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Anyone here do Sprints?


May 7, 2010
just curious as to who hear does sprints? im thinking about starting but im not sure.
in my opinion nothing cuts you up faster than wind sprints uphill. you don't need to do long duration cardio. ten 50 yard uphill sprints 4 times per week is all you need. start gradual and work your way up to 10.
in my opinion nothing cuts you up faster than wind sprints uphill. you don't need to do long duration cardio. ten 50 yard uphill sprints 4 times per week is all you need. start gradual and work your way up to 10.

whens the best time to do them in your opinion?...off days, legs day?
due to my schedule i mostly did them in the evening. i hit the gym in the morning and sometimes did them on leg days with no problems. just slept a little better on those days.
I only do them when getting ready for a show. At lest 2 days before and after leg training.
in my opinion nothing cuts you up faster than wind sprints uphill. you don't need to do long duration cardio. ten 50 yard uphill sprints 4 times per week is all you need. start gradual and work your way up to 10.

great way to burn fat. the first time you do sprints you'll feel like you got hit by a truck the next day though
just curious as to who hear does sprints? im thinking about starting but im not sure.

Do a sprint across a soccer (or football) field halfways, not the longways.

Sprint forward to one side, and then sprint backwards on the way back.

Nothings worse than sprinting backwards.....anyone who has done them should back that up. IT BURNS LIKE NO OTHER

Been doing them for years here.. Works 10 fold better than slow go cardio IMHO.. But you need to be cautious and dont over do a good thing.. Make sure calories are eaten to compensat so you dont flatten out... Can be done on a road, punching bag, jump rope or on a spinner bike.

Now for the 230+ bodybuilder, sprints may not be the ideal thing due to the impact on the joints. So that is one exception for sure.

As dropshot says, you will feel like a truck ran over you when you try sprints. It is very intense.. The after burn is where your metabolism is accelerated so the majority of the calories you burn comes after the session.

A big plus for me has been the increase in muscularity in doing sprints over the years is the increased power and lean muscle gains. Whenever I feel like I begin to get pudgey, a few sessions of sprints per week is superb damage control.
Along with this high intensity interval training (i.e. sprints) will create a pulse of natty test and natty gh. Of course if you're on super supps it doesn't really help in terms of that imo, but it will keep your heart rate elevated for hours afterward and burn more fat while retaining more muscle. Don't have the studies showing that on this comp, but a simple search can help yall find them :p
I like them but I always seem to end up with a hamstring pull.

You're probably overstriding. Video tape yourself running from the side, your foot is probably landing way out in front of you, and then you're completely straightening your leg out the back. I trained a semi-pro running back, and he tore his hamstring every season till he started working with me. Run stadium steps, learn to shorten your stride and increase your cadence. You'll run faster, get to full speed in a shorter distance, and have fewer injuries.
love them! especially when I'm pressed for time...used to go down w/ the local football team and run 40 yard sprints w/ them...as mentioned before, if you do them in the afternoon you will sleep like a baby..
Do a sprint across a soccer (or football) field halfways, not the longways.

Sprint forward to one side, and then sprint backwards on the way back.

Nothings worse than sprinting backwards.....anyone who has done them should back that up. IT BURNS LIKE NO OTHER

I do sprints 1 or 2 times/week in a soccer field! And i do it in the halfways, and the longways is the "rest time" of this HIIT style.

Never try to run backwards, but can give it a try.

One thing that i'm trying is:

Non training day make some sprints/hiit style in the end of the day, like 30-35 min couting with warm up and return to zero. This kind of cardio is good for fat loss and the body will have a lot of LCFA (long chain fatty acids).

Next day have some fasted low cardio to "burn" those LCFA, like 45-60 min.

Sorry if i do not explain me well, or used any cientific expression incorrect!
An alternative

Go to a track and do 400 meter intervals. Run them at about 90%. Then walk 400. Repeat. I'd worry about injury with shorter distances. And with the required work/recovery time i dont know if this is an optimal workout for a body builder. Unless you are an athlete who still competes in their sport - football, bb, mma wrestling, soccer, badmittin, (Tiger Woods extracuricular sports) . If your really feeling stupid, only walk 200 and repeat.
a couple of guys at my gym were using this parachute while doing sprints im sure you have seen them on a commercial. anyways. there wasn't enough room for long sprints in the parking lot. So it was my genius idea to set up a huge fan like 5ft high that we have infront of a tredmill and try out the parachute. didnt work lol :confused:
a couple of guys at my gym were using this parachute while doing sprints im sure you have seen them on a commercial. anyways. there wasn't enough room for long sprints in the parking lot. So it was my genius idea to set up a huge fan like 5ft high that we have infront of a tredmill and try out the parachute. didnt work lol :confused:

for the love of god please get a video of this! hahahaha
i tried doing sprints with my girl whos raiderette and almost died LOL with 260lbs dont think it was a good idea.

But i still have sprint phone :p
im scared to loose size (or having it be harder to put on lean muscle) and loosing strength if i do them.

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