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Being a male stripper


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 29, 2002
Armageddon, are you still stripping? My wife dropped a bomb on me 2 days ago that she doesn't want to be married anymore after 5 years and a young child. To keep my sanity I think it's time to sew some oats and be a stripper. I'm in the best shape of my life and for the first time think I could make some jack swinging around the package in the faces of some female booze hounds. I heard you could pick a new chick out each and every night. Anybody want to give me some advice? I live close to Myrtle Beach so that's where I'd go.
go for it

1-2 grand (if not more) a week is possible, and yes you can get laid (or at least a BJ) every night.

dont ask me how i know:p
damn dude, sorry to hear that. I'm not arm, but i have a male friend that strips, he makes some pretty good money plus i see him with several different women all the time, he's got a few bi girls ( i have seen them, so i know he';s not just BSing me like alot of guys do hehe) he doesn't always practice safe sex, so if you do go that route, be safe bro. dont wanna hear anyone getting caught with the hiv

Sorry 'bout the loss

Sounds like she really means it and you understand, if you're ready to accept the breakup so quick. Think about keeping it together before you get too jumpy, man.

As far as the stripping, you can def. make some big bucks. I know a guy who makes 6 figures, but he strips in Vegas. It is pretty hard work, actually, he says.

I've heard the way to go is doing private parties, (Bachelorette, etc.). If you go with a club, obviously look for the most upscale one.

BTW, I've never stripped (well, once as a prank on a friend), but have considered it. I've also thought, "I could make some jack swinging around the package in the faces of some female booze hounds." LMAO.

Hang in there, Bro.

I have done it for about 6 years. I personally would not work in a club if you don't have to. WOrk for yourself you keep all the money and make your own rules. If you need to get a start a club will work. I would get yourself some business cards made and hand them out to the ladies at the club to have them call you directly. I charge $85 for 15 minutes and $150 for 30 minutes plus tips. Also remember that you are now and independent contractor and you can write off clothes, gym dues, cd's, haircuts anything to do with your appearance is a tax deduction.
Since the bursitis has flared up I haven't done anything except get fat! LOL It sucks hearing that. I would talk to her before making any rash decisions, I'm sure you have but your family and children come first. That being said I would definately do it on your own, Myrtle beach will bring you some cash. Especially with the summer coming up. You will probably have to start through a club, just to be seen and from there branch out on your own. It's a good way to go. You can write off almost everything. I know more chicks than guys that do it 75%/25% but they write every damn thing you can think of off, even chewing gum. As far as that goes it should work out. My cousin was telling me something about hummer offering people whostart up there own business the ability to write off a huge % of there new purchase on there taxes. This is to permote and stimulate the economy, so you can roll around in a new H2 if you wanted. Just some perks. I didn't know you were in NC, I'll drop a line if I do there service thing as I'm trying to go to fort Bragg. Let us know how it goes. I would actually stray away from the chicks, not that I don't like'm. But it's drama and can cause alot more problems for ya. Sure strange pussy is great and all, just cause it's different. But it brings in the unknown factor and that could lead to something deadly. Just my thought. But either way have fun with it.:D :cool:
My best friend has been doing it for a looong time now and the money is good. He actually makes more doing that then his job at a high class car dealership. The hours suck and most guys that work there don't have another job. You can make an easy $50k per year in cash doing it but, be forewarned that if you don't claim some of it at end of year you will get FUCKED!!

