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Are you an idiot if you use Slin?


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Kilo Klub Member
Oct 24, 2002
I use slin and I saw this post on another board by Nelson Montana.

Just interested in some opinions.

You only need to know one thing about insulin: Don't use it.

AT BEST, the benefits are marginal, so why the fuck would anyone risk pancreatic damage, coma, edema, shock and even death for the POSSIBILITY of gaining an ounce of muscle?

This where the argument of steroid use being addictive becoes more and more legitimate. Admit it guys, you get a kick when you score. You get a kick when you inject. You get a kick when you know you got over on the man. You get a kick out of knowing you have an advantage. You get a kick out of having the balls to do something others wouldn't dare. Well, that kick is addictive and it starts to carry over to other drug use.

Nobody in their right mind will say that insulin is as powerful as testosterone. So why not do more testosterone? Because the kick is old and you have to show you have bigger balls than the next guy. That's all it is. There isn't one legitimate reason to use slin. You don't need it. But keep taking it and you will... becuause you won't have a functional pancreas.

Get big. Get strong. Stay healthy. Don't be a fool.

With all due disrespect -- anyone who uses insulin is an idiot.

1...Damage to the pancreas is a no brainer. And with the influx of any exogeneous substance/hormone, endogenous production slows down. Now that's bad enough with the HPTA, but at least it's resiliant and supression won't kill you. No pancreas = no life. Not to mention, the more you use, the more likely of developing diabetes -- or in the least, a less effiecient pancreas.

2...The dormant muscle cell theory benefit is a stretch, at best. Benificial to ecomorphs? So is a lot of food. What's ironic is that you hear so much about cutting carbs on these boards. Hell, carbs release insulin! Bulking up with carbs is easy -- but it should be good carbs and most people ignore the best carb of all -- lactose.

3...Sure, less is better than more. But nobody ever died from an OD of testosterone. (The oil will kill you before the hormone does) Why the fuck would you mess around with something so lethal? You're afraid of losing some HAIR??!?! Come on man!

Lots of guys got big without insulin. Only the pros who finish in the top ten need to be bigger than everybody else. Are you in the top ten?

Eat big. Lift big. And yes, roids will help. Insulin is a suckers game. Just my opinion bro. I ain't saying it for any other reason than I hope it keeps somebody from hurting themselves.

I've been called an idiot before. Not for using slin though. Of course no one knows I'm using slin. I think I'll make a new slogan for T-shirt and have it say:

"Got Slin"

Sounds like someone hasn't done his research on the subject to know if there are benefits to it or not. Probably lazy because there is alot to read on how to use it and what not.

I've always used slin with GH and recently started slin alone, of course using the good sups as well, but in the short time while on it, I think I notice something going on. I am alot fuller looking I think. The workouts are very noticeable. The pumps are beyond belief.

Idiot? Naw.:D
I'd be careful

Don't open up a can of worms you(nelson) cannot close. I agree with about half of what he is saying. I am totally against using insulin unless you have a diabetic need so much more can go wrong than just using another AS but guys use it and I get the reasons why. What I find funny at 36 yrs old I saw slin being used 15 yrs ago and it was a fad then and to me a fad again but a few people die a yr over this fad ya just never hear about it.

I just say be careful with it.
I get a kick out of anything that works to help me reach my goals. SO what! Life is supposed to be fun sometimes-is that a crime too? Maybe someone does what we do to get a 'kick' in all those ways. I do it because it works, helps me reach my goals, makes me happy. Theres the 'kick'. Why psychoanalyse everything to the NTH degree.

As far as endogenious hormonal rebound its less likely with slin. Most people use it 1-2 times a day. NEw theories say to use it 1-2x week. With all that other time the pancresis is functioning without the humulin"R" (short acting and most widely used brand
among atheletes) shutdown is not likely. The reason you get
the HPTA shutdown to such a degree is because long acting esters (usually taken by everyone in their cycles) gives you no break to require natural production of testosterone. This IS NOT the case with insulin-its in and out.

I could site more of Nelsons ridiculous rant that could be countered, but point made.
Good point MikeS

I use slin 2 times a week on Monday and Thursday. I'm still seeing some things happening withjust 2 times a week. Sorry, I like the stuff and like MikeS sd. it's not enought to shut anything down.

