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Anavar TRT+


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Verified Customer
Jul 23, 2022

I've seen some people running anavar(like 20mg ED) year round next to their trt(+) dose of let's say 200mg test-e per week.

Any experiences here? Seems pretty interesting since anavar can also boost conditioning a bit.

The anavar is weak and for woman comments can skip :D.
Anything that lowers Apo B is not going to be safe. If you really want to try it, make sure to run Ezetimibe + Atorvastatin 10mg each to mitigate it.
I would not for a year but if I did consider it, I'd do like 10mgs. It just hits my cholesterol too hard.
Nothing new and pretty much a crappy idea; If you want to cycle, cycle - if you want to do TRT, do trt. Your idea is the same as pretty much any oral + TRT, its a beginner cycle.
Try low dose DHB like 50mg a week. Much better results than low dose anavar and had no effects on my bloodwork
I would suggest, in the context of health, not to run any oral year-round. Do your trt, and cycle in other compounds like normal at their lower doses (ie for a trt+ run). If i were to run something along with test year-round, it would be one of the 'safer' injectables. I would suggest getting labs done as well, and go by what they say as a rough guide.
nah..thats just asking for trouble. occasional use I can see but not year round, not good lipids. pre workout a few times a week maybe someone could get away without lipid issues, but not daily.
I am prescribed 50mg anavar daily by my endo.

Ran it for a straight year and my lipids were beyond destroyed.

I now purely use pre strength based workouts for its CNS stimulatory effects 3-4x per week. And no not take it when traveling.

All issues have subsided.
I am prescribed 50mg anavar daily by my endo.

Ran it for a straight year and my lipids were beyond destroyed.

I now purely use pre strength based workouts for its CNS stimulatory effects 3-4x per week. And no not take it when traveling.

All issues have subsided.
what are you running right now ?
i've noticed since starting drol, my knees and feet feel so much better.. must be the drol
drawing in more water..

1ml per day injectable(6th day into it)

10mg test prop
15mg drol
30mg DHT
I am prescribed 50mg anavar daily by my endo.

Ran it for a straight year and my lipids were beyond destroyed.

I now purely use pre strength based workouts for its CNS stimulatory effects 3-4x per week. And no not take it when traveling.

All issues have subsided.
This doesn't surprise me at all. 50mg is not a small dose, I am talking about 20mg.
Anything that hits cholesterol or liver I'd not run as a long term. I just posted my best blood work and physical since my 20s on 200 test/200 deca for 15+ weeks. Hdl was higher than normal and ldl/tris were lower. I've run the same for 2 years straight with similar results (maybe 2010-12). That's what I'm looking for if I'm running other compounds or more than physiological test long term.

Give 20mg of var a shot and pull your bloods and see. Judge if it's worth it. 20mg of var doesn't do much for me (including legit oxandrin I got from a pharmacy) so any impact on bloods and I'd nuke it.
Anything that hits cholesterol or liver I'd not run as a long term. I just posted my best blood work and physical since my 20s on 200 test/200 deca for 15+ weeks. Hdl was higher than normal and ldl/tris were lower. I've run the same for 2 years straight with similar results (maybe 2010-12). That's what I'm looking for if I'm running other compounds or more than physiological test long term.

Give 20mg of var a shot and pull your bloods and see. Judge if it's worth it. 20mg of var doesn't do much for me (including legit oxandrin I got from a pharmacy) so any impact on bloods and I'd nuke it.
Yea that's right for sure. I've ran 20mg anavar in the past and(at a low fat%) I notice a difference for sure!

I've seen some people running anavar(like 20mg ED) year round next to their trt(+) dose of let's say 200mg test-e per week.

Any experiences here? Seems pretty interesting since anavar can also boost conditioning a bit.

The anavar is weak and for woman comments can skip :D.
Usually do 20mg of prescribed anavar on lifting days
what are you running right now ?
i've noticed since starting drol, my knees and feet feel so much better.. must be the drol
drawing in more water..

1ml per day injectable(6th day into it)

10mg test prop
15mg drol
30mg DHT
100 test + 400 eq + 200 Masteron (about to pin for week 2)

Was going to compile data on 600mg test and it’s affects on VO2 output. Hit two weeks of that before switching over and it crippled me basically.

Finishing up a family trip in Hawaii for another week then back to normality for a week then another damn trip for a week. Trying to make some progress despite all the travel.

You prepping for anything right now mate?

Knees and feet…. Super interesting honestly, what type of pain were you experiencing with both?
This doesn't surprise me at all. 50mg is not a small dose, I am talking about 20mg.
100% gotcha mate - just the only data sets I have unfortunately are with 50. Actually in the hunt for prescribed 25mg right now. Doctor is trying to find a place that doesn’t charge an obscene amount.
100 test + 400 eq + 200 Masteron (about to pin for week 2)

Was going to compile data on 600mg test and it’s affects on VO2 output. Hit two weeks of that before switching over and it crippled me basically.

Finishing up a family trip in Hawaii for another week then back to normality for a week then another damn trip for a week. Trying to make some progress despite all the travel.

You prepping for anything right now mate?

Knees and feet…. Super interesting honestly, what type of pain were you experiencing with both?
im not preparing for anything.. just like to stay in tip top shape.. more hybrid shape than bodybuilding(think nick bare).
i wasnt experiencing any debilitating pain.. more so just subtle aches, that feel more like bone-on-bone
now with the added fluid(low dose drol - 15mg/day injectable) i feel much stronger and sturdy.
the running keeps the bloat to a minimum, if there is any bloat.
im not preparing for anything.. just like to stay in tip top shape.. more hybrid shape than bodybuilding(think nick bare).
i wasnt experiencing any debilitating pain.. more so just subtle aches, that feel more like bone-on-bone
now with the added fluid(low dose drol - 15mg/day injectable) i feel much stronger and sturdy.
the running keeps the bloat to a minimum, if there is any bloat.
Super happy to hear that man!

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