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are NFL,MLB,UFC pro athletes considered on roids/drugs when presribed to it like HRT


New member
May 6, 2009
presribed to anything, gh, test, t3, anti e's,
do yall know of any that are? ovisously they cant get slin unless they were diabetic, but didnt know if there were any regulation on that considering there pro athletes and spose to be natural? i hear some of yall get presribed some high levels so...
There are some medical exemptions... you can't withhold treatment of something (hypogonadism for example) just because the patient plays baseball for a living.
There are some medical exemptions... you can't withhold treatment of something (hypogonadism for example) just because the patient plays baseball for a living.

Really? I would doubt that is true just because of this opposite logic: Fair or "natural" means the state or conditioning one can obtain without anything other than what their body produces. Muscle fiber types, myostatin levels, test levels ect are all part of who you are. If you fail in a key area (being hypogonadal) then you may not be an elite athlete.

I know the natural bodybuilding leagues often ban HRT because it is a slippery slope. That would mean they would need to have a doctor who works for the league or testing organization who constantly monitors your test levels. Really everyone would need to go to a single doctor or group of doctors sanctioned by the leagues or else people could grossly abuse the privelidge of being or HRT and we would see nearly every pro being suffering from "hypogonadism"
i would think it would be against the rules. if athletes with lower test were allowed to use AAS and ones with normal test levers werent, that would be unfair.

thats like saying that lineman who have bad genetics and have trouble losing weight should be allowed to use clen and EC. and the lineman who are genetic freaks and can be a lean 300lbs can not.

or like saying that since fred smoot is 170lbs, and has to cover a 220lb beast like andre johnson, he should be allowed to use AAS.
Really? I would doubt that is true just because of this opposite logic: Fair or "natural" means the state or conditioning one can obtain without anything other than what their body produces. Muscle fiber types, myostatin levels, test levels ect are all part of who you are. If you fail in a key area (being hypogonadal) then you may not be an elite athlete.

I know the natural bodybuilding leagues often ban HRT because it is a slippery slope. That would mean they would need to have a doctor who works for the league or testing organization who constantly monitors your test levels. Really everyone would need to go to a single doctor or group of doctors sanctioned by the leagues or else people could grossly abuse the privelidge of being or HRT and we would see nearly every pro being suffering from "hypogonadism"

I'm sure there is plenty of abuse and fudging the numbers, but it would be irresponsible of the leagues to not allow treatment of those that need it. If a ball player finds out he's diabetic at 26 years old he's going to get insulin whether it's against the rules for most or not, it's a legitimate medical need.

ADD drug-use among players quadrupled in 2007 - Big League Stew - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

This is an article from the other day mentioning medical exemptions and yep... most likely abuse of the system. Another article mentions two players in MLB are on the exemption list for testosterone, , all but seven being on that list for ADD meds.
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I played a sport for a while and we where tested through the USADA, (united states anti-doping agency). Which banned a lot of substances but all you really needed was a script from a doctor to get out of a positive test. I highly doubt it is much different for any other professional sanctioned team. Not to mention there really isnt a ton of drug testing in professional sports.
Then they couldn't let diabetics play in the sport as insulin could give them an unfair advantage. And ne asthma medications as they can definitely give an advantage....etc. But they do alow those drugs. Look at how many track athletes have asthma, it is amazing. As long as you keep it in the "normal" range how can they stop it, or catch it.
if their epitest numbers come back higher than whats considered normal, then yes, I think they would get F'd. Lance Armstrong gets hormonal help because he only has 1 testicle, but he still falls into the normal ranges of testosterone.
Uhh those guys are the best of the best.. elite of the elite.. top of the world. And you really think they have... low test levals?!? Haha.... no
I will just say that the testing in the NFL is serious business and if you think it is easy to get around or a lot of guys are getting around the testing, you better think again. It also is very common to be tested randomly so please don't think it is just a few guys here or there because it isn't.

I am not exactly sure how the testing works for MLB or the NBA though I could get the information about the NBA pretty quickly as I know one of the strength coaches for the Nuggets. I know the NFL protocol very well, though.

do they test in the off season, i was under the immpresion alot of pros used off season, short acting esters like base, and no longer than prop

I will just say that the testing in the NFL is serious business and if you think it is easy to get around or a lot of guys are getting around the testing, you better think again. It also is very common to be tested randomly so please don't think it is just a few guys here or there because it isn't.

I am not exactly sure how the testing works for MLB or the NBA though I could get the information about the NBA pretty quickly as I know one of the strength coaches for the Nuggets. I know the NFL protocol very well, though.

ya they are elite pros, but still human, a man just like plenty of the guys on this board, with the same body systems that work for all of us, they do vary, but most guys in their 30's test levels do decline, and theres alot of guys in there 30's still playing pro sports these days, i dont think we can hear the truth due to heppa (spelling)laws

Uhh those guys are the best of the best.. elite of the elite.. top of the world. And you really think they have... low test levals?!? Haha.... no
I know that with the WWE testing as long as you have a script you are good to go and the same people that test the WWE guys also are the same people that test the NFL
I know that with the WWE testing as long as you have a script you are good to go and the same people that test the WWE guys also are the same people that test the NFL

I don't want to sound like a dick but the NFL drug testing policy is exclusive to the NFL and has nothing, at all, to do with the WWE. Even if it were the "same people" that tested the WWE and the NFL, the POLICIES and RULES for the NFL are the issue here. I am telling you matter of factly that the players see only the team doctors so that at least in the NFL the script would be written by the team doctor - it would have to be - and that just isn't going to be too terribly likely as they REALLY like their jobs and they are scrutinized for those scripts, I am sure.

Then they couldn't let diabetics play in the sport as insulin could give them an unfair advantage. And ne asthma medications as they can definitely give an advantage....etc. But they do alow those drugs. Look at how many track athletes have asthma, it is amazing. As long as you keep it in the "normal" range how can they stop it, or catch it.

Jay Cutler of the Chicago Bears has diabetes and I read when he first found out he had it that he sometimes has to inject himself at half times of games.
the nfl tests 12 months a year all at random. remember when t.o. was supposed to get tested but he layed low for like 3 days thats not a coincidence lol. the nfl doesnt play around. But if for medical reasons a guy is on somethign and his numbers are in the normal range he will be fine.
the nfl tests 12 months a year all at random. remember when t.o. was supposed to get tested but he layed low for like 3 days thats not a coincidence lol. the nfl doesnt play around. But if for medical reasons a guy is on somethign and his numbers are in the normal range he will be fine.

so he layed low huh, this was made known publicaly? a couple days could be enough for something to get by.

can you imagine if there were no regulations in these sports on drugs, their would be more homeruns, harder hits in footabll, quicker knockouts, maybe it would bring more money to the sceen, but its a bad example

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