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Back from Nationals (attendee)


Sep 24, 2008
My wife and I went to ATL for the Nationals Finals. We met a lot of competitors, some pros, and had an overall great time. Everyone was very open and friendly. It was our first national level show, so we really took the time to enjoy it all. Watched bikini thru overalls and it was very entertaining and motivating for both of us.

I have one BIG complaint. It may have been brought up on this forum already but I didn't see it. When Robert won the SHW division, the other 4 competitors walked off the stage and didn't stay for the mandatory group pose. They returned only after they were ordered several times to get back on stage.

I don't know what was behind it all, but it wasn't an "oops we forgot to stay" b/c the announcer was telling them to come back as they were walking off stage and they continued off. And they didn't come back immediately. Only returned after being "ordered" back several times.

We thought this was very poor sportsmanship regardless of whatever behind the scenes politics or whatever may have been going on. I don't know if this happens a lot since this was our first time attending, but it was messed up.

I know a lot of the crowd wanted Steve to win, but other than Steve having a bit more leg mass, Robert seemed like the overall biggest and most conditioned from our close seats at the finals.
good to know you guys thought Robert had the best package. always good when people that were there agree with the judges.

if those guys really were trying to snub him in the group mandatory that sucks. if thats a fact i have zero respect for that kind of attitude.:naughty:
everyone up there obviously worked their ass off.
if those guys really were trying to snub him in the group mandatory that sucks. if thats a fact i have zero respect for that kind of attitude.:naughty:

x2! I read that Kennith was pretty mad. It is never fun finishing second I am sure, but you still should respect the winner in my opinion.

I didn't go to nationals but I really wish I would have now. I live only 4 hours from Atlanta so it would have been a good trip to make. I regret not going now but I have spending a lot of money lately so another $500 didn't seem like the right thing to do. Maybe next year.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us witefall.
x2! I read that Kennith was pretty mad. It is never fun finishing second I am sure, but you still should respect the winner in my opinion.

I didn't go to nationals but I really wish I would have now. I live only 4 hours from Atlanta so it would have been a good trip to make. I regret not going now but I have spending a lot of money lately so another $500 didn't seem like the right thing to do. Maybe next year.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us witefall.

You're welcome. The experience was definitely worth the money for us.

Something I didn't expect was that when all the competitors of a weight class (mainly LH, HW, and SHW) walk out on stage together and have their names called out, it is very easy to "cross out" at least 1/2 of the groups names in that initial group showing. The guys that have the overall package of mass and conditioning just jump out at you compared to those that maybe should have waited another year. It was an eye opening experience.
x2! I read that Kennith was pretty mad. It is never fun finishing second I am sure, but you still should respect the winner in my opinion.

I didn't go to nationals but I really wish I would have now. I live only 4 hours from Atlanta so it would have been a good trip to make. I regret not going now but I have spending a lot of money lately so another $500 didn't seem like the right thing to do. Maybe next year.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us witefall.

Who is Kennith?
I was there also...was up front for prejudging and finals...Keith had it on friday night I thought and Steve second....Saturday night Robert looked like something carved out of stone and to me deserved the win...was sitting next to him at breakfast Saturday morning...he was with George....Robert was eating mushrooms lol...now I know the secret!
If there was some animosity towards Robert B., it could have come from his comments that were put in this vid, just around 0:44 and at other times when he's driving the car:

**broken link removed**

Probably played for the camera's and nothing wrong with being confident going into a show, but his physique doesnt do much for me and he was far from destroying the other two...from the pics online I had D. Jemmot and Kuclo for one and two spots.
If there was some animosity towards Robert B., it could have come from his comments that were put in this vid, just around 0:44 and at other times when he's driving the car:

**broken link removed**


that video lol was very good as Robert is talking it all, but hey he still got his card this time.
If there was some animosity towards Robert B., it could have come from his comments that were put in this vid, just around 0:44 and at other times when he's driving the car:

**broken link removed**


I'm all for a little trash talking off stage. At times, bodybuilders and the videos they make are just so dry, and its hard to get caught up in the bodybuilding scene. While I think its easy to go over the top, a little back and forth between rivals wouldn't hurt anyone.

Professionalism on stage however is a completely different story.
If there was some animosity towards Robert B., it could have come from his comments that were put in this vid, just around 0:44 and at other times when he's driving the car:

**broken link removed**


they are just pissed cuz he was RIGHT:headbang:
Arnold talked mad shit but always got respect. you gotta believe you are the best sometimes so you look fearless on stage and confident. i like Burneika alot and i don't think he is arrogant i think he is honest.
he does have a great package (no homo). dude is a freak and amond all those guys on that stsge i think he has best chance at competing next to pros.
Not a big fan of his physique. As far as his attitude, he never has been the most popular guy here in Vegas. Guy has acted like he's better than everyone for a quite a while now.
Thanks for all the videos Wynn.

Notice the nice edit job on the last video. Guys walking off stage before group pose with Robert, and then edit and they are back on stage. The area the camera was shooting from is where most of Steve's vocal supporters were sitting, so I understand them booing, and the edit job ;)
they are just pissed cuz he was RIGHT:headbang:
Arnold talked mad shit but always got respect. you gotta believe you are the best sometimes so you look fearless on stage and confident. i like Burneika alot and i don't think he is arrogant i think he is honest.
he does have a great package (no homo). dude is a freak and amond all those guys on that stsge i think he has best chance at competing next to pros.

That's cool if your opinion matches what he said.

I think his comment was that it would be a "disaster" if Kuclo got his card, which seems a bit at odds with the general impression that most people have of his potential.

Frankly, the first things that comes to mind when someone is making those kinds of proclamations is that they are talking it up for the camera, they are really not that confident, or they know the competitors personally and are setting up a joke that they can laugh about.

His remarks seemed so disparaging and at odds with the most common opinion (including that it was Keith Williams time, given his previous string of 2nd place finishes, at least one of which was ahead of Burneika, I think), that they could be easily be thought of a bit much.

What he says is what he says - either way is OK by me. Just seemed like his comments could easily piss Williams or Kuclo off depending on how they took 'em.

I don't think that Williams or Kuclo agreed with him, though... LOL


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