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Anxiety and Test

Brute Force

Jun 9, 2006
I was diagnosed with panic disorder a while back and have been dealing with it quite well recently. However, I have had a few recurrences in the last week, and had a pretty bad panic attack today at work. I have been doing some research and was wondering if testosterone helps releive the symptoms of panic disorder.

I am actually in the first week of a cycle of test and var. I have been taking 40mg of var since monday and feel that it is causing my anxiety to worsen. I am planning on starting 250mg/week of test e on sunday and am just wondering if this will relieve the symptoms.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I suffer from diagnosed panic disorder and also depression. Test is not a help to your situation. There are medications. You should see a doctor.
It's very obvious that the hormones produced by the different parts of your body (including glands inside your brain) have noticeable and sometimes dramatic effects on moods, aggression, and so forth. In the case of androgens, or lack thereof, there can be a noted increases in depression, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating. Although very little exists to show that super-physiological doses of androgens can cause a condition or even perhaps worsen a pre-existing condition of this nature, I can tell you this: there is no doubt a corollary... I'm not certain by what mechanism it operates. In my time on this board I have noticed that there is a disproportionate number of individuals diagnosed with, almost specifically, generalized anxiety and/or panic disorder with depression and at the same time, use anabolic steroids.

So to answer your question, although evidence is lacking, it nonetheless seems very likely at least to me that high doses of androgens may worsen an existing condition. It may be that due to your current diagnosis and resulting medications, that you are simply just unable to continue to use androgens. At any rate, you need to have an honest chat with your doctor.

We just don't provide that kind of advice here.
I was diagnosed with panic disorder a while back and have been dealing with it quite well recently. However, I have had a few recurrences in the last week, and had a pretty bad panic attack today at work. I have been doing some research and was wondering if testosterone helps releive the symptoms of panic disorder.

I am actually in the first week of a cycle of test and var. I have been taking 40mg of var since monday and feel that it is causing my anxiety to worsen. I am planning on starting 250mg/week of test e on sunday and am just wondering if this will relieve the symptoms.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Man i know what your feeling bro. Anxiety attacks can make your life a
living hell. My advice to you, since just the var has seemed to worsen
your anxiety, stop the cycle altogether. Work on the anxiety issues instead.
The only drug that worked on me was Prozac. I also suffered from OCD.

I dont think the test will relieve your symptoms.
A while back on test is when I suffered with panic and anx attacks
and I never ever had problems before. Far as I'm conserned, it was
the test that caused this.
I think OTH gave some soild advice...

I've had panic and anxiety for a while now, they started way back before I was ever on AAS.

For me, test HELPED these issues and improved my mood in general to a large degree. I felt far more energetic and was a happier person overall.

Also, as OTH noted this is not the case with everyone.

My point is this, the effect of test on panic and anxiety orders is individual. It may help, it may make things worse.
It's very obvious that the hormones produced by the different parts of your body (including glands inside your brain) have noticeable and sometimes dramatic effects on moods, aggression, and so forth. In the case of androgens, or lack thereof, there can be a noted increases in depression, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating. Although very little exists to show that super-physiological doses of androgens can cause a condition or even perhaps worsen a pre-existing condition of this nature, I can tell you this: there is no doubt a corollary... I'm not certain by what mechanism it operates. In my time on this board I have noticed that there is a disproportionate number of individuals diagnosed with, almost specifically, generalized anxiety and/or panic disorder with depression and at the same time, use anabolic steroids.

So to answer your question, although evidence is lacking, it nonetheless seems very likely at least to me that high doses of androgens may worsen an existing condition. It may be that due to your current diagnosis and resulting medications, that you are simply just unable to continue to use androgens. At any rate, you need to have an honest chat with your doctor.

We just don't provide that kind of advice here.

I'm just reading through old anxiety threads for this very reason (I already had the suspicion): testosterone and probably all androgens definitely make anxiety WORSE. (not the other way around like some claim) Just look at the number of people on here on anti-anxiety meds, a coincidence?

