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armidex versus clomid / post cycle


Moderator / FOUNDING Member / NPC Judge
Staff member
Jun 5, 2002
whats everyones opinion?? i have heard from some "gurus" that they prefer armidex to clomid post cycle in getting htpa back up and running. lets hear it and why!!:D
Definitely Clomid. Arimidex is useless if in your body there aren't enough androgens to get high estrogens level... if U get high estrogen levels, their production is not mediated by aromatase...
In child with puberty disorders, often U can see an average test levels but high estrogens levels; in this case, arimidex takes place! We'd must ever check our prolactin levels: if high, each HPTA recovery is useless until we make our prolactin levels down.

Long ago, i was an Arimidex lover, in recovery phase...
when I added clomid, i felt a big difference in my sexual behaviour... (never got more than 50mg /EOD). My only fear is getting testicular cancer fro Clomid! :(

P.S. Clomid raises estrogen blood levels (that cannot bind to their receptors)) and aromatase activity, so U can add aromasin to reduce estrogen related sides effects... (bloat, fat, humor unstable...)
henry said:
Definitely Clomid. Arimidex is useless if in your body there aren't enough androgens to get high estrogens level... if U get high estrogen levels, their production is not mediated by aromatase...
In child with puberty disorders, often U can see an average test levels but high estrogens levels; in this case, arimidex takes place! We'd must ever check our prolactin levels: if high, each HPTA recovery is useless until we make our prolactin levels down.

Long ago, i was an Arimidex lover, in recovery phase...
when I added clomid, i felt a big difference in my sexual behaviour... (never got more than 50mg /EOD). My only fear is getting testicular cancer fro Clomid! :(

P.S. Clomid raises estrogen blood levels (that cannot bind to their receptors)) and aromatase activity, so U can add aromasin to reduce estrogen related sides effects... (bloat, fat, humor unstable...)

a dex is fine post cycle and very effective as itll boost natural test for longer peiods of time then clomid does, clomid eventually de sensitizes the pituitary to lh. best is both post cycle , better then either alone
and another: three months ago I got gino. I have been on femara (letrozole) from september (from the end of my cycle) to half of december and the gino kept developed; when I added Clomid... magically the gyno went away.... Does this suggest something to U? ;)
give a look here bro:

Aromatase inhibitors for male infertility.

Raman JD, Schlegel PN.

Department of Urology, James Buchanan Brady Urology Foundation, Center for Male Reproductive Medicine and Microsurgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York, USA.

PURPOSE: Testosterone-to-estradiol ratio levels in infertile men improve during treatment with the aromatase inhibitor, testolactone, and resulting changes in semen parameters. We evaluated the effect of anastrozole, a more selective aromatase inhibitor, on the hormonal and semen profiles of infertile men with abnormal baseline testosterone-to-estradiol ratios. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 140 subfertile men with abnormal testosterone-to-estradiol ratios were treated with 100 to 200 mg. testolactone daily or 1 mg. anastrozole daily. Changes in testosterone, estradiol, testosterone-to-estradiol ratios and semen parameters were evaluated during therapy. The effect of obesity, diagnosis of the Klinefelter syndrome, and presence of varicocele and/or history of varicocele repair on treatment results was studied. RESULTS: Men treated with testolactone had an increase in testosterone-to-estradiol ratios during therapy (mean plus or minus standard error of the mean 5.3 +/- 0.2 versus 12.4 +/- 1.1, p <0.001). This change was confirmed in subgroups of men with the Klinefelter syndrome, a history of varicocele repair and those with varicocele. A total of 12 oligospermic men had semen analysis before and during testolactone treatment with an increase in sperm concentration (5.5 versus 11.2 million sperm per ml., p <0.01), motility (14.7% versus 21.0%, p <0.05), morphology (6.5% versus 12.8%, p = 0.05), and motility index (606.3 versus 1685.2 million motile sperm per ejaculate, respectively, p <0.05) appreciated. During anastrozole treatment, similar changes in the testosterone-to-estradiol ratios were seen (7.2 +/- 0.3 versus 18.1 +/- 1.0, respectively, p <0.001). This improvement of hormonal parameters was noted for all subgroups except those patients with the Klinefelter syndrome. A total of 25 oligospermic men with semen analysis before and during anastrozole treatment had an increase in semen volume (2.9 versus 3.5 ml., p <0.05), sperm concentration (5.5 versus 15.6 million sperm per ml., p <0.001) and motility index (832.8 versus 2930.8 million motile sperm per ejaculate, respectively, p <0.005). These changes were similar to those observed in men treated with testolactone. No significant difference in serum testosterone levels during treatment with testolactone and anastrozole was observed . However, the anastrozole treatment group did have a statistically better improvement of serum estradiol concentration and testosterone-to-estradiol ratios (p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Men who are infertile with a low serum testosterone-to-estradiol ratio can be treated with an aromatase inhibitor. With treatment, an increase in testosterone-to-estradiol ratio occurred in association with increased semen parameters. Anastrozole and testolactone have similar effects on hormonal profiles and semen analysis. Anastrazole appears to be at least as effective as testolactone for treating men with abnormal testosterone-to-estradiol ratios, except for the subset with the Klinefelter syndrome, who appeared to be more effectively treated with testolactone.

PMID: 11792932 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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