Mike I like you and all bro and every point you made is pretty much dead on in the terms your discussing,there is a but coming here. The but is my wife is working on her doctorate at the U of A in Tuscon AZ, she wrote a pretty nice piece about athletes and performance enhancing drugs and I was one of her subjects because of my AS use and one of her main topics was the use of insulin. Her article got a lot of praise and by a lot of top professionals in her field and the things she wrote scared me. The thing that scares me more is that everyone here is a so called "expert" in their own right because they have used "blah" this many "blah" yrs and what will happen one day is some kid, actually no what has happened is some kid has already taken this info and either died or just about died from putting themselves into a diabetic coma. I don't really care about much whats said on the boards and don't normally come out on to much but it's a topic that gets to me because quite frankly it will kill you.

Off my soap box.
i hear ya bro ,but if someone dies its not because of the stuff we post, this is a great tool im just geting into the bodybuilding useage of it . both my mother and uncle died from slin they were diabetics, so i know what can happen , the fellow that posted that crap needs to pull his head out of his ass MikeS put it best no need to add to that .
I understand your point Fathead. And slin, unlike AS, can kill you.
But it goes back to responsiblilty. Its not my responsibility to watch out for Mrs. Jones snot nosed 15YO. Its hers and his.
Its like blaming the bartender for the accident the drunk gets in later. Or the cigarette company for somone getting cancer-or Mcdonalds for some pig getting fat.
Its each persons responsibility to learn what they are doing with these drugs. ESPECIALLY slin-Ive said that 1000s of times.
But you point is valid also-just my side of it. :eek:
MikeS said:
I understand your point Fathead. And slin, unlike AS, can kill you.
But it goes back to responsiblilty. Its not my responsibility to watch out for Mrs. Jones snot nosed 15YO. Its hers and his.
Its like blaming the bartender for the accident the drunk gets in later. Or the cigarette company for somone getting cancer-or Mcdonalds for some pig getting fat.
Its each persons responsibility to learn what they are doing with these drugs. ESPECIALLY slin-Ive said that 1000s of times.
But you point is valid also-just my side of it. :eek:

You make a good point Mike and these boards should be about the freedom of speech to discuss these issues and hopefully avoid anyone dying from misinformation...

Ironically...in many states a bartender will incur some civil liablility, the crigarette companies (ex: Phillip Morris) are being sued and I've recently read that some asshole is trying to sue fast food restaurants for his obesity. And don't forget the unfortunate incident of the guy whose DNP related death lead to some trouble for elitefitness. Just my .02.
Just adding fuel to the fire here :)

AAS and GH "DO NOT KILL" people. Insulin and Diurectics "KILL" people. THESE ARE FACTS! That's why it's so important that people fully educate themselves on ALL aspects before experimentation.

Insulin can be used safely and good gains made, as xcel said make sure to fully educate yourself before trying and always be cautious when using for first times, you never know how your body may react. Most importantly always listen to how your body feels as lowering of blood sugars can happen fast. I am always carrying round my soda drink after shot just incase :)
I think your nuts

If you use insulin and your not diabetic, your fucking nuts! If your a pro BB and you do this, then that is another level and I'm in NO positon to say anything. If your a typical gym rat, your asking for the reaper to show up at your door step. Now I'm sure I'm going to hear alot of crap on this one, but so what! if your taking a boat load a supplements and insulin and you dont look like Phil, Big A, or another "real" Bodybuilder, your doing something really wrong, and you could be pushing up daisy's. :rolleyes:

an idiot if you don't do research and figure out how to use ANY supplement correctly -- but especially something as potentially dangerous as Insulin. Look, we're all adults, it's up to each of us to make the trade-offs and decide what to do or don't do. The risk/benefit analysis of millions of decisions is done every day, by everyone of us, whether consciously or not. Using AAS, DNP, Diuretics, Insulin, Thyroid hormones, or whatever is a decision each person makes - and hopefully they've done enough reading to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks (health risks, legal risks, monetary risk, etc.).

Bottomline - you're only an idiot if you don't do your homework.


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