No I've never been into canada to work it lol, but have thought about it. Not to sure as the first place I can think of is Danny's and I am what you would say a grower, not a show'r j/k They few things that I've done haven't required me to be butt ass naked I don't exactly know how I would deal with that. I've had a few friends that have done it and some of the stories that they have about what they have to go through i.e. like tying things off, I'm not too sure about. But it's good cash. I had this close friend that made over 100g's in back to back years and claimed none. She's never had a problem, but she has nothing to show for it. So if it's something that you want to do just be sensable with the $$$$
I had my interview last night and there wasn't much to it. The manager told me the way things work and that I'd start out on the floor a few weeks before I have to go onstage. On one hand, the scene seems pretty gay and I don't know how I'm going to walk around in a thong with a fake shlong in my drawers. On the other hand, damn, damn, and damn. There were 300 screaming horney chicks and 20-30 hot ass bities. To have hot chicks groping on me (hopefully) is pretty much a dream come true. After talking to the manager, I went to the bar to get a water and a group of girls asked me to come over to their table. They asked me to dance for them and when I told them I wasn't working, one chick said she'd pay big money to have me dance for her. Ok, where are the hidden cameras, I must be on one of those practical joke shows. I've seen it on TV, but I had no idea that girls really act like those chicks did. Out of 10 dancers, 8 were in shape, 3 were skinny, and only 2 were over 200lbs, but the chicks loved each and every one of them. On the boobies side of the club, there were some sweeties that I really, really need to get to know better. It's been 6 years since I had 2 at a time for a "Queefer sandwich", and that's 6 years too long. Hey Ken or Arm, any advice you could give me for my first night would be extremely appreciated.
Dude I have been stripping for about 2 months now and I must tell you its alright! Pretty good cash and usually you have a high chance on sticking something at the end of the night! What I do is talk to everyone even the uglies like they are the last girl on the planet! Act interested in everyone they love it and they will tip you more! I hate getting up and dancing around for cash but I love womsan molesting me and then paying me for it! I work in a club and have done 2 private dances at homes and I make more at homes but don't have the cleintel to do that all the time! I average about 300 a night and the lowest I made was 60 and the hightest was just under 800 so its alright!
stackdizzy said:
Dude I have been stripping for about 2 months now and I must tell you its alright! Pretty good cash and usually you have a high chance on sticking something at the end of the night! What I do is talk to everyone even the uglies like they are the last girl on the planet! Act interested in everyone they love it and they will tip you more! I hate getting up and dancing around for cash but I love womsan molesting me and then paying me for it! I work in a club and have done 2 private dances at homes and I make more at homes but don't have the cleintel to do that all the time! I average about 300 a night and the lowest I made was 60 and the hightest was just under 800 so its alright!

800 in a night? damn, my fat ass needs to lose some weight lol

Be nice to everyone. It is real easy to go to all the nice ass girls, but if you want to make some serious money the fat ugly chicks have it. Smile at everyone and have allot of fun with it. There will always be an easy lay so make sure you get paid first. No what I mean? Get the money from the girls then when they have nothing left stick it in.:D
Shit, reading this I think we need to put on the men of PRO MUSCLE revue and all make some serious cash!!!!!!

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
my buddy use to strip at la bares(sp?) its a male strip club here in the south. he made good money, around 30-40k a year. when he found out how much gay strippers made, he quickly went that route. hes not gay at all. he pulls out wads of hundreds and he said he easily made over 100k last year. gay men have money and like to spend it, if u are comfortable with your sexuality then go for it. that stuff aint for me.
I did it all - clubs, privates and I was part of a male revue group. The group was awesome as we were touring and at every show, girls would ask for autographs, and when you get back to the change room you found them waiting for you and you would just take your pick, etc LOL

Private parties make the most $. Whereever you go, girls will love it and you'll make good $ and TONS of fringe benefits :D

Also, 100% agreed. Be NICE to the fatties/uglies. I always concentrated on the fatties and they loved it and slipped in tons of cash, but all the hotties would come up to me at the end of the night anyway, part of the reason being because they saw how nice I was to the uglies, so I would always end up with a nice looking girl at the end of the night.
:D i think i have found my calling!! hehe big A, i swear you have done it all... your my hero! :D is it a fun job but?
bigDave said:
:big A, i swear you have done it all...

I haven't even scratched the surface yet! :D

It is a fun 'job'. I never looked at it as a job - it was for fun and girls. The $ were bonus. Hell, I would have done it for free - I am an exhibitionist ;) :cool:
Everyone's advice is pretty much right on. Never having worked in a club, but being in many I like the floor better than the stage anyways. It's a chance to be more personable to a point and if your not the best mover and shaker it gives you the ability to talk them out of cash!
Private parties are the way to go. I don't know how much of a fan I am of the revue gig, but anyways it all pays.

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