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Atrophied tricep


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
It’s been about 6 weeks now. Once day bench pressing I couldn’t complete my 3rd rep on a work set. The first rep was unusually hard. It was definitely an issue with my left tricep.
I took a few weeks off figuring something wasn’t right and I needed some rest. Over the next 6 weeks there’s a good amount of muscle loss in the left tricep and a 1 inch difference between each arm.
2 weeks back, there’s still very little strength however it is slowly increasing. It seems the outer lower portion of the left tricep head does not contract with any noticeable force and there is a clear difference in development between my arms in that locations.
There is no pain at all. I’m thinking it may be a partial tear but can’t be sure.
Suggestions on a rehab protocol?
Currently working 3 jobs and finding time off to go to a doctor is difficult at best.
Long story, but it’s necessary for a business opportunity.
Could potentially be spine related. I wouldn't put off going to a doctor. Any other odd symptoms going on? Any neck pain or tingling in arm?

A decent primary care doc or an ortho doctor would do an exam on you and would be able to tell if you have any neurologic deficit on exam. If its neck related an MRI is a good idea to see if you have a herniation effecting a nerve or spinal cord with can cause weakness and atrophy.
TripplePPP is correct and I'll tell you what my doctor told me with one of my neck issues, that the nerve damage can become permanent fairly quick. So see a spine specialist and get an MRI. I got roughly 95% of the strength back in my left bicep but it's flat now and I can't seem to build it back up.
TripplePPP is correct and I'll tell you what my doctor told me with one of my neck issues, that the nerve damage can become permanent fairly quick. So see a spine specialist and get an MRI. I got roughly 95% of the strength back in my left bicep but it's flat now and I can't seem to build it back up.
I've had this too. Had a neck/spine injury, doc's couldn't figure it out, mri showed nothing but in some occasions I couldn't even lift my left arm. Left tricep suffered a lot as well as the upper portion of my left pec. It's been about 3 years now, pain is completely gone but pressing strength is still not entirely back up there and my left pec looks completely different because the upper part won't connect.

Moral of the story is to go see a doc and don't wait too long
A few years back I herniated 2 discs in my neck...C2 and C3...my left arm would go numb numerous times a day...my upper arm atrophied to size of my forearm and my forearm was not much bigger than my wrist...I could not curl a 5 pound dumbbell...a few rounds of Prednisone and a lot of stretching fixed me up...it took about 9 months...
See a doctor man, don’t put it off! Something is seriously wrong if this is happening to you.

You have to go to a doctor and get that checked out. I made the mistake of not doing that.

I woke up on morning with massive pain in my neck that shot down my right arm. My finger tips constantly tingled. It felt like someone was constantly bashing my funny bone. I had zero tricep function. Literally I could not get my right tricep to twinge the slightest. It was complete paralysis of my tricep to the point where I couldn't even push a 5lb dumbbell over my head. It was the weirdest thing.

It took about 6 weeks of pain relievers and stretching to get the tingling to go away. From there, since my right arm function was minimal, my entire right arm atrophied, my shoulder, lat, and pec all became noticeably smaller.

I started working using EMS units daily to get the muscle to start to contract again, along with Nerve Flossing, and extremely light therabands. It took 6 months to be able to chest press a 35lb dumbbell 1 time.

It took a year of training nothing but the right side 4 times a week and never training the left side to be about 80% balanced. It took 1.5 years to be able to be balanced enough to bench 135. I can only do 205 for 1 rep.

I never cared about being the strongest guy. I always wanted to look better than everybody else. But when your 6'1, 225 with clear and present veins in your side and abs and you can only bench press 135 for 12 reps because your arm will not contract, it is a head fuck. Especially when you add to the fact that I didn't work out for 7 years. I didn't do dick. I decided I wanted to get back in shape and only did bodyweight exercises for 3 months before I attempted to do a bench press. For the first time in 7 years benching, I was still able to put up 275 for 2. Now I can only do 205 for 1.

Even to this day, my right tricep was altered in the way it looks. The outer head doesn't have as much lower mass as it used to and it looks shorter than the left. I am actually very self-conscious about this my right side. lol

Basically what I am getting at is address this right now and do not go through the misery that I had. 1.5 years later, I am still dealing with the issue and it will massively fuck with your head.

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