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AZ show location


New member
Nov 9, 2002
could someone tell me the location of the AZ state show this weekend? I was told it starts at 10 am by BBA.

It is at the Herberger (sp?) theater. Which is in downtown Phoenix. If you take the I-10 West and exit south onto 7th street(left turn) you will travel down to Van Buren and take a right. Its on the left about 2 lights from when you turn. Park across the street at the parking structure. Oh and don't forget to visit the HOUSE OF FITNESS booth downstairs when you enter. See ya there.
ill be there as well

im going to prejudging at 10 . should be a good show , BUT theres a ringer in it , this dude Mike H. has to requalify so hes gonna do it , this guys fucking ridiculous , he won the AZ like 3 yrs ago. hes got huge ass quads with really deep cuts , nobody will come close to him , i beleive hell be at the top heavys or a superheavy.

Mike will be up against Peder Johansson, then (if he's a superheavy...).

**broken link removed**

This is gonna be good show, I think.


this show is gonna be great, Peder looks thick but i bet mikes legs are better, its gonna be fun to see them battle it out.
Re: wow

Vander_V said:
this show is gonna be great, Peder looks thick but i bet mikes legs are better, its gonna be fun to see them battle it out.

I think you might be right. I haven't seen Peder's legs. I do know that he is in shape, though and will weight in in the high 230's / low 240's. He had originally planned on doing the L.A., but didn't want to travel. B/c he's Swedish, he's in a similar situation to REA - he can't compete in the Nat. levels shows, where he should be. Kinda sucks. He's won the supers a couple times at the AZ, but never the overall.

Did Mike do the W. regionals last year?... (Took 2nd to Rusty?) Or is that another guy named Mike...

In the middles, balplayer and another Swede who took 2nd last year (I think), as well as a guy named James (can't remember his last name - he's at all the shows and seems to know everybody - great physique) is doing the show.

I'll be a light-heavy again. Gene Decker is going light-heavy from what I hear (He took 3rd last year in the AZ as a LHW. He was a heavy for the W. regionals last nov., but I can't remember where he placed - top 3 though. I think he'll be improved as a light-heavy, though.)

ill find you at the morning meeting before prejudging randy, look forward to seeing you and seeing the results of all your hard work.
balplayer said:
ill find you at the morning meeting before prejudging randy, look forward to seeing you and seeing the results of all your hard work.

Cool - I'll be at the meeting at 9 sharp.

How's the prep goin' - gonna make weight?...

yes, ive done all the work, and john has brought me to a point where i feel uterly confidant in my condition and whats going to come of it. id like to go to the usa with you guys so i can see john compete he said it would be great if my girl and i could be there. and id like to be. maybe we can talk about it after the show.
No thats mike massey

this mike h. is better then him.

oh and randy are you competing in it? are you from AZ? do we know each other?

dude if so i know one of your competitors in the lhw , hes really not that developed , why dont you post a pic man . whats your weight gonna be?

i hope you do well man and win your class.
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Sounds good, Biggun. Glad to hear you're on track.

Vander, you've got a PM. Here's quad pic I took the other night, just for shit's n' grins.



  • wheels.jpg
    15.5 KB · Views: 302

I can tell ya one thing from your pics , your definetly gonna beat the guy i was talking about , hes pretty lean and should weigh in a t 194 or so but i still think you look better i hope you win bro.

You need to post another pic - without the Porky Pig head (lol) so we can update the banner.

Thanks Vander...

We'll see about winnin' the class. I think I've improved over last year (despite not moving up a class as I had planned - strep throat took me out BAD early in my prep), so that's all I can hope for.

Xcel, I'll get some better pics from the show.

Here's another recent one... Sorry for the shitty lighting - still trying to figure out what this camera likes...



  • abs.jpg
    11.3 KB · Views: 271
this is his show. cant wait to shake the hand of the new mr az after its all over

randy looks awesome but so does Mike H. he won the Az back in 2002 but i havent seen him since 2003 so who knows, he was thick and i can only imagine his quads being even bigger now.

|---[\\\\]>----------- I'll be there, but only for the pre-judging. my new gf is coming into town only for the weekend, so i don't want to take up one whole day for bbing....she's not really into it. I really want to meet up with you guys...immortal is driving in from midwest so we'll be together for sure, and i'm sure Vander will blow up my cell wondering where i am in the venue....i think i'll just ignore him...LOL

As for Mike H. he just got done doing Jr.Nats and got 10th, so he will be coming in at the same wgt. Heavies. I talked to him b4 Jr.'s and he was diced. he should do great at the AZ. he won it couple years ago and he has gotten even better. THis boy gets LARGE in the off season....huge lower body. He is the 1st bber i met when i moved down here and was extremely nice, a trait that you dont normally find with ppl down here....LOL
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Mike trains at my gym...I see him and talk to him everyday. His face is really sunken in and he looks very zombie like right now....thats a good thing too!! LOL. All I have to say is that he is gonna be pretty tough to beat on his conditioning alone.

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