I'm not sure what pure anabolics do to it though?
var gave me anxiety, so did dbol, , but test im fine, drop the var , see what happens
I felt that test helped me with mine a big degree although it got really bad when I got off. I think there are better medicines for that if it is bad.
It's very obvious that the hormones produced by the different parts of your body (including glands inside your brain) have noticeable and sometimes dramatic effects on moods, aggression, and so forth. In the case of androgens, or lack thereof, there can be a noted increases in depression, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating. Although very little exists to show that super-physiological doses of androgens can cause a condition or even perhaps worsen a pre-existing condition of this nature, I can tell you this: there is no doubt a corollary... I'm not certain by what mechanism it operates. In my time on this board I have noticed that there is a disproportionate number of individuals diagnosed with, almost specifically, generalized anxiety and/or panic disorder with depression and at the same time, use anabolic steroids.

So to answer your question, although evidence is lacking, it nonetheless seems very likely at least to me that high doses of androgens may worsen an existing condition. It may be that due to your current diagnosis and resulting medications, that you are simply just unable to continue to use androgens. At any rate, you need to have an honest chat with your doctor.

We just don't provide that kind of advice here.

Absolutely agreed!!!
Advice form a psychiatric nurse practitioner

I'm a psychiatric nurse practitioner and treat alot of people with panic disorder and generalized anxiety. SSRI antidepressants are the first line treatment for anxiety and panic. Most of them work very well for this but ************ probably works the best for panic because of it's targeting of histamine receptors in the brain in addition to incresing serotonin and dopamine to a small extent. It is mildling sedated at first but most people feel much better after 2 to 3 weeks. There have been some studies with women that show that testosterone decreases startle response and alleviates anxiety in women. There are some anecdotal reports of generalized anxiety responding to testosterone in men. Testosterone is well known as being an effective treatment for depression. Anxiety can really be a component of depression. Go to a qualified psychiatrist or Psychiatric nurse practitioner to get a diagnosis, medication, and a referral for therapy (probably CBT).

hope this helps,

edit: Removed reference to specific brand/drug.

additional note: Testosterone is not "well known" as being a treatment for depression and I have never heard of one such case where testosterone was indicated to directly treat depression. If the cause of the depression is deemed to be related to a an existing testosterone deficiency, correcting the testosterone levels to normal has been (debatably) shown to support testosterone replacement therapy as a viable treatment - but ONLY in individuals with existing testosterone deficiencies.
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I'm a psychiatric nurse practitioner and treat alot of people with panic disorder and generalized anxiety. SSRI antidepressants are the first line treatment for anxiety and panic. Most of them work very well for this but ******* probably works the best for panic because of it's targeting of histamine receptors in the brain in addition to incresing serotonin and dopamine to a small extent. It is mildling sedated at first but most people feel much better after 2 to 3 weeks. There have been some studies with women that show that testosterone decreases startle response and alleviates anxiety in women. There are some anecdotal reports of generalized anxiety responding to testosterone in men. Testosterone is well known as being an effective treatment for depression. Anxiety can really be a component of depression. Go to a qualified psychiatrist or Psychiatric nurse practitioner to get a diagnosis, medication, and a referral for therapy (probably CBT).

hope this helps,
Welcome aboard and thanks for the info. In some cases you are correct. The antidepressant you mentioned is by no means the most popular choice, at least in terms of efficacy, but still widely used although not the most widely. Using expressions such as "works the best" are nothing but an opinion. As a NP, you should fully understand the concept of liability and why we refrain from mentioning specific drugs on a board where so many are, by their own admission, using prescription drugs without a valid prescription and/or for off-label uses.

It was correct to refer them to a professional in their area. Furthermore, CBT was also a good suggestion. This isn't a warning or anything but I did make a small edit to your last post.


DROP the VAR !!

Var absolutely causes anxiety or in your case makes it worse.I would take the advice drop the Var till you see a Dr. an get treated for the anxiety.I had panic attacks a few years back an they where so bad felt like my heart was gonna rip through my shirt.The Var will be there for when you have it under control.What does the fact you look good but feel like crap.Not worth it take the advice an good luck with this.
I think you're going to find that everyone reacts differently.

I have Bipolar and found that I cannot take:
  • High doses of Test
  • Tren at any dose
  • Masteron
  • Dbol at high doses
  • Prami at all

Test at anything under 350mg EW seems progressively more manageable. Test at too low a dose - i.e., my measely natural levels - is equally as bad, on the flip side, as too high a dose. IN other words, low test accentuates the depressive side of the mood; high doses accentuates the Manic side. Moderate Test with BP Meds is perfect!!

I guess my advice - as a non medical person - is to just be VERY carefull with whatever you take and make sure that you always start low.

