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Aspiring Body Builders......

this is a bullshit statement

i do deads 2 times a month

405 for 15
495 for 10
585 for 5
650 for a double
and regularly do widow maker deads with 315 for 30+ reps

and my back sucks

Hey Tenny!

I used to deadlifts at the start of every back workout. So that would mean 4 to 5 times a month. Once at the 1999 National titles the late Sonny Schmidt came up to me from the audience and told me........"Bro, you have some of the best muscularity in your back of any other competitor here today". "Whatever you are doing keep doin it". RIP Sonny! All I did for many years for my back were deadlifts, rows, heavy one arm db rows, t-bar rows and some pulldowns. Needless to say I was over the moon to be told that by one of the Greats of our sport. I give that to deads and rows. Not just twice a month though. With religion I did them. Oh and I never went for anything less than 5 reps on deads. Once I gave up powerlifting and switched to BBing I did not care how much I pulled as much as I did care about how I did pull!

I placed third! Against a former NABBA pro body builder that jumped back into the amatuer ranks!!!:mad: Was not happy about that but was proud of my placing in the circumstances.
I believe what t-kav and others here are saying. Nothing will produce muscle density for back than heavy ass pulling movements. Deadlift being the Jewel in the crown. Next time you get to sit down and ask a question to one of the top in our game "How did you build your back"? The answer will most likely be "Deadlifts" "heavy and lots of em".

I will ask you this b-boy...........Once you started doing big lifts from the floor would it be safe to say, that is when you sprouted your wings?? I still mean this when I say "Take a look at Ronnie Colemans Back in a back dbl bi and look at b-boy's....................striking similarity"!! Ask RC how he got his back that big..........Deads!! It is a brutal exercise to do but will yeild the greatest benefits as far as muscularity. Shelby?? Would you agree that in a line up viewed from the back it is easy to pick out who trains back with deads vs the non deadlift guys? Just keep in mind when you train on back days..........Give it the best chance possible to grow!! Put your heart into it!

I always had the opinion of since I can't see it very well I will train it extra well so I do not get caught short at a showing!!

it all sounds great!!!!!

but people with weak backs

have weak backs!!!!!

there is NOTHING i can do for mine
to get it to grow......i have done everything
everything else grows.....upper back thickness....never
it all sounds great!!!!!

but people with weak backs

have weak backs!!!!!

there is NOTHING i can do for mine
to get it to grow......i have done everything
everything else grows.....upper back thickness....never

Try some of my crazy ass back exercises - they are on my website and youtube channel...My backed sucked for YEARS, until I started doing the other stuff - same boat as you - lousy genetics there....

it all sounds great!!!!!

but people with weak backs

have weak backs!!!!!

there is NOTHING i can do for mine
to get it to grow......i have done everything
everything else grows.....upper back thickness....never
i will bet everything i own that i can get you a nasty back if i trained regularly with you!
to be honest NO! my wings got huge with weighted pullups, the heavier i was able to go the wider my lats got, I will stand by pullups and bent over rows for back development. deadlifts were just icing on the cake for me! made everything a lil thicker and nastier..LOL
Actually that is more what I meant. It added the density thto the width. I agree with you 100% on wide grip rows, chins, pulldowns. It hits the outer part of the lats harder. Thanks bro!;)
Hey Tenny!

I used to deadlifts at the start of every back workout. So that would mean 4 to 5 times a month. Once at the 1999 National titles the late Sonny Schmidt came up to me from the audience and told me........"Bro, you have some of the best muscularity in your back of any other competitor here today". "Whatever you are doing keep doin it". RIP Sonny! All I did for many years for my back were deadlifts, rows, heavy one arm db rows, t-bar rows and some pulldowns. Needless to say I was over the moon to be told that by one of the Greats of our sport. I give that to deads and rows. Not just twice a month though. With religion I did them. Oh and I never went for anything less than 5 reps on deads. Once I gave up powerlifting and switched to BBing I did not care how much I pulled as much as I did care about how I did pull!

I placed third! Against a former NABBA pro body builder that jumped back into the amatuer ranks!!!:mad: Was not happy about that but was proud of my placing in the circumstances.

