut it out when you stop your test. If you are running long esters, you can continue running the anavar 3 weeks beyond the last injection, then start pct.
OK so after the last injection do 3 weeks and after said weeks then do pct? how many mgs do you recommend I was thinking around 40-50 daily
i run 6 weeks at the end of most long ester cycles. 3 with the injectible and 3 after my last shot. I get good results with 25mg but most people start with 40 or 50.

Are you running test prop and ace or the test enanthate? if you are using prop/ace, dont follow the advice above.
i run 6 weeks at the end of most long ester cycles. 3 with the injectible and 3 after my last shot. I get good results with 25mg but most people start with 40 or 50.

Are you running test prop and ace or the test enanthate? if you are using prop/ace, dont follow the advice above.
Test prop trend ace, OK I will save the var for another cycle. Thanks guys
i run 6 weeks at the end of most long ester cycles. 3 with the injectible and 3 after my last shot. I get good results with 25mg but most people start with 40 or 50.

Are you running test prop and ace or the test enanthate? if you are using prop/ace, dont follow the advice above.
Test prop tren ace, OK I will save the var for another cycle. Thanks guys
Do not take anavar it will keep you shut down when you are trying to bring your natural test production up.

If you are hell bent on keeping max gains you might want to try something like MK-677 from R U I or whoever you trust during PCT

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