From what I read, EQ, Anavar, Tren are probably off-limits to you.
I concur that there is a disproportionate amount of AAS users who suffer from depression and anxiety. I believe that these substances can trigger these symptoms in those of us who are more predisposed for these conditions. I for example, do have depression and anxiety run in my family and was always somewhat anxious, but use of AAS turned me into a full blown depressive with panic attacks. My social anxiety got so bad that I had to quit playing baseball, which I was doing at a semi-pro level. I think that with experience we target certain substances that exasperate our symptoms more than others. For me, Dbol, Tren, and Anadrol are the worst, which sucks because I grow off of them the best. Test is tolerable.

I would advise three things: 1) eliminate the AAS which seem the most problematic. Chances are you will come across some that do not affect you so negatively. 2) Anti-depressants are full of side effects and are ineffective for 2/3 of users. First, try a high dose of fish oil which increases serotonin levels just as effectively as these snake oil drugs, without the side effects. 3) Prioritize a good nights sleep. If you need help in this domain, try melatonin, valerian root, camomile and OTC natural sleep aids, if ineffective than talk to your doctor about Trazadone, which will put you to sleep, increase serotonin, and decrease anxiety.
Just out of curiosity, do you take Omega 3 fish oil? I realize it's a natural approach but I and many of my friends and family members have experienced fantastic results with multiple daily doses of it. We've all experienced reductions in bad cholesterol, lower bp, elevated moods and less anxiety, especially at the work place. This is one supplement that I will NEVER go without for the remainder of my life.

Also, low levels of testosterone can be linked to various levels of depression. My neighbor is being specifically treated for depression with the use of androgel and it has significantly helped him. Definitely bring all this up with your doctor if you haven't already. Best of luck.
i just by accident found that aromasin knocks off the thinking it has to do with estro as women seem to have it only on 200mg a week of test but 10mg asin eod seems to be working

that and a valerian root cap at night, nice
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Just out of curiosity, do you take Omega 3 fish oil? I realize it's a natural approach but I and many of my friends and family members have experienced fantastic results with multiple daily doses of it. We've all experienced reductions in bad cholesterol, lower bp, elevated moods and less anxiety, especially at the work place. This is one supplement that I will NEVER go without for the remainder of my life.

Also, low levels of testosterone can be linked to various levels of depression. My neighbor is being specifically treated for depression with the use of androgel and it has significantly helped him. Definitely bring all this up with your doctor if you haven't already. Best of luck.

I will also would never go thru life without Omega-3 fish oil. I find it helps with my depression, anxiety, inflamation, and blood lipids. I really like Charles Peloquin's Flameout product, super high potency for a reasonable price.
I'm just reading through old anxiety threads for this very reason (I already had the suspicion): testosterone and probably all androgens definitely make anxiety WORSE. (not the other way around like some claim) Just look at the number of people on here on anti-anxiety meds, a coincidence?

I'm not sure what pure anabolics do to it though?

i think the reason we see a lot of people on here who have anxiety/depression, is not because of AAS. I think its because of the anxieties or depression, is why they are here, looking for steroids, trying to improve, not feeling good enough, if only my abs showed more, if only i was more ripped, if only i was bigger. etc. etc. etc. thats my two cents.
ya i have suffered from about the worst, most debilitating panic attacks for awhile.

In the last year or so my situation has gotten much better but I have run almost every compound and never really had too much of an additional problem unless it was a stimulant like clen. I cant even take preworkout drinks....

Prozac was terrible for me, didnt do anything and it is my assumption that it did not work well for me because my anxiety is not a result of depression but it seems to work well for alot of other people.

I keep 2 kinds of meds on hand and switch up in an attempt not to gt too used to a certain one. I try not to take them daily and I also try not to take more than .5 mg but some days 1 full mg is required. It used to be much more and ED in order to have anything that closely resembled a life but has gotten better, I dont want to say tolerable b/c there are still times when "I am about to die" but several years of suffering has helped me to diffuse the attacks and I can recognize them early enough that I can take meds to better my chances of going into a full fledged panic.

I have tried a ton of stuff and am still willing to try more but for now I have to settle with the fact that I still require narcotic meds at least 2 X week...

Do you recall a certain instance it started, was there anything going on at that time that would have caused you to have the problems?

Best of luck to you bro, I know it can be shitty road to go down but you just have to KNOW that you will still be here tomorrow and anxiety is not going to kill you.

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