15 years ago i pulled deads every week too!!!!

but now i cant... cns cant take it


it may work for a year or 2.....but down the line you will lose
pulling 5 times a month.....thats insane
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i will bet everything i own that i can get you a nasty back if i trained regularly with you!

lol......dont do that bro

you'll lose

it is what it is

Oldfella, I gotta agree. People new to the sport tend to forget about their backs. A great deal of the time these kids just wanna work their glamour muscles (chest and arms :p ), but once they get into the idea of actually competing they look to other things like legs and abs, but pretty much always forget about their backs. That's why a lot of people get mad when they don't win. They forget about their backs. Anyone can go up to a judge and be like "check out these abs!", but when they turn around it's a totally different story. Moral of the story is that you gotta look just as good, if not better, from behind as you do in the front ;)

Also, I'm gonna have to X3 with Shelby, hamstrings need to be considered in there as well. Quads are great and all, but if you don't have that hamstring hanging, it's gonna cost ya :cool:
15 years ago i pulled deads every week too!!!!

but now i cant... cns cant take it


it may work for a year or 2.....but down the line you will lose
pulling 5 times a week.....thats insane
:eek::eek: Ouch..........Re-read my post bro.....4-5 times a month. I know I used to be crazy but that is Insane..............Once a week Tenny. I only trained back once a week! LMAO. I read that and went OH FUCK!! Yea I agree, that shit will bury you quick! LOL. I did do them once a week for several years running, maybe close to five. Never had a problem. I just never went for the one or two rep max lifts. Always kept my heaviest lift at five or six reps. Did rack deads for a while too! These were great for upper back and trap development. Same again, never went for max lifts but instead focused on staying in one piece. Always did no less than five reps. If I could not pull 5 I dropped some weight off until I could.
:eek::eek: Ouch..........Re-read my post bro.....4-5 times a month. I know I used to be crazy but that is Insane..............Once a week Tenny. I only trained back once a week! LMAO. I read that and went OH FUCK!! Yea I agree, that shit will bury you quick! LOL. I did do them once a week for several years running, maybe close to five. Never had a problem. I just never went for the one or two rep max lifts. Always kept my heaviest lift at five or six reps. Did rack deads for a while too! These were great for upper back and trap development. Same again, never went for max lifts but instead focused on staying in one piece. Always did no less than five reps. If I could not pull 5 I dropped some weight off until I could.

opps i meant 1 a week:D
wayy to much for me
i could never do that
and properly do legs too!!!
tiny waist and deadlifts dont mix to well
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Oldfella, I gotta agree. People new to the sport tend to forget about their backs. A great deal of the time these kids just wanna work their glamour muscles (chest and arms :p ), but once they get into the idea of actually competing they look to other things like legs and abs, but pretty much always forget about their backs. That's why a lot of people get mad when they don't win. They forget about their backs. Anyone can go up to a judge and be like "check out these abs!", but when they turn around it's a totally different story. Moral of the story is that you gotta look just as good, if not better, from behind as you do in the front ;)

Also, I'm gonna have to X3 with Shelby, hamstrings need to be considered in there as well. Quads are great and all, but if you don't have that hamstring hanging, it's gonna cost ya :cool:
So true. I have actually seen plenty of guys win their classes at shows with below average legs, but they did have a good back. I really cannot see anyone winning a top level show if they forget to bring their backs on stage. Unless of course everyone else in the line up forgot theirs too!! LOL.
opps i meant 1 a week:D
wayy to much for me
i could never do that
and properly do legs too!!!
tiny waist and deadlifts dont mix to well
now i might agree with that statement! but to counteract that you just build a back as big as a 747!
Try some of my crazy ass back exercises - they are on my website and youtube channel...My backed sucked for YEARS, until I started doing the other stuff - same boat as you - lousy genetics there....


My back sucks as well, just sucks! Needs more size, detail, more detail, and more size...damn it, are weaknesses only make us stronger, well at least that is what I am telling myself to fire me up! But, I am trying some crazy ass workouts to try and fix this problem. Only time will tell, but I will say this, I feel very good about these workouts:)

Thanks JM!
Tenny here is the secret site inject .... j/k. I have to agree with Tenny that not only the size of your back but muscles in general are governed by genetics. Either you are able to build a big thick back or you get what the good lord gave you.

