With Aromasin my skin cleared up. I have very oily skin naturaly...it just runs in my family. So I try and take care of my skin. For me I seem to be estrogen sensitve. I mean we all are to a certain degree but for me water retention was a factor. Ive never been gyno prone, but the bloat always bothered me (even at modest amounts..Ive never done anything crazy). During the times I was holding on to the most fluid, my skin seemed to be the worst as well. Arimidex helped big time, but I still had minor break outs. I switched to aromasin, which is supposed to be about 5-10% more effective in controling estrogen, and my skin just cleared up completely. It got me thinking and after talking to a couple of people including someone who is now an IFBB pro who had EXACTLY the same problem, I should have figured this out a long time ago. For me the more effective the anti-e, the better I feel in general and the better I look. To me its worth the extra money and for those using arimidex, its not like its going to cost that much more. In the long run your heart and health with benefit.