Example in point Markus Ruhl the German Beast huge MOFO but he has very weak triceps which are governed by his genetics. He hits heavy weights does all the different exercises yet he cannot get his triceps to catch up to his gigantic biceps.

So Tenny is right when he says we are what we are.
Tenny here is the secret site inject .... j/k. I have to agree with Tenny that not only the size of your back but muscles in general are governed by genetics. Either you are able to build a big thick back or you get what the good lord gave you.

Example in point Markus Ruhl the German Beast huge MOFO but he has very weak triceps which are governed by his genetics. He hits heavy weights does all the different exercises yet he cannot get his triceps to catch up to his gigantic biceps.

So Tenny is right when he says we are what we are.
I'll have his WEAK triceps any day over mine!! LOL. Yes I too agree we all have genetic limitations. But some of it can be overcome with some lateral thinking, (I did say some of it) different training approaches and just plain old hard work and ingenuity. I do not have the genetics to be a pro bb'er but I did not let that stop me from trying to max out all the genetics I was given. I admit it took some stubborn assed approaches and dogmatic way of doing things but I did manage to get what I thought was the best out of what I was given.
opps i meant 1 a week:D
wayy to much for me
i could never do that
and properly do legs too!!!
tiny waist and deadlifts dont mix to well

Tenny, everything your posted I agree with completly. I workout in a Hardcore Powerlifting gym. 9/10 guys that walk thru the door hold Florida and USA records and about 30 guys hold World Records. They all Deadlift at least once a week and all pull north of 700lbs. But the thing is, only maybe 2 of those guys have decent backs. A few, that can total damn near 2000lbs, don't even look like they workout! Myself and my training partner will do some knee high rackpulls every once in a while, but never deadlift at all. Our backs our some of the best in the gym. I also agree with big deadlifts can very easily equal BIG waist! Back when I was powerlifting, my obliques and surrounding support muscles around the waist grew, making my waist larger than I'd ever want it.
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tenny please dont see this as advice as your physique looks amazing from your pic but have you tried snatch grip deads and pendlay rows??

i have found when i deadlift my hams do a lot of work and on high rep stuff really blow up, i actually do deads on leg day.

however with snatch grip deads i have always felt the upper back muscles feel like they are being heavily taxed and almost pulled apart.

pendlay rows are bent over 90 degree rows where you basically have no hip or upper back movement. after each rep set the bar back to the floor then start second rep and so on. probably a bad explanation but if you look on google for glen pendlay you will find better desc.
well if i had a back pic from my jr. year of wrestling when i was always lean you would see that i had your average joe back! I honestly did not have anything like that till i was about mid way through my senior year, cause i remember my sister telling me "damn your back is getting big". when i got out of highschool and joined the army and ran into some local north carolina bodybuilders and started training with them is when my back REALLY transformed! now here is the kicker of it all, if you look at all of my local workout partners they ALL have excellent back development! EXCELLENT! so now is it genetics or training?

again, im not trying to take away from your work ethic...im sure that is obvious to everyone here, but yes i believe a large part of that pic at such a young age of 20 is most def genetics. look, if i remember correctly, you are natty in that pic and i can tell you with 100% certainty that there is no damn way that pic could ever be me at 20 yrs old and natty...no way. chalk it up to genetics...
I'll have his WEAK triceps any day over mine!! LOL. Yes I too agree we all have genetic limitations. But some of it can be overcome with some lateral thinking, (I did say some of it) different training approaches and just plain old hard work and ingenuity. I do not have the genetics to be a pro bb'er but I did not let that stop me from trying to max out all the genetics I was given. I admit it took some stubborn assed approaches and dogmatic way of doing things but I did manage to get what I thought was the best out of what I was given.

I totally agree with you, if we could all grow like Jay Cutler then we would all be pros but our genetics dictate how we look and really how much we can grow, we up the ante by using drugs but drugs cannot change your genetic profile but it will allow us to make some increases but not to a point of someone who is genetically gifted.

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